EPISODE 56: Extra Assistance!*

Me and Charlotte went to the monitors and unplugged the chip momentarily so we could use the big monitor to identify their current locations. Luckily, Virgo was able to send her Rotom-Phone code to us which means we could call her for help. Saddled on our chairs, we contacted her through my laptop which is then reflected on the big screen. It was late at night and the only thing I could hope for is that she would answer.

{Ringing... Ringing...} these words were displayed on the monitor.

"Come on pick up, please. I know you will Virgo." I implored.

"Forget it, it's late at night. She probably won't answer."

"Of course she will! Remember? She's a bookworm!"

"What's that gotta do with our current situation?" asked, Charlotte who slowly took a sip from her coffee drink.

"Well, um... bookworms sleep late because they read novels. Hehe."

"Alright, now you're just guessing." she pouted at me, and at the same time, our attention was dragged upon hearing someone yawn. We looked at the big monitor and figured it was Virgo! I was right, I knew she'd answer our call.

"Luna? Charlotte? Do you realize what time is it?" Virgo uttered in a grumbling manner.

"Sorry to disturb your sleep." I apologized.

"Well according to her you're busy reading novels because bookworms stay up late." Charlotte rolled her eyes at me.

"That is entirely not true. Anyway, what help do you need from me?"

"Right. So, you have your laptop with you?"

"Uh-huh, what do you want me to do with my laptop Luna?"

"Well, we're trying to find three Elite Operatives who are currently missing. Can you find their location for us?" I begged.

"Three missing? Alright, leave the rest to me." Virgo yawned. She left her phone at the bed and I can see she was sleeping in our room. How I miss that room, bunk beds were my favorite during that time.

"K got my laptop. What do you want me to do now?" she returned to her phone and booted up her laptop.

"Um, do your thing and find the location of Zeal, Copper, and Vizion. Those three went missing for some reason."

"K." she replied in a voice of a drowsy person. We waited for five minutes, watching her scroll through her laptop. We couldn't see her screen, just her hand moving around and typing.

"Is it done?" Charlotte wondered.

"Yeah. Got their locations. It says they're at Snowpoint City so I think they're just somewhere inside your headquarters." Virgo reported.

"N-no. If they're in Snowpoint city then the only thing that would pique their interest is the Galactic Base in which I was held captive." something snapped inside my mind as I recalled the moment I told them all about their secret base there.

"Oh great, of course, they're there!" Charlotte sighed.

"So, is everything good already?" Virgo conversed.

"Y-yeah, thanks a lot, Virgo... Oh and good night!" I greeted.

"Nighty night!" Virgo greeted back and pressed the decline button.

"Alright, they're definitely in trouble. We've got to go and help them Charlotte."

"Well, I've no choice but to agree." Charlotte shrugged and finished her coffee.

We then rushed to our rooms and suited up in our Team Rocket attire. Perhaps all three of them were captured by Team Galactic, we've got to check what's going on before they are transported somewhere else in case they were held captive.

And so, like the twins and the other agents, we passed through the gates of the Eastern Reaches where the snow hits the hardest. It made our spines shiver but we were kinda confident we could handle it since we've seen worse. Not to mention we crashed at Seafoam Islands which is way terrible than this one if someone would ask me.

"This returns me to Seafoam Islands." uttered, Charlotte while clinging to my back tightly.

"Well, I remember that. You used to be exuberant back then but after Xavier's death, you became all gloomy all of a sudden? What happened to the High-Flying Girl?"

"Oh... Xavier. I don't know." she became woebegone all of a sudden.

"You definitely need more flying Pokemon. I'll help you catch more Pokemon in the morning."

"Th-thanks. Haven't thought of any Pokemon yet so far." Charlotte's smirk returned.

And after that dreaded storm, the two of us made it to the manhole. It was open. There were helicopters nearby, the only possible way Team Galactic could've got here and knowing Team Galactic is here gives me a worried spirit for what is heading next.

"Wanna jump first?" Charlotte offered.

"You go!" I chuckled and pushed her down. The manhole wasn't that deep, there's no need to be angry at me.

"I'll get you back!" Charlotte grumbled at me down the manhole.

"Hmm, that reminds me. I haven't done my-" intervened I was as a bullet nearly went for my nape. Luckily I knelt down. The bullet went for the snow and I was shocked to know the bullet belonged to those that could make people fall asleep. I looked around my surroundings and saw no one at all but it made me alert that someone was watching me. I quickly jumped down the manhole and showed the bullet to Charlotte.

"Someone tried to make me asleep."

"Huh? Team Galactic has spies all over. Luckily you weren't hit."

"Thank you, I guess?"