EPISODE 75: Aid!*

Mawile was shaking my body, trying desperately to wake me up. Her tears flowed to my chest as all deep sorrows surrounded her. Mawile's sobbing was the sound of a heartbreaking.

she vigorously shook my body. Then came Zinnia who tried to aid me. She was both worried and concerned but she didn't know what to do. She did the same thing Mawile did to me, shaking my body and trying to wake me up from my unconscious state.

"Luna? Luna? Are you alright?!" her heart was panting when she asked my unconscious body a question.

"I don't know anything about medicine. She's breathing, so I think a cardiopulmonary resuscitation is not necessary. Don't worry, Mawile. She'll be fine, trust me." she soothed my Pokemon who was crying all her tears at me. She was also frightened, perhaps scared that I would scold her for not living up to her expectation.

Then came the two who split. Charlotte went to me after seeing my body on the floor while Zeal went to the other agents of Team Rocket to aid them. She throbbed after seeing me as he asked Zinnia to make way. There she saw my Mawile crying.

"What happened?!" she asked Zinnia.

"Commander Mars's Pokemon tossed Luna. That's what happened."

"That darn Team Galactic! They're always up to no good. Help me place her body in her room."


Zinnia and Charlotte lifted my body as Mawile followed them from behind. Once the other members were released from their restraints, they worked on rebuilding the things wrecked by Team Galactic themselves. The twins led the operation of fixing the doors and the blown-up ceilings with the spare aluminum sheets. It won't be sturdy but at least it'll cover us from the rain momentarily.

As that happens, both Charlotte and Zinnia were aiding me. Oliver was disappointed his skates were broken by the commander and now he begs the twins to fix them but it'll take a long time before that happens since they were focused on fixing our headquarters.

So far, the only problem of the van was the glass windows which were easily fixed with the help of Copper and Vizion. Meanwhile, Zeal swept the floor that was filled with shattered pieces of wood and scrapped materials from built from the walls. It was messy, and so this might take a long time to accomplish.

Charlotte aided me, making sure I was feeling comfortable. She placed a warm cloth on my forehead and applied bandages on my wounds like what she did before. Zinnia on the other hand was busy cleaning the scar on my eye. I didn't see that punch coming and if I knew she would kill, I'd kill her first. Thought a casual battle was what she was planning but I guess I was wrong.

As that happens, Mawile was beside me, just hugging me and waiting for me to wake up with the rest of my Pokemon. Lily was the most worried as she mourned like a sad puppy. This was her very rare moments of crying.

"She'll wake up soon enough right?" Zinnia asked.

"Yes, let her rest. Come on, we've got to help everyone else and discuss certain things." the stressed Charlotte answered as both of them went out of my room.

Three more hours, I was under a deep sleep. It was only when my tummy longed for orange juice that I woke up from my unconscious state. I felt a headache, an unbearable one that made me moan. I also feel sleepy despite waking up and around me were my all of my Pokemon, sleeping beside me.

It was only Mawile who was sleeping on my belly and once I woke up, she woke up too. Though I expected to be greeted with a smile, I was greeted with a frown instead. The frown was huge, and I can see her little cute fangs hanging out of her mouth.

"What? Of course not. I'm not angry and besides, it's not your fault. I should've dodged when I had the chance."

"What do you mean you're not interested in fighting anymore?" that shook me. Her expression, she really meant she had a tired time-fighting.

"I know I captured you back in the mansion. Don't tell me-"

she nodded her head sideways but there was a bit of uncertainty to that. Had she lost interest in me? Why all of a sudden?

"I don't get it, why are you like this? You used to love fighting."

According to her, she was never born a fighter anyway. She was just a rambunctious little jolly Pokemon who loves to make a mess.

"I see, I guess you needed a little break. Okay, I still have five more to rely on while you rest."

she hugged me tightly but her frown was still there as I noticed her hug was somewhat forced. She had enough of fighting for now after being traumatized by those past events.

After resting, I went out to see how everybody's doing and they seem to be busy fixing things. I went to the kitchen to grab some orange juice I had some snacks with Mawile. She was sitting on the chair beside me and while eating, I was looking at her. She didn't notice this, however.

She looks somewhat worried or having double-thoughts. Although, what made my mind so bothered was the fact she mentioned the mansion in Cinnabar Island. That came out of nowhere unless she was truly hiding something from me.

"Hey, do-"

she growled at me immediately. I haven't even finished my words yet.

"Why are you growling at me?"


She just swiftly turned her head away.

"Was it because I made you cry and scared?"

Mawile nodded.

"Come on! At least I'm feeling better now." I tapped her jaw but then she bit me. Her demeanor has totally changed.