EPISODE 24: Archives of Doom!*

"So, the two of you are new here eh? I am Tabitha, an Admin of this organization. It will be an honor to know more about you. Our Leader Maxie is responsible for giving out the missions while I tell grunts like you on what to do. Sigh, we're far from reaching the crescendo of our purpose. Leader Maxie wants me to research about a process known as Primal Reversion." he introduces himself as we walk to the main room of their hideout.

"Primal Reversion?" Zeal asks, somehow interested.

"Primal Reversion is a new form of- what ya call it? No, not evolution. Somehow a form of change. It allows a Pokemon to use more of its strength if interacted by a necessary item. In our case, the Red Orb or the ruby will be helpful in order for Groudon to be manipulated unto its primal form thus we have the advent of a new type of Groudon known as Primal Groudon." Tabitha answers as we further walk to the room. After that little talking, we decided to remain in silence, wondering more about his words.

I know about the process since I read it in the library but for Zeal, she seems to be a woman wherein the answer goes to her instead of her seeking for the answer.

"Here are the archives." After a minute of walking we reach the room. Tabitha even kindly opened the door for us to enter. Inside the room is the core system of the Magma Database. Inside that database is their prize possession which Team Rocket earnestly longs for.

A lot of dangling wires, intervening with one another. The room has a high tech feel to it. The inner walls are metallic rather than sandstone which the rest of the vicinity is made out of. As our eyes marveled to the room, our attention was stolen with a sudden bang on the door. The door was slammed shut and all what is left inside is me, Zeal, and Tabitha. He shows us his malicious scowl and malevolent glare.

"Of course... What can we expect? He is an admin of Team Magma after all." I sigh with disappointment.

"Indeed I am, and as an admin I know how things work around here. Archives are not for registering people thus I knew you belonged to Team Aqua. Surrender now, your game is over." Tabitha starts to laugh hysterically.

"To protect the worl-"

"No, no need to say our motto." Our motto makes me cringe so I interrupted her.

"Wait, don't-"

"It's optional and unnecessary."

Instead of our motto, we revealed our true identities, taking off their stinky apparel and showing our true colors.

"What the? You two are not from Team Aqua?!" Tabitha flinches in hysteria.

"We are of Team Rocket, a famous and well-known organization who has slaughtered a lot of organizations. The archives are ours, and there will be no one to stop us."

"Luna, half of that is not true." Zeal whispers, correcting me. I know she is correct but I wanted to boast in front of Tabitha.

"Impossible? I thought there was only Team Aqua?"

"I guess you thought wrong. Luna, go steal the archives, leave the admin to me."

"Got it Zeal!" I salute, following her orders and inserting the microchip to the core system. The bar shows up, and just like before, a minute takes about three percent to load.

"Hehehe! I, Tabitha, never loses to any foe. If you are that desperate to challenge me then so be it! I won't hold back for the glory of Leader Maxie! Come out, Weezing!"

"Team Rocket shall not be left in vein. Medicham, it is time for action!"

Medicham is a humanoid, bipedal Pokémon that resembles a yoga practitioner. It has a gray body with red and yellow adornments. A red headpiece with three bulb-like extensions covers the upper portion of its head: one on top and one on either side. The bulb on top is short on a female Medicham. Its large, focused eyes are slightly covered by the headpiece, and its red lips seem to be in a rounded or puckered position. Its legs appear to be covered with puffy, red pants that have a large yellow spot on the knees and yellow bands next to the hips. While the data is being gathered, I watched Zeal and Tabitha fight. This is my first time to observe her.

"Weezing! Use Sludge Wave!"

"Medicham, dodge then use Double Kick!"

With maximum velocity, Medicham dodges the attack, moving to the right. As for the foe, it was hit gravely with Double Kick that dealt a lot of damage. Even until now, the high pitched tone of Weezing seems to irritate me. Sounds like an old grandfather with a vocal problem.

As the battle rages onward, the percentage on the screen reaches ninety-four percent. I'm tired of waiting too long and inside of me was an urge to scold the core system. There is no signal or if there is, it would be the worse if you're in a desert.

Zeal and Tabitha threw attacks at one another, and just by how it looks it is obvious Zeal is a tough and skilled Elite Operative unlike me who relies on killing people. Her battling skills astound me. She battles like a champion, making the best out of the environment around her. An inner feeling wants me to be like her, a skilled operative.

"Finished! I've obtained the database." I shout in relief, exerting the microchip from the core system. All those time for waiting paid off and at least I had entertainment while watching Zeal and Tabitha fight.

"Medicham! Teleport." Zeal commands. In a blink of an eye, a portal goes through the three of us. The next thing we know, we're out of the desert, somewhere near Xeryll's helicopter. If it wasn't because of Zeal's Medicham, we would be stuck inside the room, forced to battle Tabitha. I wonder if he's angry right now. He probably is.

"Glad our mission is finally over."

"Yup. I was able to gather the archives from both organizations." with relief, we lie on the cold soil that gives warmth to our bodies after all long mission in the dunes of the desert. I feel very much relieved.

"Hey, so I watched your battle with Tabitha and I'm wondering if you can teach me some of your techniques?" I plead but my question seemed to change Zeal's attitude all of a sudden. She glares at me, as if I was a complete stranger to her.

"We're partners not friends. I am doing this for Team Rocket and not for you. If you want to train then go do some research." she says in a bitter manner as she stands from the ground and walks far from me.

"Was there anything wrong with what I said?"

"Forget it. Let's return to headquarters." she replies. There is something in her that grabs my attention. First she seemed enthusiastic then she became bitter now she seems solemn and melancholy out of nowhere. I wonder what has happened to her this time that made her change her demeanor all of a sudden.