EPISODE 17: Amidst Land and Water!*

Electrike unleashes a Thunder Shock move, it was quickly blocked with Gallade's blade. He crossed his arms together, forming some sort of X that was able to protect himself from the attack. Logan follows it up with Close Combat. It was an exciting thing to see how fast Gallade punched the foe, giving no opportunity for it to dodge. After those two attacks, Logan throws the Pokeball.

It is as though as time stood still with our hearts racing and pounding loudly. The ball shakes once, shakes twice, and finally, it stopped with a green light flashing on the button symbolizing a capture. Logan and Gallade were riding the crest of the wives after seeing the green light. It boosted their spirits and just by their looks, it's obvious they're in the seventh heaven.

"Thank you for your help, Luna Evergreen. Without you, I'd never be able to catch an Electrike. How may I return the favor? Hmm, I know! I won't tell the cops you're an agent of Team Rocket."

"Me? Who's Team Rocket?"

"Hehe, I saw you from the wanted list back in Johto. I also knew you were not here because of a vacation but at least my senses were right, Team Rocket are skilled when it comes to hunting Pokemon."

"What the?! You think we're some kind of gang who poach on Pokemon?!" I immediately infuriated after hearing a misinterpretation.

"That's what the social media says."

"The social media is nothing but a galore of lies only to twist the minds of the innocent and making them think we're a criminal organization. I doubt they even announced that it was an elite operative of Team Rocket who saved Johto from near extinction."

"Sorry, I guess your right."

"It's fine. Everybody thinks Team Rocket is an evil organization because of Giovanni."

From our conversation something from the distance interrupts. It was an explosion, not that massive however but it was able to attract both of our attentions. Behind a bush we decide to stay low, observing what is happening on the patch of grass. There were two grunts, wearing opposite colors, blue and red. They seem to be rivals, clashing against one another.

"Team Magma and Team Aqua. What are they doing here?" queries, Logan with a slight mixture of anger.

"Who are those?"

"They're two organizations who are trying to compete over one another. They're retards who have a dream of expanding either the lithosphere or the hydrosphere. You can easily tell which is which by their names. I've encountered those grunts in Oldale, my hometown and they're tough to fight against." explains, Logan by whispering to my ears.

On my mind, I knew I had to report this to Team Rocket Headquarters straight on. Two organizations? Sounds like double trouble for us. Every organization has its favorite Pokemon and it could be a Pokemon which is needed by Team Rocket, therefore, leading to an argument between three organizations. What is worse, Team Aqua and Magma might have a truce leaving it to a one against two.

"Can you be my partner?" asks, Logan.

"Wait what the? Are you serious? I'm only seventeen years old and we just recently met each other." I answer right away. The question was sudden, and it made me wear a flabbergasted expression.

"Perhaps I did not clarify things. What I meant was for you to become my tag partner in battling to take them down. Why would you think I'd randomly ask a person to be my partner?"

"Never mind. Fine, let's get this over with." I sigh with embarrassment.

From our hiding spot, we jump out of the bushes, debuting in front of the two grunts fighting like children over a lollipop. Our sudden debut, has caught their attention.

As for me, I realized one of those grunts. The Team Magma grunt, I feel like I've seen him before but I do not no where. My sanity tried to recall things and that is when I remembered his name. Maximus. The son of the imposer who tried to act like a Mr.Fuji.

"Maximus?!" I yell with rage. Realizing his looks I know understand the "M" written in the wall of one of the houses in Fuchsia City. It was also during that moment when I came across Koga whom I've nearly killed.

"Luna? Sigh, I guess you've finally found me. Hehe, was my father a great actor?"

"You're father is a douche-bag."

"Wait, the two of you know each other?" Logan asks, confused.

"He is the son of an imposer. I still have a bone to pick with him." I explain.

"Alright then. I guess that means we both have a reason to stop them. End your madness Team Aqua and Magma." Logan raises his voice, demanding the two organizations.

"Those kinds of demands never work. Sometimes, they have to learn the hard-way, Gardevoir! Come out."

"Hmm, you have a point. Gallade, come out and help."

The two of us tossed out one of our leading Pokemon. This tag battle is interesting. I and Logan were using technically the same Pokemon but with different looks, genders, and name. I wonder how a Gardevoir and Gallade tag battle would end up. Both of them first stared at each other, they looked away with no interest. Inside them is bitter rivalry whom me and Logan knew are trying to impress who's stronger.

"Aye! Goodbye mate." says, the Aqua Grunt as he ditched Maximus, running to the east of the forest.

"Screw this. One against two is not fair. I'm leaving." Maximus adds as he does the same thing and runs away.

"What the?! Come back here! Gardevoir, use Psychic!"

With Gardevoir's move, it completely stops Maximus from moving. She then moves Maximus closer to me.

"You think I'll forgive you and let you go just like that? Screw the aqua grunt, I've been longing to meet you again. Your insolent father, where is he? In case you lie, Gardevoir can sense it, and she will immediately choke you with air if you dare try to say a lie." I warn, glaring at Maximus with the most intense scowl. As for Logan he just watched, as if he was in a cinema watching an action scene with his Pokemon partner Gallade while eating a bucket of popcorn.

"Father is back in Kanto."

Gardevoir quickly swifts her head sideways, hinting it was a lie.

"One last chance, where is your father?" I query as Gardevoir tightens the wind's grip on his neck.

"I said he is in Kanto!"

"Alright. I ran out of patience. Gardevoir go." In my command, Gardevoir cracks his neck with the use of the wind. It was both disturbing and annoying to the point me and Logan had to close our eyes and ears. She then tosses the body to the sky, and who knows where it would land?

"You killed the grunt?! No wonder why you're in the wanted list."

"Now that Maximus is a goner, his father will come to me instead of me coming to him. Of course, he will be longing for revenge too. Speak none of this to the police."

"You want me to hide a murderer?!"

"I did you a favor remember? Please, Logan, I am not a murderer. He nearly killed me so I took revenge."

"There's a big difference between being nearly killed and literally killing someone. I- I'm sorry I could protect you if you were a thief or burglar but a murderer?! Oh ho, I observed your eyes, it was obvious this was not your first time to murder someone."

"I am not a murderer Logan. Please, I am trusting you to keep your mouth locked and tell nothing to the police once they found a body lurking somewhere in the forest."

'F-fine. I'll see what I can do." says, Logan.

During the sunset, me and him parted ways. He returned to his hotel as I returned to headquarters to report about this sighting. There is a part of me who doubts about Logan's words, and I'm trying to push myself to trust him he won't tell anyone about this. As for the father, I realized his name after stumbling upon an old news on the internet on my way back to headquarters. He is indeed an imposer and member of Team Magma but coincidentally, he died a week ago.