EPISODE 81: The Trap!*

"So? Are we supposed to wait here while they're gone? Luna's got the flute so we can't quite meet Arceus for the time being." Zeal walked in circles due to boredom. She longed earnestly for sleep and relaxation and as for now, she had nothing to do but to sit atop a stone while waiting for the four of us to return.

"Perhaps. Well, we can do things for fun too, you know? Hmm, see that tall pillar over there, why not try to climb it." Copper suggested who was just throwing pebbles at the ground while waiting for something exciting to happen out of nowhere.

"Yeah, could do if you want to go to jail for wrecking a historical sight."

"So? It's gonna wrecked by Team Galactic anyway."

"Are you always mad?!"

"It depends. I'm short-tempered, Zeal."

"Then be long-tempered, if there's such a term!"

"Ha! Ha! That made me laugh... no, it didn't."

"And you're sarcastic as well."

"I am, and are you still planning to climb that tower?"

"Okay, you're just trying to switch topics." Zeal rolled her eyes at him.

Meanwhile, on the far side of the Spear Pillar, Logan and Charlotte were having a confrontation of some sort. Sigh, I wished Charlotte came with me, she's always overprotective in many manners and ways.

"You! Who do you think you are that made my friend wave at you?!" Charlotte confronted him, a bit aggressive, a bit passive.

"U-um... I'm Logan."

"I know! I think I saw you before but anyway, what kind of brainwashing mechanism are you trying to do with her?"

"Brainwashing mecha- Nah, you must be kidding right?"

"Humph! Tell me the truth, are the t-"

"Okay, you're going too far now. There's nothing and we're just explorers."


"Huh? Didn't she tell you we went to an island together? Well, this was the first time I knew your friend was afraid of the rain." Logan chuckled.

"What?! That Luna, I knew it! Ooh, when she comes back, I'm go- argh!" Charlotte walked away from Logan because of rage.

"U-um, that was unexpected." Logan scratched his head.

At the right of the Spear Pillar, the twins played with Lucas for a moment or two, showing their cool Minun and Plusle at him. Well, Lucas wanted to boast his Infernape but not in front of two cuddly twins. He didn't want their self-esteem to be lowered but it turned out it was he who got lowered after the twins displayed some of the inventions they've made from their bag.

"Oh wow, prodigies." Lucas was speechless after seeing the inventions and so he decided to say those three words instead.

"Prodigies? Is that what people call us?" the twins asked.

"Yeah, technically, I guess." Lucas scratched his head until he found a way to increase his self-esteem. "Hey, wanna battle? The two of you against me?"

"No thanks," responded, the twins.

"Uh, okay then." Lucas became quite disappointed.

"So, are the two of you agents of Team Rocket?" inquired, Lucas.

"Yup! Mommy sent us here to help Ms.Luna and her friends." Faith replied to his question.

"I can understand that. So, why is Team Rocket here anyway?" Lucas leaned his head forward at the twins, thinking this would be the perfect opportunity to know the truth.

"Something with portals and stuff with Dialga!" Faith replied exuberantly.

"Hey! No, it has to do something with time travel with Palkia!" Grace clarified.

"I knew it! Team Rocket is up to no good!" Lucas stood with rage as he finally learned the truth. The truth made him infuriated.

"Oh no, what have we done?" the hearts of the twins pounded loudly as they realized their mistakes.

Meanwhile, Lucas walked to Logan to clarify things up with him and that is when abrupt things occurred. A ton of meters away from Logan, a smoke grenade from above fell down. It filled the whole place as the laughter of evil pirates could be heard everywhere. It was zero-visibility, most of them were coughing.

"Logan, help! Someone's pulling me!" Lucas's voice echoed, it was getting thinner by the second.

"Lucas?! Where you at?" Logan wondered, being cautious about his surroundings as he constantly checked what lurked behind me.

"Ah!" he heard Zeal and Charlotte screaming, followed by the twins and three other men. He heard chuckles at his left and he immediately ran to the right in which he was also met with chuckles. From there he turned right then left again, trying to dodge all the chuckles and laughter that was close to him.

Once the smoke disappeared, he was baffled, completely surrounded by Team Galactic grunts. In front were three particular people. The master, the bringer of war, and the bringer of jollity. "It's a trap!" he told himself.

"Give up trainer, your friends had been imprisoned already," Cyrus demanded.

"I've got to warn Luna about this. Pelipper, go now! Full speed ahead!" Logan sent out his Pokemon and escaped as fast as he could.

"Argh! Get-"

"Let him be, Jupiter. It's not like he'll be able to survive the storm." Mars paused her fellow commander's action, calming her enraged spirit by a bit.

"This is bad, so bad," Logan told himself, and despite the storm ahead of him, he was willing to pass through it.

"Now, my fellow Galactic brethren. Our operation is working perfectly and our measly enemies have been imprisoned. The champion gone and busy, our plan shall be a success as we move onward to a better world. Let the new world come to be, and let me, Cyrus be its god!" Cyrus encouraged the crowd of underlings surrounding him.

"Hail, Cyrus!" his grunts yelled as they all saluted to him.

"Jupiter, Mars, do my bidding, send out the Lake Guardians and let the ceremony begin!"

"Of course, Master Cyrus."

The end of this world is about to take place as a new one will be forged out of the ashes of the old. Dialga and Palkia awaits but little do they know, the ones from the heaven and hell awaits them too. A war between their proclaimed gods, time, space, all disrupted, matter will come to quench.