EPISODE 29: Rustboro!*

And since a new morning has arrived in Hoenn, I've decided to do a little bonding by visiting a famous city within this region. It is known as Rustboro, and is in fact one of the largest cities here. Its title is long but known throughout, "The city probing the integration of nature and science." Rustboro City has an unusual yet unique cityscape in the Hoenn region. The buildings' architectures are designed with stones, giving it an old-town feeling.

Once again, Xeryll drops me in the city, the usual in every day-off. Me and my Pokemon cannot wait but to see what the city has to offer. Unlike in Petalburg, the streets here are quite filled with warm air which is the type of air that makes you exhausted and tired like the ones in a desert but less intense. It is because of the hundreds of factories emitting smoke which caused the air to turn warm.

Despite this, the city's ambiance is still enjoyable with only a few cars visible, most use Tauros as their source of transportation and the floors are made out of bricks too. It may have an old feeling to it, but there are some visible technologies such as the large hanging screens above popular landmarks, small televisions in every shop, and the abundant amount of cables hanging everywhere.

The first place I visit is the self-proclaimed "well known" landmark in the region. It is known as the Cutter's house and I decided to pay a visit out of my curious mind. After giving three knocks on the door, I was greeted by a bald man and his toothy smile.

"Hello there young lad. I am known as the cutter. I offer free hidden machines to anyone who wants one. Just say the word and I'll give it to ya!" says, the bald man with enthusiasm.

"A hidden machine?"

"Yes! A hidden machine is a disk that allows a Pokemon to learn a special move whereas a technical machine for a common move. I specialize in HM01 known as cut. Just feed the disk-"

"Wait you want my Pokemon to eat the disk?! No thanks, I'll be passing for now since I'm not a trainer anyway." I decline respectfully.

"Oh..." He becomes expressionless. He continues, "You're wasting your opportunity if you disagree. Are ya sure?"

"Hehe. I don't force my Pokemon to learn a move when they don't want. Thank you for the offer anyway. I really appreciate it." I utter, keeping things respectful to not hurt his feelings. Gently he closes the door, looking disappointment. It is obvious he has lost countless of customers too who had rejected his offer too. I was being sarcastic about the disk since the Pokemon is not intended to eat but rather to watch it. Saying those, I feel like I've unintentionally crushed his feelings.

And so my stroll around the city continues onward. I tried some of their delicacies which is, to be honest, better than the ones in Johto. I am in love with them and hopefully, I get to try the famous lava cookies which is only exclusive for the people living in a specific town near the volcano. I can't quite remember the name.

As I saunter, my eyes were stolen by a large screen hanging above an arena. There I stopped for a moment as I sit down unto a long brown bench, watching the match between the gym leader Roxanne who is surprisingly younger than me. She's a student in high-school and I don't even attend a lecture meeting anymore with either my mother who teaches me or a hired tutor whenever mother has to attend business trips.

Coincidentally, she is currently battling Logan, the trainer who've asked help from me to capture a rare Pokemon within Petalburg woods known as Electrike. I've grown a sudden interest in him not because I like him and other things related to this but because I feel like he's a high-level Team Rocket threat. He has a Gallade and a tiger Pokemon which are pretty strong. Although he looks like a person whom I can trust since he didn't call the cops in me.

Watching him battle, it reminds me of Red and Ethan but a bit lower. He used an electric type against a Nosepass but by surprise, he was able to defeat it. Mother is right, sometimes disadvantages do not apply if the trainer is skilled enough to analyze the current situation. To be honest, I was in awe while watching him battle. His skills as a trainer are impressive and I've stolen some of his strategies. In the end, Logan triumphed over the Rustboro gym.

The whole match gave me goosebumps even if I was neutral, siding with no one. On my lap is a paper in which I've analyzed some of Logan's moves plus Roxanne's. The match was by far stunning. The tactics used keeps me captivated to watch further on as the inner me longs for who is to win.

After the match, I was about to leave to continue with other interesting matters but suddenly someone from behind touches my shoulder. I looked behind, only to greet Logan with a shocked expression after he surprised me from behind. It was kind of shocking how fast it took him to leave the arena.

"Luna? I never knew you were watching one of my matches." Logan says with full exuberance.

"I was neutral and I only watched to improve my knowledge in Pokemon battling."

"Oh really? I can teach you some if you would like to know more."

"No thank you. I train back in headquarters."

"Really? Where's your headquarters?"

"You expect me to tell you an important and secret detail? Sorry but our headquarters is to remain anonymous. Wait a minute, you're working for the Pokemon International Police aren't you?"

"You still do not trust me? If I was a member of the Pokemon International Police then you must've been arrested by now. The incident back in the woods is still a secret." Logan winks.

"Just make sure. Anyway, I won't waste my time further. I am really busy-"

"But you said you were in a day-off?"

"What I meant to say I was busy entertaining myself by exploring the city during my day-off. This is where we part-ways since all of this is an unexpected coincidence in the first place." I bid goodbye and walked away from him.

He halts me for a moment and says, "W-wait. Is there by any chance you can tell me Team Rocket's purpose? Nothing, it's just a random question that appeared in my mind."

"Anything about my organization is to remain anonymous. Come to think of it, you are suspicious to ask me such a question. I'll be keeping an eye on you to make sure you won't ruin our plans as an organization. We are merely acquaintances."

"You still lack faith in me despite covering up for your murder? Heh, it's fine. I'll find out soon."

And from there our conversation ended as we started to part-ways. Suddenly a man wearing a green tuxedo and brown stylish hair, obviously rich interrupts in between...