EPISODE 63: Fight For the Institute!*

Another man having a cunning red hair walks down the aisle to the gates amidst the fight. There was terror from both Team Aqua and Team Rocket. Could it be him? The coat he wears, the majestic embroidery of the organization he holds. Alongside the elites of his organization he walks calm, no expression on his face, pure blank.

From the windows, I saw Charlotte beside the man. She seemed confident and determined while I was the same but a bit worried. Soon, the gossips start, Rocket and Aqua grunts talked to each other as if they were planning a truce.

Beside the fountain area, he halted, and there, everyone was silenced again. "Hmm. Though both of you are but an organization having different goals, your eyes tell me of your fierce determination. My heart is pounding in my chest... Yes, I think I can see why my lowly Grunts could not stand one minute against all of you.

I am called Maxie. I stand as the head of Team Magma, a noble organization whose goal is to propel humanity to even greater heights of progress and evolution. Indeed. And all of you are one of the persons who may shape our society's future. Considering that fact, I believe I shall educate you in the ways of the world.

The land... It is the stage upon which humanity stands. The land exists so we humans might continue onward and upward, stepping into the future... For us to continue growing and evolving, humans require a grand stage upon which to stand. A land upon which we can stride forward... A land we can explore...develop...exploit... This is the basis for the growth of all human endeavors.

That is why we, Team Magma, must increase the landmass of the world! Believe that this will lead to a future of eternal happiness for humanity... And consequently for all life!." He dictated, sanguinely with a tiny smirk on his face.

"Bla! Bla! Bla! Get out of my blasted way, ye scurvy Team Magma knaves! Or face a keelhauling." Matt roared ferociously from the window.

"I'd rather keep my mouth shut." Zeal laughed like a drain, rolling his eyeballs at Matt.

"Shut up you filthy scumbags! Team Aqua ain't over with ya'll." Matt addressed the three of us with terrible anger.

"Humph. I suppose the concept is too difficult to comprehend for brats like you. Is that the case? At least I have tried to open your mind. Team Magma, prove our nobleness! Attack them." He spoke like a king, stretching his arm out as he commanded his organization to attack.

"Say, why not we have a truce for the time being?" Matt offered to the three of us while scratching his bald head.

"A momentary treaty between Team Aqua and Team Rocket? It is a deal, once this is over, we'll deal with you and your organization." Melody concurred as she shook Matt's hefty hands.

She then addressed Team Rocket through her headphones, "Team Rocket, we will be working alongside Team Aqua for now. Aim your Pokemon and weaponry towards them. "

Matt did the same and said to his organization, "Team Aqua, Team Rocket is our alley. Drown those Magma bastards! Ha! Ha! Hah!"

Hearing the response from both organizations, they let go of those they've held captive including Vizion, and shook hands with each other. They aimed their weaponry and Pokemon like what the two leaders said as Team Magma did the same.

"Do you think you can stand in the way of the future? We are the future! No organization can defeat us even if the two of you have a truce." Maxie yawped as he stared at his underlings.

Addressing Courtney who was beside him, he spoke with an undertone, "Make me proud."

"Of course, Leader Maxie sir." she sniggered as the battle between Team Rocket and Team Aqua against Team Magma began.

Sweat fell off each and everyone's face. Their eyes were pealed for the moves of the enemy. The Pokemon stood by their side as the wind blew to the east. A leaf fell down and touched the ground, there they began to unleash moves at each other.

"Golem, Roll out!" screamed the grunt from Team Rocket.

No!" the grunt's enemy, Team Magma, leaped forward. "Miltank divert with Metal Claw!"

As Golem bowled to the foe, Miltank blasted it back to the grunt's side with its move. The round settled, revealing the grunts' perspiring faces. Wearing their gloves they shook off the distracting sweat as their teeth grind like wolves.

On the east of the entrance, Copper fought with Vizion.

"You won't get away with this!" Vizion said, glaring at an Elite Operative of Team Magma named Tulip.

"Machoke, Focus Punch!" responded, Tulip.

Vizion smirked and nodded at Blastoise, "Swerve around and use Skull Bash!"

Blastoise winked at its trainer, swirling around and dodging the focus punch. It's head fired up as it crashed unto the foe. Copper supported Blastoise with his Venusaur, commanding it to use Seed Bomb unto Machoke.

The two attacks perished the Pokemon, making it faint in an instant.

As the battle seethed onward, I and Zeal returned to the battlefield, the entrance of the institute. Meanwhile, Melody and Matt went to the control center in which they met Shelly staring at the screen like a zombie. On the post, Symphony and Caspian yelped for help and Melody did not waste a single second on untying them.

While she did that, Matt confronted Shelly as panic swelled inside him.

"What on Earth are you doing?! Is the file achieved?!"

"M-Matt. We have to warn Archie about this. I saw everything... His plan won't work, it will only bring destruction and chaos. Kyogre's capabilities are far beyond what we've ever imagined. Listen to me, we need to confront Archie and tell him about this!" Shelly warned perilously. Her eyes glimmered with fear.

"What the? Give up right now? Nah! Archie will be flustered at you again once he hears your yapping."

"The words I speak of are the truth! Please comprehend what I'm trying to say. Kyogre will drown the whole Earth. It will cause never-ending storms thus the Earth shall perish." Shelly whimpered, grabbing Matt's hefty hands and uttering her words with sincerity.

Meanwhile, on the doors of the control room, Tabitha made an appearance, cackling softly at Matt.

"Hoohahaha! What, you got a screw loose or something? Look at you, little Makuhita man!"

"Why?! No one mocks at Tabitha!" He yelled furiously at Matt.

"Hoohahaha! You're pretty funny, little man! I love funny, interesting dudes! That's why I love my bro, Archie! That's it, bro! Let's smash it out with a battle! I'm gonna love you to BITS!"

"Let's see who will triumph you, brown bastard! Mightyena, deploy!"

"Pfft! Sharpedo will crunch the bones of your pitiful wolf!"

As the battle between the admins of opposite organization occurs, Melody continued to untie Symphony and Caspian but she couldn't. The know was extremely tight and their hands were swelling with a violet pigment. They could feel a ticklish sensation traveling through their veins, the sensation you feel when you sleep either on your leg or arm.

"I-I can't. It's too tight." Melody said. She tried to use a bread knife she kept in her pocket most of the time but it wouldn't cut through.

Matt against Tabitha

"I'll show you who's the true Makuhita! Mightyena use Crunch!" He retorted while snarling at Matt's huge muscles.

Matt countered, "Sharpedo, swift speed, use Rock Smash!"

The Pokemon collided unto each other. Tabitha's Mightyena was injured on the left leg while Sharpedo's fin was harshly bitten. Though despite all of this, Sharpedo kept its crimson snarl on Mightyena.

Tabitha then nodded his head, showing a small smirk to his Pokemon as he commanded it to use Fire Fang.

Admin Matt, fearful of letting its Pokemon be damaged despite the upcoming threat being a disadvantage towards it, asked his Sharpedo to dodge the attack. swiftly like a bolt of lighting, Sharpedo salutes.