EPISODE 42: The Results of Defense and Attack!*

Two attacks, one Pokemon, will Magnezone be able to stand firm amidst the upcoming destruction? By the way it looks to us, it seems kinda comfortable and confident about itself. Even its trainer, Vizion gave us a malicious smirk. Well, what can I expect from a famous Elite Operative? They're not famous for nothing.

"Protect." At the perfect moment in which our attacks are one inch away, Magnezone enables some sort of shield which serves as a block against our attack. Not only that but it also made the battlefield quite messy, a total zero-visibility.

From the scattering dust, two of our Pokemon are zapped with thunder, a move much stronger and more profound compared to the original shock and bolt. Despite grass being weak to electric, it was the electric who dealt more damage to grass rather than them.

"Th-that was powerful," I mutter in my mind. Though not fighting, I, myself flinched after seeing many scars on Liligant after the attack. Even Zeal, a professional battler was unable to think of an attack right in time. Vizion perhaps might be as powerful as Xavier, or maybe even stronger.

"Come on! Wake up Magmortar!" On the other hand, Copper faces a problem of his own. As for the two of us, we tried our best to encourage our Pokemon to stand firm, although it looks like they are about to give up.

"Finish this with thunder once more!" And just like that, unable to stand quickly our two Pokemon are hit by the immense attack. I was stupefied by everything as I lose self-esteem because of this. In the end, our Pokemon fainted thus we sent them back in order to unleash our last.

Luna and Zeal= 0+0 (One Pokemon remaining)

"I'm counting on you..." Zeal whispers to the Pokeball as she exhales deeply. She then unleashes the winged-beast, Charizard. Looking at how she threw out her Charizard, I knew she wasn't only battling for the sake of winning but to improve their bond together like what was aforementioned by the great veteran, Melchior.

Upon leaving its Pokeball, it shrieks with an intense voice, bringing terror to the opponents but worry to Zeal. I can see the way she panics, begging with her eyes for Charizard to follow her command.

"Now, your turn Bagon!"

"A Bagon?! Out of all the Pokemon you have each with an experience of killing a person, you chose a newly hatched Pokemon?! Are you playing around?" Zeal queries, sarcastically.

"Hehe, I wanted to train it," I reply with a slight blush on my cheeks.

"Sigh, just make sure it knows a strong move."

"Yup. Scratch and tackle all the way!"

"Good grief." Zeal facepalms herself.

"Magnezone, use Thunderwave to paralyze!"

"Quick Bagon, stick your tail on the ground!"

"Charizard fly to the sky!"

Bagon's tail served as a ground wire to transfer the electricity outburst from his body to the ground. I learned that from Logan's match and it is a good thing I was paying attention. As for Charizard, as expected it did not obey the orders of its trainer but instead boasted its might by proving it can withstand the attack. Did it? No, Charizard failed miserably and thus it was paralyzed.

"Charizard! This is not what I asked you to do. If we want to win, then communication is the key!" Zeal scolds. Meanwhile, Copper got bored of everything and decided to watch the match instead while his Magmortar sleeps deeply.

It yawns, showing how stubborn it is.

"Bagon use tackle!"

My Pokemon zooms towards Magnezone. In response, Vizion orders it to use protect therefore blocking off Bagon's attack from hitting the user completely. As a woman of perseverance, I ordered Bagon to continue despite the shield. The foe on the other hand persisted with protect.

Magmortar has finally awaken, returning Copper's enthusiasm.

"Great! Flash Cannon on Charizard!" commands, Copper.

"Quick Charizard, dodge the attack!"

It yawns for the second time, proving how strong it was by accepting the attack while trying its best to withstand it. Once again, it failed miserably and was only able to receive a ton of damage.


The harder Bagon bumps her head, the stronger her power becomes to the point all of a sudden her head glows in a white veil. One last time she hits the protect shield and again failed. She blasted back just like how light is reflected from a mirror. Despite this, she was able to learn a new move known as Headbutt.

I am a proud elite operative, knowing she has learned a new move. We have finally taken another step towards the path of greatness in which success lies at the end. The battle continues onward, and the results came in. The victors are no other than the boys, and Zeal got really disappointed with how her Charizard kept on slacking and yawning instead of acting and fighting.

Of course, Bagon fainted too. What can I expect? It recently hatched from an egg. Still, there is no reason for me to be disappointed since, after all, my Pokemon, Bagon was able to learn a new move wherein I hope I can teach her how to master it. In the end, we showed good sportsmanship to each other except for Zeal who was quite frustrated after defeat. I feel like she will be scolding Charizard later.

Also, little do we know, the great Melchior Stronghold was watching our match from his room and through the window. At the end of the match, he smirks as he finally closes the curtains of his window. We were more in the aggressive while the boys were on the defense side since Vizion kept using protect against my Bagon.

Another thing to add to my notes, always makes the defense and attack of a Pokemon in a state of equilibrium. Too much of both or either one of them has a possibility to give the opponent an upper hand.