EPISODE 26: Magma Response!*

Tabitha feels a sudden increase in heart rate. He has a dry mouth with jaws clenched tightly. Back in their very own headquarters, Tabitha enters Maxie's room, feeling flushed about the recent events. Upon entering the room, he meets Maxie, having a nice conversation with Courtney.

"Leader Maxie sir, our-"

"Archives have been stolen?" Maxie finishes Tabitha's words yet looking calm and intoned.

"H-how did you know Leader Maxie?"

"You are late. I delivered the details first before you." chuckles, Courtney.

"Pfft. You were not even in our hideout."

"Tsk tsk. I have my ways, not to mention, I am a tech-savvy woman who has mastered every device used here. The archives are connected to every system in every hideout, meaning Team Aqua merely stole a copy. Hee hee, thought there was only one?" Courtney chuckles again, seemingly making fun of Tabitha. Her tease only made Tabitha's anger intensify.

"You're half right. It was not Team Aqua who stole the archives." Tabitha corrected. Upon hearing this, Maxie was immediately interested, turning his chair to him as mumbles, "Go on."

"Hehe, not so right are ya Courtney?" boasts, Tabitha.

"Whatever," Courtney replies back, rolling her eyeballs.

"They call themselves Team Rocket and they're a secret organization. I came across two grunts in which one of them was a good trainer. She nearly knocked out my Weezing but decided to teleport with her partner after stealing our archives. On my way back, I did a little research and figured that they're main headquarters is in the Kanto Region but after being taken down by their Elite Four, Johto became their new headquarters.

As for Hoenn, I feel like they have a secret hideout too but can't detect where. It looks like we have two organizations to deal with after all." Tabitha explains, showing our Team Rocket logo through a hologram.

"What a childish name. Out of all the names out there, they chose "Rocket". Hee hee, don't worry Leader Maxie sir, they cannot outmatch us." Courtney seeps into the conversation, happily teasing our name.

"I am uncertain of their purpose here in our region but whatever it is, it's probably similar to us. They would not steal the archives for nothing at all. Tabitha is lucky to encounter a few of their agents. Though I do not know they're name, I believe they are skilled. This is my first time to see rivals attack us by blending in with our outfits.

Team Rocket is truly something unlike that Magikarp-splashing organization, Team Aqua. Sigh, their leader is always drunk." Keeping his expressionless look, Maxie utters.

"Tsk, tsk. Their organization will only blast off like a rocket. Do not worry Leader Maxie sir, I won't them take advantage of us. Team Rocket will not prevail long enough to witness the moment your dream comes to reality. Hee hee." Courtney chuckles again with high exuberance, like how she always is.

"I know. I trust my two endearing admins to find more about this organization. Seems like Team Aqua are stagnant again as I have not seen one of their grunts for a long time already. Anyhow, go along now and enjoy some free time. The two of you are hardworking, and I believe you deserve it." And from there, the two admins salute as they leave Maxie in peace.

With him alone, he tilts his chair back to his desk as he takes another sip from his coffee. Bit by bit he starts to chuckle, and the louder it gets, the more hysterical it becomes. Finally, he ends his laughter with, "Team Rocket will be pulverized alongside Team Aqua. No one can stop my dreams from coming to reality. I've waited for so long, and I cannot afford to miss the opportunity again."