EPISODE 85: Time and Space!*

While the rest were busy fighting, I stuck with my obligation. It was hard finding this particular tile for the descriptions were not very vivid and the only clue given to me was the color of the tile, brown. With the flute, I rummaged at the east of the Spear Pillar. So far, the only clue I have to determine the right tile was to look for the one that is considered the oddest from the rest.

Upon finding it, I finally understood what the champion meant by brown. It was not brown as timbers nor was it light as skin. It's mixed with a bit of golden hues and on it were carved dialects I know not about. Their language was definitely not of Earth nor any planet I know about that has any Pokemon living in them.

I did what I was told, playing the flute in any manner, any note will do the trick and Cynthia was right. I head a melody that I was quite unfamiliar with. It doesn't sound like any great composer such as Tchaikovsky and Mozart could've composed this magnificent piece of music. It made me feel light and though I do not have the skills of a flutist, the names I was playing seem to be correct.

The melody entered my heart, whirling around it as it travels to the others. The melody stole everyone's attention. They paid all their ears at me. This has made the argument stop for a moment as it bewildered Cyrus.

"Where is that music coming from?" Cyrus inquired to one of his commanders.

"It appears to be coming from Luna," Mars answered and pointed at me.

The tile I was stepping on became grass. My surroundings was pure whiteness, that's it. Nothing in sight except for the color white. I skipped around the grass like a young lass while playing the flute that lifted my mood and surged me with inner happiness. Following my skipping were leaves of brown, just dancing with me.

From the perspective of those who see me, I looked like an idiot dancing around for no reason but what they're seeing is different from mine. I felt the sensation of bliss, just flowing through my vessels. The leaves continued to follow me like little children, as if I was their mother. Then, in front of those who see me, I disappeared, my body turned into dust.

From my perspective, I began to float up to the whiteness around me. At first, I was startled but despite this, I continued playing the melody. The leaves also came with me. They swiveled around my body as if I was some sort of person floating up a tornado of brown leaves. The higher I went, the happier I became as I reached the hall of origin.

I was still floating, but I stopped ascending just like one's body in space. Because of this, I stopped playing the music for a moment as I wondered what would happen next. I could swim if I wanted to but I was feeling a bit uncomfortable. The leaves, my only companion, left me for some reason as they swayed far from me.

I was so high, I couldn't see what was below and that includes the grass. "Where am I?" it was the only question I could think of.

"Hello!" I shouted. My body continuously floated and my voice echoed in the whiteness of absolute nothingness.

Then I saw a single brown leaf approaching me. The leaf tickled my nose and started to swim away. "Hey! Don't go!" I told the leaf, started talking with the abiotic. It swam further from me but I sought to chase it by swimming for it.

Swimming in the middle of nowhere with no liquid? Huh, Arceus's home is fun. Or is this even his own? No one has encountered the Lake of Origin before and if there was, they couldn't remember how it looked like.

I thought the leaf was nothing but it turned out it was trying to lead me somewhere. My body warped as something pulled my arms extremely fast as if I was being sucked into a wormhole. The next thing I know I was feeling a tremendous headache but the trees that bore pink petals and leaves grabbed my attention.

I looked around and saw I was sitting on an island of lush grass while massaging my head. Around the island and me was still the same whiteness. The island wasn't dull but rather one that can just make your jaw drop. The island had cherry blossoms around. Then came the wind that went for the trees, letting the flowers dance down to me.

This was a place I could forever live in compared to the islands I've seen in my dream. I took one of the flowers and played with it.

"A loud voice entered my ears. I stood up in hysteria as I looked at my surroundings while holding the flower. To my surprise, no one was there. It was just a voice that was deep.

"You must be Arceus. The one who was called God by everyone." I talked to my surroundings.

"No. There is no basis to prove their claim."

"Okay, I'll admit, I planned to do that but I changed my mind, I'm sticking with our original plan. This place is incredible! I could live here forever." I jumped to a heap of pink flowers.

"No, maybe, I mean yes, but no. Actually, I don't know. Both Earth and these are great. Wait, can I live with you?" I lifted my upper torso from the heap and looked to the whiteness above me, wondering if Arceus was there or just somewhere invisible.

"Dialga and Palkia? Basically yes. That's why the champion called you for help anyway." I cloaked myself with cherry blossoms while talking with Arceus.

"Your voice, you seem scared."

"You? The one who created Pokemon, is afraid of something?"

"Wh-what do you mean?"



"Arceus?!" I stood up from the heap and stopped playing. He completely me shut me out or so I thought. In front, I light both blinded and lulled me. I walked closer and the closer I went, the dimmer it became as I saw Arceus right in front of my eyes. It was a sight to behold.

Arceus is a white equine resembling a qilin or centaur with a gray, vertically-striated underside. The striated pattern has similar recurrences on the underside of its mane, tail, and face. Its four pointed feet are tipped with gold hooves. Its long mane juts away from its head, and its face is gray, with green eyes and red pupils, and a green circular pattern below its eyes.

Arceus also has a streak of gold coloration on its head, and ears that point upward. Its neck is fairly long, with two pairs of extrusions to the sides, and a flap-like feature on the neck's underside that is colored white like much of the body. Arceus also has a golden cross-like wheel attached to its body by its round abdomen, which changes color along with its eyes and hooves based on its current type, which depends on the plate that it wields.

The wheel also has four jewels attached to it. The pattern of striated gray of Arceus's underbelly resumes past Arceus's waist. Its limbs have gray undersides and extrusions at the tops of the legs. Arceus's tail is fairly like its mane in terms of shape and coloration.

Arceus wanted me to ride on its back. This returned my smile as I would be touching the skin of the first Pokemon that created the rest. It's smooth and silky in the same thing. It was like riding on a sword.