EPISODE 83: The Response of the Pokemon International Police 2.0!*

The Pokemon International Police was able to successfully apprehend the grunts inside Cyrus's Veilstone City skyscraper. Though despite this, there were little to no clues at all about the whereabouts of their leader for they kept their mouths shut. Not a single grunt was determined to reveal their location despite the punishments that await them.

The whole Pokemon International Police is in panic as they feared Team Galactic is definitely up to no good. What are to do now that not a single one of them wanted to reveal the location of the detective? This was Cyrus's ultimate scheme anyway, to let his location be hidden with the grunts who were willing to sacrifice themselves for him.

Inside the police car, the detective stared out to his window while thinking of a plan. He was completely emotionless, expressionless, as if some Pokemon drained all of his energy. Meanwhile, Emma was sitting at the back portion of his car, drinking some bubble tea and watching the clouds pour down their melancholy tears.

She was also listening to some upbeat music. On her lap was her Pokemon, Mimi, and Espurr. Well, she recently named her Pokemon. If Zinnia has Aster who rarely makes appearances nowadays and I know not why Emma has Mimi who is good at hacking and serves as a translator for both the detective and his assistant.

"Detective? Have you seen this report? There's some people spotted in Mt.Coronet." Emma reported after scrolling through the news section on her phone.

"Huh? A what now?"

"I don't know, that is what the news report says. A group of helicopters were spotted roaming the area and there is a big possibility that-"

"It could be the helicopters of Team Galactic. You're a genius, Emma!" a sudden exuberance filled the body of the detective.

"Th-thank you, Detective Looker." Emma's cheeks were fluffed in cherry red.

"I guess it was right to make you my assistant and buy a Pokeball for your Pokemon. Anyway, contact headquarters, we've got to head to the mountain as soon as possible." Detective Looker booted up the engines of his car.

"Alright, Detective Looker!" saluted, Emma as she contacted the headquarters of the Pokemon International Police around the whole region while the detective drives to the scene.

"Good evening, this is assistant Emma. Mr. Looker is asking for assistance. He has a presumption Team Galactic is at Mt.Coronet. Please escort us-"

"Oh, and the armored police department as well."

"And please include the armored police department too. Thank you." there, Emma declined the call.

"Huh, you seem to be getting better and better doing some detective work. You know, if I'm impressed, I'll let you be in charge of an operation in the Unova Region and if you surpass my limits, I'll leave the Looker Bureau to you. I see a future detective."

"U-Unova? I'll be delighted to lead operations there!" she cuddled her Mimi tightly because of excitement and enthusiasm.

"Yes. I've suspected foul play within the region. Another team who sought to do something good but was misguided by one of their seven leaders."

"You heard that Mimi? We get to travel to a new region!"

Espurr smiled at her trainer.

The journey to the tallest mountain of Sinnoh is a go as the Pokemon International Police is headed there. Meanwhile, Mimi and Emma are excited to reach a faraway region. Once the leader of a gang now an aspiring detective. Her hopes in achieving her dreams are high despite being poor and not even having a Pokeball for Mimi but thanks to the detective, she now has one. But the detective speculates she's hiding something from him.