EPISODE 48: The Ruby and The Sapphire!*

Location: Team Magma Headquarters (Mount Chimney)

Time: Eight in the morning

The clash of gears, the sounds of metallic tool, another busy day has arrived for Team Magma. Under a great volcano dwells the organization's headquarters. Just like every other day, Maxie's underlings are focused on finding the lustrous ruby in hopes of awakening Groudon from its long slumber. The organization is divided into three.

Those who are responsible for missions, similar to the mechanism of Team Rocket wherein grunts are sent to participate in special tasks. The second are the engineers, grunts responsible for building vehicles and other machinery to be used by the first tier. The third is no other than the spies in which they exert all effort only to find the location of the prized ruby.

At the halls of his organization, Maxie walked and observed the grunts working hard. Seeing them doing their obligation perfectly always gives a smirk to his face. On his typical saunter, he met Courtney on the way. Seeing the great leader of their organization, Courtney grinned.

"Courtney? Are you not suppose to be doing your job?" he asked in a casual tone.

"Indeed Leader Maxie sir, but something appeared on our radar. It will surely be music to your ears." said, Courtney in a childish manner with a soft cackle at the end.

"Spill it."

"Yesterday there was an earthquake at the woodlands near the city of Slateport. Our seismographs were able to detect it. Based on our radar not only did it send out seismic P waves but also energy coming from an unknown source. I have a hunch it is the ruby responsible or all of this since it is subtle and once moved, it can release a huge amount of energy."

"I see. Send a squadron to excavate the area, I want every inch of the ground scoured. The Ruby must be there." the leader obligated.

"But Leader Maxie, the earthquake was tremendous and we detected no epicenter for the energy outburst, just waves which means-"

"It was not the earthquake that caused the outburst, it was something entirely different. Coincidentally, the earthquake happened at the same time something caused the ruby to emit a high amount of energy." Maxie finished her words.

"Then what are we to do next?"

"What direction were the waves heading to?"

"East of Hoenn."

"Then excavate the west. Search every inch of any cave you seek, tell Tabitha and his brigandage, this is my order to them."

"About me Leader Maxie? Won't I be participating in the mission as well?"

"Not now, Courtney. I have another task for you. You will head to Slateport City alone to buy a packet of my favorite coffee."

"What the?! After all my years of working for you, you still lack faith in me? I wish to participate at a better mission, I promise I will not fail." pleaded, Courtney.

"My words are as hard as con-"

"Have I not proven how strong I am? I defeated Tabitha more than ten times, isn't that more than enough to show you how prepared I am, Leader Maxie?" Courtney interrupted, fueled with rage.

"Enough Courtney. Go on now, you still have to tell Tabitha about this."

"Y-yes, Leader Maxie sir." muttered, the poor admin as she walked away with disappointment.

Location- Somewhere under the sea

Time- Eight in the morning

Team Aqua, a less organized group of people who has no system or whatsoever compared to Team Magma. Their leader, Archie though loves to slack is quite filled with ecstasy today. With the kick of his foot, he entered the control room of his submarine, surprising his underlings except for Shelly who sighed again after seeing Archie's charismatic behavior.

"Ho! Ho! An Earthquake under the sea, another step forward to the sapphire." beamed, Archie, startling his grunts.

"It has been months since the previous earthquake," Matt said.

"Party's over! Ho! Ho! Ho! Shelly, check the seismograph." obligated, Archie.

"Y-yes, Archie." She typed with swift speed unto the keyboard of the large computer. She analyzed the seismograph and reported back to Archie, "It turns out you are right after all Archie. The energy outburst which occurred today is similar to the one before, heading west as usual."

"If that is the case, full speed ahead! Admin Matt, I entrust you and your crew to commence an expedition on the eastern seas of our region. Scour every cavern until nothing is left..." He lowered his voice, "I will not waste this opportunity!"

"Aye!" saluted the Matt and his crew.

"About me?" queried, Shelly.

"Oh um..." Archie thought deeply. After thinking of one he replied with a high tone, "I'm running out of coffee so I need to restock. You can buy them somewhere in Slateport city, just ask the locals."

"You're asking me, an admin of your organization to buy you a stack of sachets?!"

"Well, that is better than doing nothing right? Oh and, go take my secretary with you."

"Sigh, yes Archie."

Both organizations, influenced by the behavior of their leaders. Who will achieve success first? Maxie or Archie, or perhaps both at once? The race for the sapphire and ruby is on with both organizations serious about it. It reminds me of my time with the Rebirth Society when Team Rocket raced with them only to claim the weather mirages. Hmm, that piques my interest. I wonder what they are up to? When will we ever meet Lilith again?