EPISODE 49: Skies and Support!*

Above the skies of Sinnoh was a screaming woman. She was screaming her heart and mind out. Her body was quivering while pinching the wings of her air transportation Pokemon. The scream only went louder the more the air transportation Pokemon put the medal to the pedal. The scream speaks of discomfort, one that can make your blood run cold.

"Relax Dawn, and stop pinching Togekiss's wings, it will lose control over her own body and will fall too, you included." Cynthia, atop her Garchomp, comforted the screaming Dawn.

"I- I can't, this is my first time to do this. It feels so weird and- and- so uncomfortable. I have bees in my stomach."

"Hehe, you remind me of the moment when I was once a kid, afraid of falling off your very own Pokemon. Do not fear, this is a trial of trust. Do you trust your Pokemon can handle you? Do you trust its capabilities? If so, relax and stay calm, it won't betray you and drop you off." Cynthia directed her Garchomp to go closer to Dawn. She held her cold and sweaty hands and comforted her.

"Y-yes I do." Dawn's fear disappeared as she loosened her grip on Togekiss's wings. She was feeling a bit comfortable, but her blood was still running cold. The further she and Togekiss flew, the warmer her blood flowed.

"See? I told you so! Now hang tight, we're near Pastoria City!"

"Thanks, Cynthia. I'm feeling a bit better now." Dawn learned to trust her Togekiss more. Togekiss was the same Pokemon that hatched from the egg but as a Togepi. Through many battles did it evolve into Togekiss and even helping Dawn claim her third and fourth ribbon. Yes, Dawn had won competitions all thanks to her will not to give up and surrender.

Their flight to the city continued after Cynthia being contacted by Crasher Wake who apparently is currently waiting for her in the lakefront so he, she, and Dawn can stop Team Galactic from their drilling operations.

Meanwhile, me and Logan went out of the cave and into the broad sunlight. That was quick, the streets were silent, the roads were empty as if this place was being haunted by an apparition. It is the type of environment you can see in a deserted town somewhere in the Sahara Desert with cowboys and cowgirls. That news spread quickly, it haunted the minds of the people; therefore, they wasted no opportunity of hiding in their houses.

Outside, my phone rang thirty times. I checked the notifications and it was only now when I noticed I was being contacted by Charlotte for over thirty times. There was no signal, and now that my radar was crushed after leaving it atop a boulder, I'll have to borrow or buy a new one. Some of these miscalls were voice messages and little did I know they were here all along.

One of her voice message had a worried tone, asking if I felt the earthquake and if I'm alright after that explosion. This made me panic for my absence had put their lives to danger. My heart was pulsating, I can't even describe how fast it is pumping right now. I didn't know what to do, go to the lake? They might be there. Get some help from Johto? Snowpoint is too far from here.

Then someone called both me and Logan's name from the skies. It was no other than the champion and her companion Dawn. Instead of landing at the lakefront where Crasher Wake was waiting for them, they headed to us instead after seeing us from the skies.

"Luna! Logan! It's glad to see the two of you are all doing fine." Dawn was in bliss, I even didn't expect her to hug me. It was strange, but I just hugged her back. She reminds me of Kris, I wonder how she's doing in Johto and perhaps we'll meet some other time.

"You're on your uniform? What's with that?" Cynthia asked with suspicion towards her.

"I came here with my jacket, I just removed it and tied it around my waist after the incident. It shocked me." I explained. There was truth to what I said, at least half of it. My explanation was believable at least and that's the good part.

"Well, glad to know you're not causing trouble. I did my research and it turns out you're in the wanted list of the Pokemon International Police! I was even interviewed by Detective Looker when I returned to Jubilife City to get a Poketch and luckily I covered up for you." she pouted at me.

"I'm sorry I lied and all that but let's go ahead to the lakefront to stop whatever Team Galactic's up to." I changed the topic.

"You'll get used to it, don't worry Dawn." and Logan teased me with smug.

"Why? Is it because your organization is here too?" Dawn leaned forward, she was examining me closely.

"Yes, yes they are and I think they were apprehended and maybe a truce?"

"Well, why were they here in the first place?" Cynthia asked, one of her eyebrows were lifted.

"Um, I'll tell after this is all over, Ms. Cynthia." my heart was beating hard at that moment. I have lost words and excuses, and the only thing I could do is to dodge the question.

"Perfect way to dodge the question but anyway, Crasher Wake is waiting for us at the lakefront. We better get going!"

And from there, we met with Crasher Wake in the lakefront. Glad to know he doesn't know anything about me nor Team Rocket. I took a look at the lake and I was struck by surprise. Am I to believe what I had just seen? A bounty of Magikarps just flopping everywhere with the whole lake drained from existence? I see the drillers at the center and Team Galactic. Hmm, actually, maybe this isn't so bad at all. I can just steal the Lake Guardian from Team Galactic, this is going to be great.