EPISODE 108: A New Mission!*

I just woke up early in the morning, at around seven am and now here I am at my bed, watching some television while eating a bowl of cereal paired with Lactose-free milk and a side of orange juice for my drink. I was watching the news report pertaining to the events that happened yesterday.

It was quite shocking and also enraging to see that the reason why Deoxys was defeated was not because of me but rather by the work of the four pesky trainers- make that three to cancel out Logan. It was clearly I, who risked my life for the sake of not only the city but for the entire region. As for the Pokemon International Police, they are on the look out for our headquarters after what we did to the MDSS

While watching television, it is also my duty to take care of my worn-out Gardevoir, resting her muscles under the blankets of my bed. She was feeling sick, perhaps by the rain, and her muscles were somewhat stiff. According to the professor, it is not that serious and can be aided in just a few days.

Aside from this, I've been feeling feverish lately. I have a hunch it was because of the rain yesterday and the events that shook both the land and seas of Hoenn. Upon finishing my cereal and injecting Gardevoir with the right treatments, Charlotte knocked on my door.

I gladly opened it for her only to be met with such a blissful smile. She couldn't wait but to spill the beans, her body was about to erupt with an array of happiness. The type of happiness that can affect other people.

"Luna guess what! We have a new mission, and this will be quite exciting."

"A... A new mission?" all of my sudden, my body felt lazy as I sat down on one of my chairs. My eyes were twitching, about to fall asleep after hearing the word "mission". I wanted a moment, a time in which I could just relax, feel the breeze, and enjoy what life has to offer just for once. I've saved the region twice, and I think that is enough to prove that I deserve to rest.

Walking lousily, I followed from behind Charlotte to the warehouse. On our way there, just like every other day, Charlotte kept on talking about her flying type Pokemon and her dream to expand her team. Unlike the rest, she currently has three Pokemon in her squad of six.

I was in a whole new atmosphere, feeling quite timid after reaching the control center. Yes, Vizion, Zeal, and Copper were there but aside from this, there were others as well. Weird, the only way to describe this upcoming mission.

In my mind, I thought, "Did the leaders just hire twins that look like ten-year-olds to this mission?!" Indeed there were twins. Both looked like ten-year-olds. They have blonde hair, pale complexion, and their face? It's just the cutest I've ever seen. They look like children who I'd rather place inside my Pokeballs. There only difference is the color of their eyes. One is red, the other is blue.

The one with red eyes is accompanied by a Plusle, the one with blue eyes is accompanied by a Minun. Aside from the twins, there was one more. It was a male, slightly taller than me, wearing skating shoes. He also wears headphones and by the way he looks, he seems to be listening to music. His mouth is covered with a scarf and his complexion is fair.

"Good morning Luna, you look stunned." teased, Crimson as I walked forth with Charlotte by my side.

"Well, well, you look sleepy." Zeal teased me as well.

"Of course not." I countered back with a pout.

"Anyway, we would like to congratulate everyone for our success in achieving our biggest goal yet. Though Deoxys escaped, we had gathered enough of its energy to be used for improving our technologies." Matori complimented, having that smirk on her face, a very rare opportunity to see it.

"And so, in accords to the email sent by the executives, we will be mass-producing more than eighty new technologies that we could use for the sake of the future of our organization. Now, the executives had also sent us a new email and that is our next goal."

Hearing Admin Fortuna's words, we were all pumped up and excited. However, I was still feeling a bit of discomfort after seeing three new agents and not to mention one of them is a pair of cuddly children.

"Like our motto, our mission is to extend our reaches; therefore, we would like to announce that the eight of you will be sent to a new region, the Sinnoh region. Not a single branch was established in that region and so, the executives finally came up with a plan to start one with the eight of you as Sinnoh's first Team Rocket agents."

"So basically, what Hector is trying to point out, the eight of you are responsible for establishing our first Sinnoh headquarters. We bought a warehouse in Snowpoint City, a famous place in the Sinnoh region and we would like the eight of you to be its first members.

Your duty as Team Rocket Elite Operatives is to give us data about the region so that we may continue to grow. Aside from this, you have a special task but it is not our responsibility for us to tell what it is. From now on, the executives, and of course, Secretary Matori will be contacting you via the large screen that you'll be seeing in the small control room of the newly bought warehouse upon arrival.

If there is by any chance you have caught a new Pokemon, feel free to use the PC in the warehouse itself to contact Professor Olive. As young adults, we trust that all of you know how to live independently since there are no other agents except for the eight of you. I mean, for the six of you." Leader Crimson further elaborated.

I was pumped up, meeting the executives once more via a large screen is a great opportunity to see the recent happenings in Johto. I also hope Virgo would be seeing me through the screen. A new region? Fine by me, I love exploring new things, and living independently is a challenge I'm willing to take not to mention I just turned eighteen.

"Oh wait, I almost forgot. Since Luna was late, I want to introduce you to my daughters, they're twins. You might be wondering why I'd assign children with this type of task. Faith and Grace are highly intelligent. Their forte is engineering and can build a machine in a matter of hours." added, Fortuna.

Prodigies? Never knew Team Rocket had them. I thought they were ten but it turns out they're twelve, the other is one year older. Faith is the one with red eyes, and Grace is the one with blue eyes. I'll have an easy time determining which is which. By the way they introduced themselves, they seem fun to hang out with. They're rambunctious, childish, energetic, and alongside that comes...

"Hey! I was first."

"No! I was the first one to introduce!"

... sibling rivalry.

"The only downside is that they tend to fight." staring at the adorable faces of her daughters, Admin Fortuna gave a soft chuckle.

"The one over here is my cousin, Oliver. He rarely speaks, to be honest. He is fond of listening to music." Professor Olive introduced the guy with the headphones.

He skated around me very fast to the point all I feel is nothing but wind, see nothing but air. He circled around me three times in one second. The moment he stopped, he shook my hands and winked at me. In response, I just gave him a toothy smile.

"Oh right, I forgot to mention that the skates are wearing help him move faster than lighting. He doesn't tend to run, only during missions." added, Professor Olive.

"Interesting," I replied.

"So, the eight of you, your mission, should you choose to accept?" Crimson stood from his chair and addressed the eight of us.

"Yes sir!" we saluted, except for Oliver who just saluted without speaking.

"Good. You've done a great job in your Hoenn Conquests, now it is time to make Sinnoh ours. Your ferry to Sinnoh leaves tomorrow, for now, have a nice day." Matori ended the conference with a few other important reminders.

All of us were so excited. A new region, no members but us, what could possibly go wrong?