EPISODE 79: A "Little" Chimney Problem!*

After numerous tries, I was able to grab my pencil from Mismagius. Despite her evolution, her attitude is still the same, not even a bit of improvement when it comes to her maturity. What's worse, my Rocket Radar rang again, which hints another mission to come.

Stunningly, Vizion's radar rang as well, which means I am not the only being called to the warehouse. Such a disappointment for my sketch has not been finished and after this mission, I bet I'll be procrastinating again. And so, I stopped my leisure activities, and alongside Vizion, we went to the warehouse.

We were surprised, not only was it us who had been called but also Zeal and Copper wherein they were able to arrive first before us. As usual, the three leaders were sitting at their chairs again, with Professor Olive at the side, prepared to give the details of our next mission.

Usually, when the four of us had been called, it's a serious mission that not even partnership can accomplish; therefore, a larger team is needed. Aside from the four, I noticed Elite Operative Melody was here too. She's way older than us, perhaps by five years and I do have a presumption that she'll be our team captain.

"Greetings the two of you." Admin Fortuna gave a grin after seeing me and Vizion enter the room.

"As you can see, the five of you had been called for another mission, perhaps a game-changer one." uttered, our main leader, Crimson.

"A game-changer? Sounds interesting." Melody slowly nodded her head as she twirled her hair with her finger.

"Well, I believe the game-changer is Rayquaza's location in which I can already feel it in my grasps. I just need a little more time, and we will finally be able to pinpoint its location. As for now, we will be discussing a problem which has shook our research." Professor Olive conversed, tapping a button from her holographic Ipad which revealed an image of Mt.Chimney on the big screen.

"Mt.Chimney?!" the five of us said.

"Yes. As we all know, the volcano is famous throughout this region. It is a dormant volcano and has no compatibility to start an earthquake above seven point five magnitude. However, based on our seismograph, there was a recent earthquake, surpassing the seven-point five magnitude scale.

It was able to reach a magnitude of eight, devastating two nearby towns, Fallarbor and Lavaridge." reported, the professor, showing two pictures of Fallarbor and Lavaridge town, completely ruined on the big screen.

The first thing that appeared on my mind was Logan for both me and Zeal are certain that he was in Fallarbor.

"Good grief." seeing the picture, Melody removed her eyes from the large screen.

"There are houses which survived, the others are completely ruined and I can assure all of you, the people in charge of the Hoenn Conference are doing their best to fix and rebuild the town before the upcoming league. However, that is not why I proposed this mission in the first place.

Knowing that a magnitude of eight earthquake occurred gives us a hint something suspicious and weird is going on. I want the five of you to research more about this. Perhaps the occurrence was man-made. While you'll be in your mission, I will be working on the final part of my research, the conclusion.

Thanks to the acquired data brought by Zeal, Copper, and Vizion at their respective mission, my task has been simplified and soon, we will find Rayquaza." Professor Olive added.

The news was tragic, the details staggered us. My legs were quivering, as if I had forgotten the basic fundamentals of walking. The pictures of broken houses, I feel sorry for those who were affected, and at the same time, willing to participate in this mission.

"An earthquake, a volcano, I see a correlation between them. It is true what the professor said, there is a possibility that the earthquake was caused by man. Perhaps this could be the location of Team Magma's headquarters." Vizion hypothesized, it was believable.

"Perhaps. That is why we are sending the five of you to investigate further." Admin Hector had a part of him concurring with Vizion's words.

"Team Magma's headquarters. I see... They have hideouts in both Fallarbor and Lavaridge which means, Vizion might be correct. Both towns are nearest to the volcano." Zeal and Copper got along with Vizion's idea.

"Then what are we waiting for? Leave it to us, we'll find the mystery behind this." Melody sniggered with confidence.

"I look forward to it," Crimson said softly, pushing his fingers together.

I see where this is heading, and I believe the big reveal won't be as pleasing as expected. An earthquake that has devastated two towns near the epicenter, is this the start of another havoc? Another chaos? Or will things turn out far worse than expected? Many behemoths sleep in this region, compared to the ones I've seen in Kanto and Johto.