EPISODE 85: The Beginning! (The Fifth out of the Fifth)*

Jenny walked in circles, worried about her sister who had just left us. I for one thought Courtney came to her senses and decided to leave her past and move on to a better future with her sibling, Jenny. Although, unexpected things are possible, and now she is on the loose.

"Where could she be heading for?!" Jenny wondered.

"I'm not sure, but wherever she's heading, she plans to do something terrible to it." Zinnia guessed.

"So? Are we going to stand here and wait for something to happen?" I finally made my way to the conversation, showing the latest news report through my Rotom-Phone.

"Breaking News!

Groudon, a Pokemon who has been asleep for more than a hundred years has awakened all of a sudden. It is currently far from the coasts of Mainland Hoenn, wrecking the nearby islands with its power. The people responsible are said to be Team Magma. Their leader is currently missing and the Pokemon International Police are working hard to find a way to stop this havoc.

Meanwhile, we urge everyone to stay in-" The live news report, such sadness was brought upon us when suddenly the helicopter the reporters were in, was burned down by Groudon's power. It spewed lava to the helicopter, and now we fear the helicopter is nothing but scraps, bodies nothing but ashes.

We tried to forget that we've seen that and instead, I switched to a different live video but this time it was not focused on Groudon. The report took place in a boat which was shaking vigorously, waves crashing it.

"We are now a kilometer away from Groudon and currently, we're experiencing some sort of earthquake affecting the sea. I- I can't explain what is happening but according to our seismologist who is currently with me, he was able to detect a magnitude six earthquake underwater. Luckily, we are a few kilometers away from its epicenter." the news lady reported, obviously having a hard time speaking because of the vigorous waves caused by the earthquake.

She couldn't keep her balance, and suddenly she stumbled down, luckily she didn't fall off the ship or that would be a terrible way to seal one's fate. We switched to another live report in which the reporter showed us the civilians of Mossdeep and Lilicove.

They were panicking. The people were aghast, gobsmacked for they could see the rampaging Groudon in the distance. It brought fear to the eyes of many, and by far, this is the most terrible thing I've ever seen compared to Kanto and Johto.

Soon, large waves hit their shores due to the earthquake. A tsunami is high possible according to the reporters and so far, no one was able to find a way to stop Groudon from rampaging.

"An earthquake in the ocean exactly during the time Groudon emerged? This is not a coincidence." Melody uttered.

"What if my sister gets in trouble, or what if- what if-"

"Jenny, you're panicking too much. Your optimistic sister will be fine." I calmed her down, patting her stressed shoulders.

"Team Aqua is probably behind the cause of the earthquake. They're planning to summon Kyogre." Zinnia uttered.

"So, with Kyogre, Groudon can be stopped." Zeal hypothesized.

"No. I don't think that will be of help. With Kyogre summoned it will only cause further havoc and history will repeat itself. If I may, I'd rather stop Team Aqua from summoning Kyogre so that we can only have one problem to deal with." Vizion suggested.

"Your friend here is wise. Perhaps, in this way, we could lessen the problem and stick to one. Afterward, we will be left with only one problem, the asteroid." Zinnia concurred with Vizion's words, appraising him for the suggestion.

"So? It is settled then? Let's head to the depths of the sea! The search for Team Aqua!" Melody leaped with exuberance.

"How? Crappy retard took the last escape pod?" Copper queried sarcastically, teasing Jenny's little sister.

"Shut your yaps!" Jenny began to argue with Copper, defending her sister.

"Hey! Enough, let's get this plan rolling or else even Team Rocket will meet its downfall." I stood between them, quenching the argument before it worsened.

"I have an idea. This place is loaded with scuba attires, all we need is a psychic Pokemon that knows teleport." Zinnia said.

"Hmm, leave the teleportation to me and Medicham." boasted, Zeal as she slowly wore her shades despite the chaotic night.

The people are panic-stricken, disturbed from their humble slumbers. This was never our responsibility and we would've never agreed to this plan if the Mossdeep Space Station was not involved here. Now comes a replica of the havoc of the past. Will history repeat itself or shall it turn out to be something far worse than expected?

One in the morning? I can handle that. The night may be deep, and I'm pretty sure we're not the only ones taking action. Somewhere in the region, are a group who is willing to join this long-dreaded night. This is only the beginning.