EPISODE 14: Copper!*

After a long day in a peaceful town, we were able to acquire the database and submitted it to our leaders. Once again, I have met the standards of those who have titles higher than me, and just by hearing their appraisals make me delighted. As for Zeal, she was complimented too but I noticed the leaders were giving more praise to me rather than her.

I felt sorry and guilty, not to mention all I did was to try to end a professor's life. I believe she deserves all the praises as well. She thought of the idea, and she is also the one who executed it properly with the help of her Roserade. I wanted to tell the leaders about this, but once again, timidity struck.

To the present!

Back in my room to take my nap, I am happy to see Liligant, holding the egg like a mother while singing a lullaby. Motherly love is present, and her song was so soothing and sweet. It is the kind of song that calms any storm, the song that could quell wars. Hearing it gives me the urge to jump to my bed and listen further. I knew I could count on her and as a reward, I gave her some of her favorite berries. The egg is looking healthy as ever, and now it is time for me to do my responsibility as its owner too.

Again, I inject calcium and iron into the egg. An egg that is healthy ends up hatching into a flourished Pokemon. Also, I wonder what gender my new Pokemon will be. Hopefully, a female to keep my female streak going. Every single one of my Pokemon are females because I just feel awkward to have a male member on my team.

And after a stressful day of guessing passwords and gathering data, I hop to my bed, squirming like a worm while cloaking myself with the blanket. with the press of the remote, the lights shut and the air-condition automatically opened. Ah, what would I do without technology? It is now a necessary need for humanity. Although being decent, the quality of the technology here is above five stars for me.

I was about to enter my fantasies, dreaming of tomorrow when suddenly my Pokemon leaps to me, awakening me again.

"Just tonight," I whisper, and allowed them to join me. For the rest of the tranquil evening, I slept with my Pokemon, cuddling them tightly as ever, making them my pillows.

Morning arrives and today, I am off-duty. I believe it is time to do something creative for once and that is to draw. It has been a long time since I held a paper and pen, or in my case, a sketch pad. As for the egg, I decided to bring it with me. No way will I waste the opportunity to miss a probably once in a lifetime event. The process of hatching. I've seen eggs hatching in movies and I want to experience one in reality.

Where could be the most peaceful to draw? In my case that would the library. Far from machinery, away from noises, and safe from any annoyance. Inside the library, I was greeted by Melchior's smile who was once again staring unto the other grunts while pretending to read a newspaper.

I've noticed some of the grunts are somehow similar to my age. Others are older with an age of thirty plus, but the superiority of count goes to the young agents. Most are just pleasing to look at. Seeing them interact with their Pokemon makes me want to do the same. There are also young agents with an age of seventeen or so who are still in the inappropriate age to undergo a relationship with the opposite gender. They look like lovebirds who I assume will have a bitter ending since yet again, they are young.

As for me, I will stick to my mother's instructions and wait for myself to turn eighteen before having a relationship with other people. Plus, men are vague nowadays, although I may be proven wrong. As for Jenny who is one year older than me, I wonder if she has found someone special. She loves keeping secrets.

As I sit, inspiration immediately struck me. I will be drawing the map of Hoenn since that is the only thing I could think of. I start things with a pencil, drawing an outline first and proceeding with the marker to make the outline of the region permanent. It ended up looking like a chicken with a crippled back. From there, I tear the paper and restart everything from scratch until I end up with Hoenn instead of a chicken. A drawing, that satisfies me.

And at last, after eight tries, I was able to achieve Hoenn. Finally, everything was precise and argument, like how the region really looks like. It does not look like a chicken anymore and if I were to sell this, I'd earn a lot but I don't intend to do so since I do not have any idea on how to do that yet.

Next comes painting. I apply colors in strokes of horizontal lines. The colors are simply hues of green with a pinch of brown for the land, while a mixture of the different blues, to lift the portrait from a monochrome appeal. Each one is like a subtle watercolor wash over a pencil drawing, noticeable, but submissive to graphite underneath.

"Nice, a woman who draws. It looks like a chicken." a random young man with perhaps the same age as me interrupts my peaceful moment drawing, throwing criticisms at it. His hair is black as so as his pupils. His complexion is tan-brown too.

"Thank you," I say sarcastically while continuing to draw.

"The name's Copper."

"Hi Copper, are you bored?" sarcastically, I speak again while drawing.

"No, I'm just reserving this seat for my friend."

"Sorry but first come first serve."

"Know who you're talking to. I am one of the greatest Elite Operatives of Team Rocket."

"Strange, never heard of you before."

"What the?! I've never heard of you either."

"That is true. I never said I was one of the greatest so- yeah."

"Pfft. I bet I can beat-"

"Sorry I don't have time to battle. As you can see, I'm busy drawing."

"Why waste time with that chicken of yours?" and he persists to insult my work. Meanwhile, I remain calm, wanting to laugh desperately.

"Funny. You're right, it does look like you."

"What the?! Are you trying to insult me?"

"I'm trying to get rid of you actually." sarcastically, I say, letting off a chuckle afterward.

"You know what? Just move away, I want this seat and there is nothing you can do about it!"

"You're demeanor is childish. No wonder why you look like a chicken. Learn how to act like an adult before criticizing me. Only then will your criticisms be useful to the society." I tease sarcastically. I could not do anything but laugh hard.

"Alright, you've passed my limit!" Instead of me getting infuriated, it is the mocker. Copper, decides to grab my work off of me, and makes the decision to tear it. Perhaps it was to scare me.

Before he starts to rip it, I stand up and defended my work by pinning his head to the table. He struggles, but my grip was too tight. Finally, I was able to grab my work back from him.

"Let me go." pleads, Copper.

"Your neck is exposed and one hit it's game over by you. You can mess with me but never my works. Got that douche-bag?" I whisper viciously to his ears, while tightening my hand on his head...