EPISODE 33: Middle of the Night!*

For hours I stayed inside my room, walking around in circles as I try to cope up with life after seeing Charlotte's appearance. She was about to be a figment of my imagination like Xavier and the others who are close to me and lost their lives but then this day happened. I knew it, I should not have agreed to this side-quest in the first place to not encounter her.

I am going insane, literally throwing things around as I wonder how a dead person can be brought back to life. Lastly, I remember a name who goes by Maxie. I assume he is the brains behind this, and will suffer a terrible fate once I find him. My words are to remain unbreakable, and I vow to end the man who've brainwashed my friend.

It is the middle of the night and I decided to do something illegal. I leave my room with no grunt in sight walking around the halls and corridors. Everybody must be sleeping humbly in their respective room while I, Luna Evergreen long for answers. I infiltrate the locked doors of our very own warehouse and made my way to the control center in which the archives pertaining to Team Magma is located.

Alone in the room, I stole the microchip and took out my laptop inside my bag. I plug in the chip and once inserted, I scrolled to the folders containing every valuable detail about Team Magma. I tried searching for Charlotte's name but I realized she was somehow changed to Elite Operative Axis Emerald in which she has been classified as a test subject. This increases my interest.

According to her biography found in the archives, she was found unconscious, floating in a river at the Kanto Region. It was a stroke of luck for her to land on something capable of saving her life rather than the flakes of snow and ice back during my time inside the Team Rocket train.

I read further and there my questions were answered one by one. Upon landing on the cold and harsh river, her body flowed through and the next morning was saved by a group of Team Magma grunts. They held her captive, in case she tries to struggle upon waking up. Afterward, they sent her to the Hoenn Region in which she was injected by a white serum capable of brainwashing people.

Hearing about the serum, I stop reading for a moment as I try to understand those words. She was able to survive the fall and was stolen by the enemy. What's worse, she was injected with a serum I am not familiar with. There is no name, completely blank nor is there a title of the company responsible for producing these. One thing is for sure, it was from a region I have not heard of, Galar.

Produced in Galar, sent to Hoenn, this is the information I have about the serums and nothing much more except the fact it brainwashes people, causing them to forget their memories. This explains why Charlotte called herself Axis and was entitled: Test Subject in her biography.

I read further. She was given the name Axis by a leader named Maxie, the same person whom she talked about back in a route beside the city. The serum was able to make her cleverness improve, stamina, and skills thus giving Maxie the decision to promote her into an elite operative.

This must be the key fundamental why she dared to kill me in the first place. Interestingly, Charlotte's biography has completely dispersed my drowsiness out of me. Her biography ends with the words, "The first successful test subject" which gives me a conclusion a lot of people were injected with this kind of serums from the Galar Region.

Enough about her and I decided to search about the region. Galar is extremely far from the seven main regions, making it almost impossible to reach by boat. A plane is the only vehicle that can send you from either of the seven to Galar due to how far it is.

And at the end of my research, I shut down my laptop and exerted the microchip. I was speechless with what I've seen, also angered about the serums which corrupted Charlotte's sanity. There are no ways as of now to snap her back to reality and the company behind this madness is anonymous. It enrages me to think an organization similar to the Pokemon Government Council has the brains to do such an experiment on people instead of Pokemon.

After this research, my drowsiness returned as I carefully placed the microchip back to where it truly belongs. In the end, I sigh, also stressed with what I've seen. Knowing the name behind Charlotte's experiment, I vow to end him for good and restore Charlotte's mind to perfect condition.