EPISODE 103: Catch up!*

I descended back to Earth and into the Mossdeep Space Station, the Rocket Ship Compound, wherein to my surprise, Jenny alongside her sister's body is no longer there. Meanwhile, at the ground, one helicopter waits for me, and from below they waved blissfully after seeing Rayquaza and me coming forth.

Upon reaching the ground, I sent back Rayquaza to its Rocket Ball. Trying to walk, despite my wounded left limb, I nearly stumbled at Zeal's shoulders. They were so relieved to see me, Zeal and Charlotte even hugged me after waiting for me for an hour.

"Luna! I'm glad you're alright, what happened to your left leg?" asked, Charlotte. She was filled to the brim.

"Where are the leaders?"

"They returned already after backup from the Pokemon International Police arrived. They returned to headquarters and bade to Xeryll to return once you come back."

"The police? Where are they?"

"Investigating things at the main compound, luckily no one was able to find us lurking here."

I asked three questions, and all of them were answered by Charlotte. I then showed, Deoxy's Pokeball and gave it to Charlotte. I bade, "I need to go somewhere, deliver that to the leaders."

"Wait a minute, you just returned and now you're leaving again?!" Charlotte halted me.

"I have Rayquaza, don't worry about me, I'll return it once I'm done using it. Oh, and a simple reminder, once you send out Deoxys, make sure it's in a safe and indestructible room. That Pokemon is pissed." I added. Pressing the button on my spacesuit twice allowed me to transform from my current one to a casual attire. I sent out Rayquaza who was still in its mega evolved form and rode at its back, in a rush to reach Ever Grande City on time.

"Wait, Luna!" Charlotte was angered, she scolded from the ground as I flew off with Rayquaza.

"Is she always like this?" asked, Zeal.

"Most of the time. Her leg was even bleeding when she left all of a sudden! Sigh, come on, let's head back."

Arriving at the farthest point of the city, I sent back Rayquaza to its Rocket Ball. I can hear people cheering, commentators talking, trainers battling, this is a great sign that the Pokemon League isn't over yet. With my skills as an agent, I quickly snuck through one of the bathroom windows so I wouldn't need to pay for a ticket.

The stadium was vast, filled with intertwining corridors that can only make one lost. I was panicking, looking for a way up to the crowd above me. As I searched for way up, I came across Logan's room or rather, temporary cabin. The door was wide open and I saw him sitting on his body, looking nervous.

Cold sweat glistened on his furrowed brow. With hands clasped tightly in front of his stomach, he constantly fiddled with his knuckles, weaving his fingers in and out of each other. Pacing up and down as if determined to wear out a thin trail in the carpet, he stared down at his own socked feet. His eyes were large and watery and as he paced he constantly punched one hand into the other.

"Logan?" I called his name from the outskirts of his cabin.

"Oh, Luna? There you are, how come I didn't see you?"

"Hehe, I guess I was blended with everyone else who was watching." I excused. My heart throbbed for I thought I was going to be cornered with Logan knowing the truth.

"I see, that's great. A moment ago, I thought you didn't come. Anyway... I got to the finals."

"The finals? That's great! I see no reason for you to be gloomy of a sudden."

"Oh me? Gloomy? I'm nervous. I'm battling Brendan next. He kept on talking about you, saying you were busy stealing Rayquaza but hey? Sounds absurd, I don't believe him."

"R-right. Of course, why would I capture Rayquaza? Anyway, I'll be heading back to my seat." again, my heart throbbed, but luckily I found a way out. I headed left when he suddenly called my name.

"The way up is that way!" reminded, Logan, who was pointing in the right.

"Oh right, I forgot. Thanks."

With his help, I was able to find my way to the rest of the crowd. I stole a seat and watched the match which has recently ended. I was awed by the size of the stadium, it was larger than any gym. Left, right, front, and back, there were large screens all over the place. There, the data about the trainer and his or her Pokemon can be found.

The crowd was a stream of happiness. To say I feel drown in crowds makes as much sense as a raindrop protesting to join the ocean... but I do. I feel the energy, I love the vibe, and then I want to find a quiet tree in a quiet spot to feel serenity once more. I'm the raindrop that falls on the beach, sits on a pebble, and adores the ocean from close by, savoring the salty aroma and the motion of the waves.

It was also quite surprising to know that the commentator was Scott again unless he has multiple cousins like Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny. There he declared to the crowd that it was time to move to the finals. The Elite Four and the champion gave a smirk who was watching from their reserved seats.

By Steven's smiles, it seems to me he has no idea about Team Rocket's deeds in the Mossdeep Space Station because of the ongoing league.

The lights flickered and the spotlight turned to the two entrances of the battlefield. One was on the left and the other was on the right. Each was dazzling as the two trainers made an appearance.

Time to practice some of my commentating skills on my mind, "On my left is Logan, a trainer from Oldale Town who received no starter at all for arriving late at the laboratory of the professor who is always chased by Zigzagoons.

On my right, is the boy who loves to wear beanies, coming from the town of Littleroot. His father is a gym leader who is also watching the match from the other side of the stadium."

That impression didn't turn out as planned... I guess I'll be sticking to the agent life.

"Each shall use three Pokemon! The battle ends when either side no longer has any Pokemon to battle with. Whoever wins this round, will be crowned the victor of the twentieth Hoenn Conference and will be given an opportunity to challenge the Elite Four and champion of our region.

The battle between Brendan and Logan is about to begin, trainers, send out your first Pokemon!" the referee and the trainers were in the center of the battlefield. It is the duty of the referee to discuss the rules, even if the trainers are fed up from hearing it. That is the rules of the Pokemon League and now, that match is about to begin...

May cheered for her friend, Brendan, while I cheered for Logan, an unusual trainer. Perhaps now, that I've met him many times, I can say he is quite different from Red and Ethan though having the same goal.