EPISODE 6: Fly Away, Pesky Dust!*

Snowpoint City is a snow-covered city located at the far north of Sinnoh, where snow blows down from the top of Mt. Coronet causing low temperatures. The wind is breezy, one that can shiver your spines and exceptionally grant you a free trial of hypothermia. Snow, perhaps it is not my type of place but now I see why our leaders had assigned us in this city. The snow is thick, covering houses and places from plain-sight.

With Vizion leading the way, we reached our warehouse, or it can also be called an apartment with two floors. I felt lazy after seeing our first ever headquarters in this region. Absolutely dusty, as if the executives were loafing around and decided to buy an old place for us to renovate.

The warehouse is decent, though dusty. Walls seem fine and sturdy with little scratches. The primary color is black with red lines running across for rhythm and design purposes. Red and black, primarily the favorite colors of our organization. Upon entering the warehouse, we reached a large circular room with four halls leading to the left, right, and exit of the warehouse.

One entrance, one exit, doors only grant access to either face recognition or fingerprint analysis to protect our first ever headquarters from being infiltrated.

In this circular room, is a large screen in front where we would be contacting the executives later on. There are eight chairs, one for each of us. This will be a blast since I love to spin around in these types of chairs. On the left is another circular compound with two floors. This is where our rooms are. My room is on the second floor and I'll be adding my own touches to it later on.

In that same compound is a table in the very center, a place where we can interact with one another or play chess and other board games. On the right, that is where our kitchen and dining room are located. One refrigerator, four stoves, eight pots, a large oven for a cake I guess, and a circular table as our dining table. It doesn't look bad but old because of the pesky specks of dust.

The warehouse is built out of chromium and other mixtures of alloys. It is a steely-grey, lustrous, hard transition metal. Chromium is the main additive in stainless steel, to which it adds anti-corrosive properties. As for the matured people like us, we thought of the headquarters as a good and decent place but as for the twins, they ran around the whole compound, jumping and leaping.

They were excited to the extreme, having another adrenaline rush. Actually, their room is the most explicit one out of all, it has bunk beds. My room is quite big, bigger than the one in Hoenn. One large bed, vintage carpets, the same ol rocket blanket, and a bathroom as big as my bathroom in the orphanage. This brings back memories when I once lived in Saffron except, I have no balcony.

I have a television, and a mind-boggling air-conditioner that is more than twelve inches long. There is a clock hanging in the walls, I have one large desk, one lamp, a perfect place to draw and write. One thing, however, is that there are no windows since this is no house and an organization like us requires maximum privacy.

The whole warehouse is sound-proof so no one can hear the discussions happening. As it is a somewhat secret headquarters of ours, there are no logos on the outside to attract people especially the Pokemon International Police whom I heard is abundant in this region.

And so, now that we are given a moment alone to fix our very own room, I started off with cleaning the pesky specks of dust while wearing a mask. With the help of my Pokemon, we worked together to shew away the dusts in the walls, ceilings, and even in the carpets. It was a thrill to work alongside them since there were times when we played.

Mawile used her large jaw as a broom, Absol, a very delicate Pokemon just watched in the corner. She's usually like that since she hates getting her fur all messed up not to mention I just groomed her before leaving Hoenn. Liligant's obligation is to fill the room with her beautiful aroma of flowers, giving the room a spring-time feel. Shelgon was not much of a help for all she did was to sleep in the carpets.

"Alright, come on, wake up." I encouraged.

Shelgon opened her eyes and yawned at me. She tilted her body, showing me her belly.

"Alright, just this once." I chuckled, kneeling on the floor to give her a belly rub. Soon, the others joined in, asking for a belly rub too. The leaped to me and hugged me tightly, tickling my neck, stomach, and limbs. Cleaning is always fun with them around.

Back to cleaning, and Shelgon joined in. She used herself as a roller, rolling around the carpets for the dust to stick on her body. Work smart, not hard! Though, now I have to groom her again. Absol, still scared of the dust, stood in the corner. She waited for all of us to finish.

Once our cleaning session is done, it's time to proceed to step two, designing. I don't want my room to look like a palace or a grand mansion. I started off by placing down the portraits of me and my Pokemon, we always have a picture together every time we visit something new. I print them, place them inside a picture frame. These are fond memories I will always be remembering.

I added a few details, like plastic plants in pots, vases, and jars to give it a cozy appeal. Suddenly, I heard the twins saying something, "The future is now thanks to science!" and there, I heard an explosion. Worried, I stopped cleaning for a while and exited my room.

I and the twins are neighbors.

"Are you guys alright?" I asked. Their face was covered with dust, making them look like ghosts. Their door was wide open and the two were on the floor, laughing at each other.

"Don't worry Ms.Luna, our Super Extravaganza Vacuum Cleaner 2.0 just malfunctioned." Faith elaborated.

"Yeah, we forgot to attach a wire." added, Grace.

"Um... Okay then." I smiled back and returned to my room.

Continuing with the design, it felt kind of plain to have just a wall. I'm not a carpenter but I know how to use an ax and screw. A little loud, I attached three shelves unto the wall and added books, pots of plants, and other portraits. There, now it looks more of a home. In the bathroom, I organized my bathroom utilities, and to give it a touch, little Lily sent out her aroma.

Now that everything is finished, I turned on the air-conditioner, allowing Lily's beautiful fragrance to circulate the room further. I then turned on the television and leaped to my bed followed by my Pokemon which squashed me.

"You're too heavy Shelgon. Wow, I can't wait to see what you evolve into." I teased, rubbing its body. Now this is what I call a home...