EPISODE 54: Captured!*

The expressionless and emotionless cold but intelligent man walked forth to him. There was a bit of giggle, but it was softer than air. It was like a cough of an old man who was about to lose his life. All three of them thought they wouldn't be encountering any danger; thus they only brought three of their main Pokemon.

"...I see. You must be the organization I've been hearing about. The foolhardy one that's trying to stand up to Team Galactic. Although I'd hardly expected to see that my enemy is mere young adults. I'd heard that our Commanders had a good time with you..."

"What are you planning old man? You ain't going to summon Dialga and Palkia, they belong to Team Rocket!" Zeal grumbled.

"Plead ignorance, will you? What a pointless attitude. You fail to appreciate that the world is incomplete. I will change the world. Am I wrong? Then challenge me all of you! I never expected visitors to come here tonight. I was busy checking what was left and that was when I noticed the three of you were here. Probopass, come out!"

Probopass is a mostly blue, rock Pokémon. It has small round eyes, a red nose that is large in proportion to its body, and a bushy black mustache that appears to consist of iron filings. These iron filings appear to be attracted by its magnetic nose. It has three small objects on its sides and back, called Mini-Noses which it is able to control. It has a big red hat-like magnet on top of its head, and has strong magnetism from all over its body.

Being able to command these Mini-Noses, it is able to catch prey and attack opponents from all three directions. On occasion, its Mini-Noses can get lost and may never come back. It emits strong magnetic fields that can damage nearby appliances.

"Charizard, deploy!" tossed, Zeal.

"You too Blastoise!" tossed, Vizion.

"Venusaur, you're up!" tossed, Copper.

Three against one? Surely Zeal, Vizion, and Copper have the advantage when it comes to this or so they thought. Behind Cyrus, his remaining three commanders watched from behind. Their smirks were confident for they knew their leader Cyrus is no coward, no scapegoat in battling. He may abandon is men at times but that does not make him a fool.

"Charizard, let's go with Fire Fang!"

"Blastoise, Hydro pump!"

"Venusaur, unleash Seed Bomb right at the foe!"

Three in one, the agents of Team Rocket commanded and with their skills in battling, they're confident they could think. And for once in a lifetime, Cyrus smirked and snapped his fingers in response to their attacks. This signaled Probopass on what to do. All attacks were received by mini noses intentionally for safety; therefore it protected Probopass.

"Iron Defense!" Cyrus instructed. The move Iron Defense only made Probopass's speed increase. It made it harder than steel itself.

"Seismic Toss, right now Charizard!"

"Blastoise, Take Down!"

"Venusaur, now use Venoshock and poison the Pokemon!"

Cyrus gave a tiny smirk and uttered softly, "Tri Attack." I remember that move as if it was yesterday. A fast swift high damage dealing move that shocked me when Charlotte's Dodrio did it to my Pokemon. Instead of Probopass, it was the mini noses who attacked the three of them, all dodging the moves of the Team Rocket agents and hitting them with the said command afterward.

The agents were getting flustered for not a single attack was able to land on Probopass itself. Sadly, mini noses do not faint for they're basically rocks controlled by Probopass's mind.

"Now, listen to my command, use Zap Cannon!" Cyrus followed up.

Probass went all-in with its energy, launching an electric beam of green and yellow light towards all three of the agents' Pokemon.

"Go up to the sky to dodge, Charizard!" Zeal, an experienced former trainer knew how to dodge the attack by Charizard's advantage, his wings. As for the two, they relied on moves to somewhat block the incoming cannon.

"Alright, Metal Claw and with your arms, form an X!" the skilled and famous Elite Operative Vizion commanded Blastoise. Blastoise nodded pretty quickly and followed the commandment. Then came the Zap Cannon attack, pushing Blastoise no matter how strong it tried to resist with its Metal Claw attack.

The floors were getting scratched as Blastoise was moving backward by the move. No matter how tough it was, it made sure it wouldn't let go and give in.

Blastoise was literally forcing himself not to give up. It can feel the tension and pain though, despite this, it wouldn't let go. Then, sharp blades, glowing in blue emerged in its arms. The blades were long, sturdy, powerful it seemed more like a dagger. Because of hardship in withstanding the pain, Blastoise learned liquidation. Through this, it stopped the attack completely, stunning Cyrus and his commanders.

"Great work Blastoise, Liquidation once more!" Vizion was proud, he ought to use the attack again to test its power.

With the daggers, Blastoise went for the mini noses, slicing them one after another to the wall. Once the mini noses were out of its path, it continued to run until it struck Probopass with a super-effective move.

Probopass's voice glitched after that water move.

"Charizard, now go with Dragon Claw!" from the sky, nearly reaching the ceiling, Charizard zoomed in with his claws directly pointing at Propobass's chest. Then came the mini noses again but Charizard was able to slash them one by one with his claws. Once the path was cleared again, Probopass was hit for the second time.

"Now, let's do this Venusaur, go use Take Down!" it was Copper's turn to deal damage. With Take Down, Venusaur bashed like a rook to Probopass. For the third and foremost time, Probopass was damaged. All three starters were exhausted but Probopass? Not by a single bit. The scratches were minimal, you could even count them.

"Heh, you think it would be that easy? Probopass Giga Impact on Venusaur!" Cyrus laughed and commanded his Pokemon once more.

Venusaur saw the attack coming but both it and its trainer flinched. It couldn't react quickly and so it closed its eyes because of the tormentor. One... Two... Three... Four... Five... all those seconds passed yet Venusaur didn't feel the attack. It opened its eyes and saw Probopass floating above it, tangled in roots as thick as walls.

"F-frenzy plant?" Saturn stuttered after seeing Venusaur learned a new move.

"Go finish it with Zap Cannon!" Cyrus instructed. He didn't make the decision to use an attack to set his Pokemon free but rather use this as an opportunity to strike. And so, shocked once more, Venusaur couldn't move as the Zap Cannon attacked went straight for it. During this round, it was able to feel the pain, the immense pain that fainted it for good despite learning a new move.

"Venusaur, return to your Pokeball! It's up to the two of you, Zeal and Vizion!" Copper alerted.

"Leave this to me, Charizard now go with Slash!" Zeal was sweating for she had never faced a battle this difficult before.

pointing his claws at the foe, Charizard dashed like a lightning bolt onto Probopass.

"Rock Blast, now!"

Probopass's body generated a large sphere made out of stone. The stone was sharp, rough, and jagged and just like an asteroid, it traveled to Charizard, hitting his face which also made him crash to the ground like a failed rocket launch because of a foreign body in space.

Rock-type moves are super effective against fire, add that with Tri-attack and you'll have a fainted Charizard, leaving the match to Blastoise and Vizion.

"Return, Charizard, we'll get better. Vizion, it's all up to you."

Vizion replied with both a choke of his saliva and a nod at the same time.

"Blastoise, Water Pulse!"

"Probopass protect yourself!"

The mini noses took place and went in front of Probopass, serving as a shield and blockage against Water Pulse. Then came, Zap Cannon, an electric move that went straight for Blastoise. Exhausted, it was unable to respond right away; thus Blastoise fainted...