EPISODE 66: Another Round!*

Lavaridge Town is located at the Foothills of Mt. Chimney. The Lavaridge Pokémon Center is connected to a hot spring, which is what Lavaridge Town is famous for all over the Hoenn region. Alone, I was tasked to find their hideout and hopefully blow it up like what I did to the headquarters of the Pokemon Government Council.

I was quite disappointed, wishing Zeal would be with me to keep things fair. Lucky for her she gets to sleep all day and as for me? I have to do another mission out of all the available elite operatives of our branch. It makes me jealous.

Well, aside from that, at least I get to try some of the town's delicacies such as the lava cookie. I bought a packet and it was able to meet the expectation of me and my Pokemon. Wearing a jacket that covers my Team Rocket uniform, I did a bit of detour and ate at the nearest cafe with my Pokemon.

While eating some lava cookies, I stared at the window, watching the little children stroll by with their parents. As an agent, my eyes are quite different from the rest since I tend to observe people rather than just looking at them. Sometimes, they feel suspicious and I was right.

Looking out to the window, I noticed a woman standing in the post. She wasn't wearing any uniform or whatsoever, just some casual attires. At first glance, people might think she's just an ordinary woman who's enjoying the day with some earphones plugged to her ears. I, think the opposite.

Even if she wears shades, I knew from the very start it was Jenny. She was observing the people too aside from me, and clearly, she and I had eye contact again. After our eyes met I unlocked them immediately, tilting from the window to the table and continuing to gobble up my meal.

A minute later, I was astonished when she suddenly knocked unto the window. Shen entered the cafe and sat down parallel to where I am facing at. She gave me a tender smile and I gave her no expression at all.

"Are you still mad that I lied to you about my family?"

I ignored her, continuing to swipe my finger down on my phone and scrolling past through every adorable Pokemon pictures.

"Okay, it's obvious you're still mad at me and I know you're not here for another day off. What's Team Rocket's purpose here?"

"If I tell you, you won't believe me," I replied while using my phone.

"Hmm, does it have something to do with-"


"And you're going to-"


"Like what you did to the-"


"Do you have to interrupt my words all the time?!" Jenny's voice started to outrage.

"About you Jenny, why are you here? If you want to battle then I suggest we do it atop Mount Chimney."

"Look, both of us have the same goals. I'm trying to search for the Magma Hideout of their organization."

"Whoa, you're really that serious with your family? You're screwed once the detective hears about this." I chortled softly.

"I am because my father was somehow included with the serum shenanigans. I feel like Team Magma knows something about this. That is why I'm trying to locate their hideout in the first place. They have the answers I'm looking for."

"You're loss, not mine."

"Well, that was rude."

"Humph, I'm blowing their hideout up and I'm leaving no evidence behind."

"But the evidence is what I need."

"For Pete's sake Jenny, what do you want me to do? Have another truce? Sigh, I have to go now. Absol, Bagon, Lily, Misdreavus, Gardevoir, and Mawile, return to your Pokeball." From there I stood up and left the cafe but behind, Jenny persisted to follow me.

I tried to ignore but her blabbering makes my blood boil. She followed me all the way to the Pokemon Center. The reason why I went there was to check my Pokemon's health before this dangerous mission. I don't have any bombs with me which means I'll be using my instincts and do the same tactic I once did.

Even while lining up for Nurse Joy's free service, Jenny continued to blabber here, blabber there, blabber everywhere, telling me reasons why I must be helping her out in the first place. She gave me a headache of a lifetime and it was bothersome.

"Now you're being too rambunctious again!"

"Isn't that what you've always wanted?"

"F-fine. I'll have another truce with you as long as you promise to stay silent."

"Really? Thanks!" Jenny cuddled me tightly as I pouted at her. I patted her back and then we were intervened by Nurse Joy.

"How may I help you?" offered, Nurse Joy.

The check-up was taking a long time so I made the decision to rest on a bench with Jenny. It was already past lunch and Nurse Joy was still examining my Pokemon. Nonetheless, I was forced to wait, and to pass the time, I played with my Rotom-Phone while listening to the melody of the Pokemon Center.

Suddenly, a man disrupted that melody and calmness, rushing with swiftness to Nurse Joy's counter. On his grasps was a very injured Pokemon, blood oozing out of the wounds. The skin was pale as if it was a corpse.

The man rang the bell multiple times and Nurse Joy made the decision to reveal herself. There was something about this young man that I couldn't just identify. I tried to ponder deeply but nothing came up. Nurse Joy on the other hand gladly accepted to aid the injured and lethargic Pokemon.

He smiled afterward and walked to the bench. He looked at me, and I looked at him, finally realizing who he was. It was no other than Logan, a trainer somewhere from Oldale Town. He was pleased to see me while I wasn't.

"What are you doing here Luna?" Logan inquired with his broad smile.

"Nothing, just here with a friend."

"Oh, I see. Well, there was this really cool hideout that I found somewhere within the town. Suddenly, I was attacked by a group of Magma Bastards, my Dustox was unable to handle them off." Hearing his words, me and Jenny grew interested.

"Hideout? Where?" I stood up, looking to his eyes.

"Somewhere near the hot springs. Wait! You came here to infiltrate their hideout didn't you?"


Nurse Joy suddenly conversed in, calling our names through a speaker and telling our Pokemon were fully checked and aided. It took more than thirty minutes. I saw my Pokemon, smiling to me as they all took a leap and pinned me on the floor. They gave me hugs and licks. After that, I sent them back to their Pokeball.

"So, those are your Pokemon?"

"That's right Logan. I raised them well, and their hugs are the product of our high friendship between us."

"Hehe, though Luna may be an agent or whatever she is now of Team Rocket, she's compassionate to Pokemon."

"And who are you?"

"I'm Jenny of the Pokemon International Police." The two shook each other's side while smiling.

From there, Logan made the decision to help me and Jenny infiltrate their hideout. Since he had seen the location, Logan will be of excellent help.