EPISODE 35: Revelation!*

With a petite look, she takes her glance into the new world. She may not be the cutest but at least she belongs to a powerful class. I regret saying I hate adopting dragon types. Bagon has completely changed my perspective on them. Perhaps some may be tiny like her and others are just feisty like Lance's Dragon trio. Or maybe Bagon is feisty as well but it has not evolved yet. Hmm.

Anyway, now that Bagon has hatched, I am her rightful owner. With the throw of a Pokeball, she immediately enters. In three shakes, a green light glimmers in the button, symbolizing a catch. A team of six! Liligant, Absol, Gardevoir, Mawile, Misdreavus, and Bagon, together they make up my family. With the right training and perseverance, Bagon will become powerful under my leadership!

As a newly hatched Pokemon, it is expected she won't carry a powerful move right from the start. As stated from the Pokedex, she only knows scratch and tackle which is brilliant when two hatched Pokemon fought against each other. Of course, with the right training, she will learn a powerful move-set.

I was about to pet my newly hatched Pokemon when suddenly someone from the outside knocks directly unto my door. It is still early in the morning and I wonder who would be knocking in my door in this very hour? Anyway, if it is the leaders or anyone I know, I plan to keep Charlotte a secret so I can deal with this situation alone.

"Hi, Luna." Zeal greets with an embarrassed face as she kept minimal eye contact on me. Her cheeks are blushing red as she constantly rubs her elbow.

"Oh, Zeal. It is still early in the morning. I never expected you to wake up this early."

"Well, you're awake too. I thought you were still sleeping. Anyway, I wanted to apologize for my rant the other day. I may be clever but I am short-tempered. Hehe." she sincerely says, still with an embarrassed face.

"It's fine. I go on a rant sometimes too but it makes me curious how my words were able to make you that angry yesterday. I mean, I've hurt people with my words before but not that grave."

"I guess you deserve to know the reason. Hey, can we talk somewhere private?"

"Sure, come in." I offer, opening the door wider for her to enter. At that very moment, she was astonished by the beauty of my room. Since this is mine and no one else owns it, I decided it needed some designs so I rearranged everything until it looks perfect. I also bought flowers to make it seem neater. Also, I constantly spray the room with perfume. It is the type of perfume that is not strong enough to trigger my asthma and is loved by my Pokemon. Even Bagon upon hatching was pleased by its smell. I can tell by the looks of her face.

"You have an incubator? Then that must mean you-"

"Yup. It recently hatched this morning into a Bagon."

"Well lucky you. I wish I could have a strong dragon Pokemon like yours." Zeal says with a bit of jealousy as she sits on my bed. I sit beside her too as she unravels the broken portrait of her and her two other friends.

"I once had a loving mother but she died at the age of ten because of a heart attack. I fell under the ownership of my father who treated more like a slave and maid rather than his own daughter. That is the reason why mother and father were divorced in the first place. He was always alcoholic and careless about life. He'd return home drunk and nauseous and one day? My mother got fed up with him and decided to have a divorce.

So yeah, back to when my mother died. Under the ownership of my father, I was treated harshly. Every day I wanted to cry and mourn, carrying all the pain of mopping the floor every hour, cooking food for him, cleaning his clothes which smells nothing but beer. I'm more like his toy rather than his daughter.

One day I got fed up with everything and decided to leave him for good. It was in the middle of the night when I made an escape, promising myself not to ever look or turn back. I went on my own journey instead, even having my first Pokemon with me, a Budew who is now a Roserade. I also got my starter from Professor Oak.

When people asked me about my family, I usually change the topic since I do not want to remember my dreaded past. As for my father, he was arrested one night and on my journey to Pewter city with my Pokemon, the police told me he was drunk and all, getting into conflicts and fights so they had to arrest me and I was like "Eh, fine with me."

So yeah, I technically became a trainer but I did not last long, not even having the guts to enter the first gym. In Kanto, I met Team Rocket who've encouraged me to join so I agreed but I was assigned in the Hoenn Region not long after. There I met people who soon become friends. I will keep their names anonymous since they are mine to keep.

So yeah, we had the premise here once. The ol classic Neuro, Stealth, and Combat type of missions in which I ventured with my two friends in this portrait. We would always bond together and um... with an age of sixteen I fell in love with the man in the center. He also fell in love with me so- we entered a relationship even if I know it is still illegal for my age.

My other friend, the woman on the left kept on warning me not to be in a relationship with him since though he may be our friend, there were times when he was suspicious. I should've listened to her instead.

Anyway, three months later in which my relationship with him was strong, something I nor my other friend expected happened. I heard the news about Arlo and it was grave indeed. My boyfriend? Similar, he was also a wolf in a sheep's clothing. For unexpected reasons, he began to attack the three leaders. I was scared at that moment since he literally had a knife and was directly trying to assassinate the three leaders.

I was there during that time and I knew he was not an agent of Team Rocket but rather an agent of an unknown organization. All I know it is from Galar. I tried to stop him, pleading for him to end but he did not care about me anymore. As if, I was a complete stranger.

He even tried to stab me, but- my other friend? She came right on time and blocked me from him. Instead of me getting stabbed, it was her. I dearly wanted to hang myself at that time since the pressure was too much. Luckily, Giovanni's crew came to help and my boyfriend was savaged completely by Giovanni's Persian.

As for the friend who warned me not to trust the traitor in the first place, I held her arms tightly and watched her until her last breath. I regretted everything, and that was to trust people. After that incident, the Neuro, Combat, and Stealth shenanigans were completely erased in this headquarters, scrapped and forgotten.

Soon, I worked alone as an introvert who trusts no one. Even to this day, I remember the man who betrayed not only the organization but also me. I wish he would still be alive so I could kill him personally but I can't. I also wished that I never left my father.

I was at a breaking point during the denouement of that incident. I was literally depressed and all my thoughts were blocked by suicidal ones. As time goes by I learned to forget and just move on with life by doing missions alone. Suddenly, you came along.

In our previous mission, you asked me if I could teach you some strategies but then it was at that same moment when I remembered my boyfriend who asked me the same question when our relationship was still young. So, there, I went on a rant, wishing that I followed the words of my other friend instead of going into an early relationship.

When we started our mission together, I was hesitant at first and even using Vizion as an excuse when if fact I did not want to be with him either." she explains. The further she replays her past the more her crying intensifies and I was just beside her trying to comprehend every word.

"Never knew about that," I reply. It was the only thing I could think of since her past made me a bit speechless.

"You know, I feel like I can trust you though. I rarely tell anyone these kinds of stories and if you've noticed, the three leaders tried their best to tell you to leave me alone didn't they? It was because they were in that same incident, during the time the traitor of Hoenn tried to strike them blindly."

"Well, your secret is safe with me!" I reply again with a pleasant smile while patting her back. She finally wipes her tears and looks to my face while smiling. Now everything is clarified, her rant has been put an end and I do not need to worry anymore since I found out I did nothing wrong.

No wonder the three leaders told me to leave her alone. Sigh, looks like Arlo is not the only one. Still, a secret organization in the far region of Galar? Sounds pretty suspicious and I think it is somehow co-related to the white brainwashing serums.