EPISODE 99: Swiveling Around with a Diversion!*

Cold breeze flowing east, the time was now for the battle to begin. Zeal took out a coin and tossed it to the sky. Our eyes followed its pattern as it landed on the floor. It was heads, so we have the upper advantage against those impertinent trainers. Shelgon started off with ember at Sceptile while Froslass used Avalanche towards May's Blaziken.

"Dodge it!" The two trainers commanded. Instantaneously, both Pokemon immediately followed orders, proving how much their speed has increased over the past few months.

"Sceptile, Leaf Blade on your mark... now!"

"Blaziken, turn up the heat, use Fire Punch!"

Sceptile headed for Shelgon while Blaziken headed for Froslass. Boastfully, Zeal told the two trainers, "I've got to say, I was once a trainer and I haven't forgotten the basics. Shadow Ball on the ground!"

Froslass attacked the floor, letting a puff of soil and dust, mixed together, fiddle around in the air. Blaziken stopped for a moment. It became confused as its eyes were irritated because of the intertwining dust and soil. The small particles went to its eyes and Zeal did a great job of making an improvised move.

"Shelgon!" silly me, forgetting about Shelgon's main weakness, her speed. She was unable to attack, and me, reminding myself about her weakness delayed my command. The attack at least dealt minimal damage only.

"Let's head straight with Dragon Claw, Sceptile!"

"Froslass, use Avalanche and save Shelgon!" responded, Zeal immediately. From above, large boulders of snow crashed and covered the lizard with cold and tough ice, making it freeze.


"Sorry, Shelgon's speed is quite... you know." I apologized in an embarrassed expression, cheeks turning pink as meat.

"Blaziken, calm down!" comforted, its trainer. However, because of the irritation, Blaziken was unresponsive, trying desperately to shake off the dirt in its eyes.

"Then don't attack physically, stick with ember and dragon rage." Zeal suggested.

"I guess you have a point there. Alright, do your best Shelgon, use Dragon Rage at the frozen Sceptile!"

From her mouth, she disgorged a violet puff of smoke. Despite the foe being frozen, the attack was able to deal damage as Brendan panicked.

"May, got some Ice heal there?"

"Sorry Brendan, I ran out two days ago. You should've bought it!"

"I was saving money for the upcoming Pokemon League! Now, I'm running out of ideas." he violently rubbed his hair, stretching his white beanie.

"Blaziken! Pretend you're in a contest, don't focus on the dust, focus on the audience. Close your eyes and stay calm, use Blaze Kick and feel Froslass's presence!"

Blaziken stopped focusing on its horror-stricken spirit for a moment and took a deep breath. It inhaled and exhaled repeatedly and with its calmness, it was able to concentrate and feel Froslass's presence nearby.

Blaziken yelled with determination and went for the jackpot with its tall and flaming chicken legs.

"Let's keep things even, Froslass, destiny bond right now!"

Though the super-effective attack, Blaze Kick, was able to puncture and cause Froslass to faint immediately, Blaziken fainted too because of destiny bond. If the user faints, the opponent also faints.

"Sceptile, please defrost anytime now!" Brendan begged desperately after seeing his tag partner May lose to an Elite Operative.

"I guess we'll cut this battle, for now, after all, I don't want to embarrass you in front of your girlfriend. The whole thing was a diversion." a simple tease, not in the form of an insult, mockery, bitterness, or cowardliness, I returned Shelgon to her Pokeball and with Zeal, with rushed up the tower, accidentally bumping their shoulders.

"Hey! May is my friend, not my girlfriend!" Brendan corrected, a bit of fury boiled in his bowels.

"Come on May, we have to race against them." instructed, Brendan as he pulled her hand and entered the tower.

"W-who-ah-whoa, calm down Brendan! Blaziken, in your Pokeball now!"

"Looks like you know how to joke around." complimented, Zeal as we rushed up the spiral stairs. Behind the two trainers followed us.

"I rarely think of one, and besides, the two look cute together."

"Now, you've made them even angrier." Zeal looked behind and saw Brendan and May hastening up the notch.

Worse, everything was completely worse at Rayquaza's floor. Rocks were literally flying everywhere as my three friends fought against Zinnia and her powerful Altaria. Her anger matches her red pupils but luckily, I thought of a dirty trick in which I hope it would work.

I stood in between her and my friends and told her, "Relax Zinnia, we came here to obtain Rayquaza."

"She's going to use it for their own good!" May buzzed in the conversation and warned Zinnia.

"What? Of course not. I came here to obtain Rayquaza with my friends to stop the meteorite from ending all of humanity!"

"Liar! I thought I could've trusted you but it turned out, all you wanted was what the meteorite contained."

"We don't have any clue about what's inside. Look, if the meteorite falls then not only will this world be destroyed but our whole organization as well! The meteorite will be our downfall and all we ever wanted to do was to stop it."

"She's lying, you're after that weird space thingy!" Brendan conversed.

"I'm not lying. You can trust me Zinnia. I don't know what those two trainers are talking about but don't they think the same? They'll only be using Rayquaza for the sake of the Pokemon League once they stop the meteorite. Team Rocket will destroy the meteorite and once that conflict is over, we can return the Pokemon safely."

Zinnia's fury calmed as she thought of the decision. I pleaded on my knees. Seconds of thinking, she nodded her head slowly and allowed us to capture Rayquaza but in one condition. "Whatever is inside the meteorite stays with the meteorite."

"I promise. We won't bring anything back to Earth from space. You have my word." there, I stood up and shook hands with Zinnia as she allowed my friends to throw the Rocket Balls at Rayquaza.

Meanwhile, the two trainers were infuriated and angered. They tried to persuade Zinnia about the truth but their voices were not listened to. Zinnia ignored the two of them and instead watched my friends throw the Rocket Ball at the dragon covered with stone like a sculpture.

She thought deeply, "Am I trust them? Or will this bring another havoc into this world?" because of thinking, she was unable to notice the two trainers calling her and explaining the truth. Tired, Brendan and May gave up and left. Zeal pitied them and gave Brendan an extra Ice Heal for his Sceptile.

"We can't just let Team Rocket get Deoxys!" May alerted as Brendan walked down the stairs in a furious manner.

"I know where they're heading next and we must arrive there before we do."

"The Mossdeep Space Station?"

"Yup, the only place with a rocket ship in this region."

She tapped Rayquaza's forehead and from stone, she brought the dragon back to life. The first two balls did not entirely work but with the last one, we were able to capture Rayquaza. Although, doing this required us to battle it. The five of us were proud that our mission was completed but Zinnia's mind was still in conflict.

I picked up the ball containing Rayquaza and placed it inside my pocket. People might think of me as an honest woman but there are rare occasions when I speak false words. This is one of them.

"Hey, I will remember your words. Return Rayquaza once you're finished. What comes with the meteorite should be blown up as well." before leaving, Zinnia held my shoulder. A part of her was doubting me so I comforted her and said, "You can count on me."

And there she lets us go, without greeting us goodbye. Her mind was disturbed, conflicted, and she knew not about my lie.