EPISODE 8: Verity!*

"So, where are you headed Dawn?" outside, Lucas asked Dawn where she'll be heading.

"Jubilife City, the site of the first contest hall. I'm going to participate there and I must arrive at the city before Saturday so see you guys soon and good luck with the Pokemon League, I'll be rooting for the two of you!" riding her bike, Dawn waved her hands and headed north, the exit of the town.

"About you Logan? Where are you going with that Turtwig of yours?" Lucas then tilted his head to Logan who was standing beside Gallade. Turtwig the serious on the other hand was playing with Logan's fingers, persistently biting it.

"I'm not sure yet. Where do you want to go? Wanna have a battle?" pumped up with determination, Logan offered Lucas a Pokemon battle.

"A battle? That'll be great. We're rivals anyway. Hmm, let's see. According to my Sinnoh Map, there is a lake nearby. Perhaps you would like to battle me there?"

"A lake? Never knew this region had lakes."

"Of course. Lake Verity, Acuity, Valor. They are the largest bodies of water in this region, surrounded by myths and legends of strange Pokemon. So, are you willing to have a battle in the lakefront?"

"Don't mind if we do!"

If Dawn headed the north, the two rivals headed west, traveling back to Twinleaf Town and heading further west from there. The lake is at the very corner of the town, shrouded with trees.

Looking through the waters of the lake was like peering through perfect glass, unsmudged by the sticky prints of small children. The stones at the bottom were as many hues of brown and grey as there are on a painter's wheel, likely more. Though they had entered, they were greeted by an unexpected man, contemplating the looks of the pristine lake.

He has spiked light blue hair and very defined facial features. He is rarely seen without a dark, brooding expression on his face. He wears a grey uniform with a G logo on the corner left. The two were frightened because of his pale looks and so they hid behind a bush, eavesdropping his conversation with himself.

"...The flowing time... The expanding space... I will make it all mine one day... Cyrus is my name. Remember it... Until then, sleep while you can, legendary Pokémon of the lake bed...." muttered, the man as he walked out of the lake.

"Woah, that guy must be part of those Galactic dudes." Lucas guessed the moment Cyrus left the lake.

"Galactic dudes?"

"Oh right, I forgot, you are new here. I'm not sure if it was officially confirmed, but there are sightings of a secret organization in this region."

"S-secret organization?!"

"Yup. I haven't encountered one though. Anyway, let's go and proceed with this battle of ours."

The moment Logan heard the term "secret organization", he remembered my organization and wondered if I could be here somewhere.

"In my region, we had two."

"I guess it is true what they say, evil never rests. Now, Chimchar, I choose you!" both trainers are heating up for their first battle in this region. Beside the lake, Lucas chose Chimchar, the chimp Pokemon. A fire type, it is known to have two moves so far, scratch and ember.

Meanwhile, Turtwig knows two moves too, tackle and withdraw. One for attack, and one for defense. Sitting in a tree, watching the two trainers battle was no other than Gallade. He was eating a basket loaded with berries while watching them, hand-picked by himself.

"Let's start this battle! Chimchar, use ember!"

"Turtwig, withdraw!"

Turtwig's defense rose, making ember deal the most minimal damage it could ever deal. Logan proceeded with tackle, tossing the monkey back to its trainer. Not standing right away, Turtwig was given another opportunity to tackle the foe, Chimchar for the second time.

"Ah?! Let's see... Chimchar, try using scratch!"

Chimchar nodded and dashed to Turtwig

"Turtwig, we ain't letting them take the trophy, dodge then use tackle!"

Turtwig moved its body to the left making Chimchar surpass it. Now that Chimchar is behind Turtwig, it used this opportunity to make a u-turn and toss the foe with another tackle.

"What the? How are you so strong?" wondered, Lucas.

"Not to boast or anything, but I've been a trainer before you. Anyway, tackle once more!"

The tackle was able to land the final hit and Chimchar could no longer carry all the scratches. Dizzy, it fainted on the ground and the match went to Logan. Not only did he bring his partner Pokemon with him but as well as his skills and talents when it comes to battling. Is it possible for him to win the next conference?

"I guess that's that. Chimchar return to your Pokeball." Lucas became disappointed.

"Don't worry, I lost in the first try too. You'll get a hang of it soon enough." comforted, Logan with sportsmanship as he patted the newbie's back. From afar, Gallade called the two of them, pointing at the lake with a shocked expression.

The two were stupefied. They saw something pink floating above the lake, slowly descending to the sea bed. It has two tails that each have a red jewel encrusted in them. These are, presumably, two of the jewels which comprise the Red Chain. Mesprit has a partially magenta face with four long, drooping appendages and another red gem encrusted in its forehead.

It then turned invisible, hiding its colors from the two trainers. They were astounded by the Pokemon, it was majestic and magnificent.

"Hey, isn't that the Pokemon the blue guy was referring to a while ago?"

"You're right Lucas. Hmm, anyway, it must be best if we don't disturb it. I'll be heading out now. Turtwig, Gallade, return to your Pokeball."

"I guess that will mean us too, right Chimchar?"

Chimchar smiled broadly as Lucas sent it back to its Pokeball.

"Well Lucas, until we meet again."

"Hehe, I'll be stronger once we meet. And no way am I holding back in the Pokemon League." there, Lucas and Logan both starting with an L, shook each other's hand, wishing Bon Voyage to one another.

A new chapter in both of their lives had just begun.