EPISODE 26: A One Man Mission!*

We are all gathered in the dining room today, discussing our next steps. Charlotte was still furious at me, not even minding my words no matter how hard I tried to apologize. I kept begging for an apology even if I woke up at ten but she did not mind me at all. I even offered her some ice cream later after this mission and yet she refused. Deep inside, I know she's just forcing herself to say no to my offer.

"Let's see, I've read the details of the photographs. According to Luna and Charlotte, we have a new enemy who is no other than Team Galactic. They have the same goals, capturing the legendary Pokemon of Sinnoh for their own desires. We can't let that happen. It is a tradition of Team Rocket to know more about our enemies and so, I decided to come up with another mission.

In Eterna City is a building that somewhat looks abnormal compared to the city's old ambiance. I assume Team Galactic lurks here, somewhat making their building their headquarters or base. The eight of us will head there to gather their archives-" someone interrupted Vizion's words with a pat on the shoulder.

"Is there anything you want to say? Or rather, act?" Vizion tilted his head to the confident Oliver who once again, is tuning into the music.

In response, Oliver pointed his fingers to himself, volunteering to take down their headquarters alone. He had a confident smirk, somewhat unbelievable and worth laughing at. I've never heard of anyone who took down a base before except for me. Well, if I can do it, I believe he can too.

"You? Alone?" Copper doubted.

"I blew up the Pokemon Government Council alone, if I can, he can too." I defended him. Oliver slowly nodded his head.

"Well, we'll go with Ms.Luna's reason!" uttered, the twins. Their cute smiles made my cheeks blush red.

"About you, Zeal? Copper? Charlotte?" Vizion surveyed.

"I'll go with Luna." Zeal concurred with my words.

"Sigh, a one-man mission is too dangerous and risky." Charlotte doubted me.

"Oh come on! You only sided with Copper because of what I did a while ago!" I complained, of course not in a rude but rather sarcastic manner with a little pout as a touch of expression.

"Humph." Charlotte turned her head away from me, her arms were hugging her body. She was enraged of what I've done hours ago.

"Alright then. I'll allow Oliver to take this mission alone. Since it was a three against two-"

"Hey, no fair! The twins are counted as one!" Copper stood up and voiced his opinion.

"Your opinion is worth fighting for if we were conjoined twins but sad to say, we're a bit in the middle of being an identical and fraternal twins since our eye colors are different." Faith countered back with a giggle. She used the power of facts to defeat opinions.

"Conjoined?" Charlotte wondered.

"Conjoined twins are two babies who are born physically connected to each other," Glace explained.

... further elaborated by her sister, "Conjoined twins develop when an early embryo only partially separates to form two individuals. Although two fetuses will develop from this embryo, they will remain physically connected, most often at the chest, abdomen, or pelvis. Conjoined twins may also share one or more internal organs."

"And the twins have a point." Vizion let off a silent chuckle while patting the back of his dear friend Copper.

And so, the final decision was proclaimed. Oliver was given the chance to infiltrate the possible Team Galactic base alone without any help at all. This is exciting for me, and the twins wanted to join in the fun. We placed a stopwatch on the table to count how many minutes or seconds will it take for Oliver to steal the archives. A fun experiment, this is.

He arrived at the city in a matter of minutes since all he had to do was to past the foot of a large and tall mountain, Mount Coronet to reach Eterna City, the closest city from this isolated winter wonderland. He then alerted me and the twins upon stepping foot at the strange building. It was a tower with somewhat a dome on top with yellow rings circling it.

It has this futuristic presence and upon entering the facility without even knocking and surpassing the guards with his extreme speed, he was shocked to see employees all having the same color of hair and outfit. He wanted to vomit because of the unreasonable sense of fashion but he tried to stand strong. Upon entering, he alerted us again by tapping his walkie-talkie.

"Hey, who are you?!" the employees were alerted.

"..." Oliver didn't talk, and instead, he took out his Rotom-Phone.

"Answer him, douchebag!" another grunt of Team Galactic demanded. They were ready to attack the intruder with their Pokemon.

"..." once again, Oliver didn't mind talking and instead played a song in his headphones. He placed his Rotom-Phone back at his pocket as he uttered in his mind, "Let the flight of the bumblebee begin."

He gave a glare as the classical song, Flight of the Bumblebee played in his ears. In a matter of ten seconds, he ran past through the guards blocking his path, even having a moment to draw weird objects in their faces using a marker. He made it to the next sector, seeing a bunch of grunts having some snacks.

He rushed to them and with his spare time, he decided to mock and insult the grunts. He drank the tea of one of the grunts, took a bite of the sandwich of the other, and pulled the pants of another grunt. He was in disgust after seeing a male grunt wearing a brief coated in red hearts.

He went to the third sector, still playing with the other grunts he saw along his path. He exited the facility for a moment, bought a rope and dropping the money unto the counter, returned to the facility, and tied the feet of the three grunts guarding sector three. That all happened in two seconds.

In the last sector was the control room of the facility. He plugged the microchip and waited for the virus to do his work. Meanwhile, grunts came to suppress him. He gave a smirk and dashed around the pentagonal room. It confused the eyes of the grunts for they couldn't keep track of his location, making neither of their Pokemon able to detect him.

Soon, help arrived when another grunt, looking like an Elite Operative arrived. Oliver could say that he was an Elite Operative because of the gun he has. The gun is not of a pistol or revolver, it was more of a large futuristic space gun that serves as a taser to paralyze opponents.

Oliver gave a chuckle, perhaps even saying in his mind, "Is that all you got?". He accepted the challenge and at a swift speed, he changed the direction of the Elite Operative, making him face his fellow grunts. He pressed the trigger and to his surprised, he accidentally paralyzed a group of grunts, making him even more agitated against the intruder.

Once the microchip was done doing its job, he took it and rushed out of the vicinity. In the doors of the vicinity, as he exited, he came across the mad villain who wanted to restart the universe from scratch. He was intimidated and distracted by his broody expression, looking at his eyes while exiting the doors.

"So, data shows that-"

"Did the wind get stronger or was it just me?" Cyrus interrupted Saturn's words.

"What do you mean Master Cyrus?"

"Perhaps it was nothing. I thought I felt someone was running beside me." uttered, Cyrus as he made his way into his base.

"Mother of..." stressed he became upon taking a first glance inside his base. Everything was messy, the grunts had drawings on their faces, all of that triggered his anger, wiping every other emotion out of his body.

"Explain this gobbledygook!" he grabbed one of his grunts by the collar, lifting him to the air.

"I- I don't know sir. Someone attacked us." the grunt stuttered as Cyrus slowly placed him back to the ground.

"Team Rocket? Is that the organization's name?" he tilted back to his commander.


"I see," Cyrus replied and calmly walked through the halls. He tried his best not to focus on his grunts her were confused as well as him. He also tried to avoid a group of paralyzed ones resting on the floor.

After gathering the data, Oliver alerted me and the twins again. We were surprised. His whole mission only took thirty seconds to finish and I believe no one can do lower than that. Oliver is truly something else and he was able to return safely with the archives on his hand.

Meanwhile, upon knowing their archives were missing, Cyrus was put to a frown as she swore revenge against our actions.

"One man defeated this base alone?!" Cyrus yelled in rage, observing the CCTV footage in slow motion.