The land in which they fought, cracked by the feet of the challengers and the enemies, were met with the clash of the thunderous skies. The once thin clouds whirled as the shadows cover it, making them the menace of the Earth. The wind came to interrupt as the only thing the people could see were the thunders fiddling with the swirling clouds. It was as if a tornado was forming.
Dialga and Palkia, both fell under the spell of Team Galactic's master, the god of the upcoming world. Though as the two Pokemon tried to fight against his will, they couldn't resist the charm of the red chain. Then came the portal from underneath in which the platform Cyrus stood upon turned into murky ebony water.
"Look what you've done, Cyrus! Didn't you realize what havoc you brought upon to this world! It's too late now!" Cynthia was agitated as she yelled at Cyrus who still didn't care about what was happening.
"This is what I've always wanted. It's coming, I can see it in front of my very own eyes." Cyrus looked at Cynthia with a stare. He extended his hands, embracing the wind and the clouds as both Dialga and Palkia bowed before him, ready to do what he bade.
"Garchomp! Slash!" Cynthia retaliated against the master.
"Dialga, Roar of Time! Palkia, Spacial Rend!" Cyrus used both deities to fight against Cynthia. Garchomp was no match and instead, it was blasted by two outrageous and powerful move, fainting Garchomp in a single hit.
"Grunts, apprehend them!" Mars gave the order, her grunts submitted.
The trainers, Team Rocket, and Cynthia slowly backed away as the grunts of Team Galactic surrounded them.
"Nidoking, Brutal Swing!"
"Claydol, Giga Impact!" countered, Copper with his Pokemon.
"Ninetales, Fire Blast!"
"Come on, Lucario! Bone Rush!"
"Froslass, Avalanche!" Zeal fought the grunts that were trying to surround her. Because of the attack, Froslass froze a galore of grunts alongside their Pokemon.
"Dusclops, Night Shade!" Vizion countered as well with his Dusclops. A black beam of light went straight for the foe's Pokemon from its single red eye.
"Gliscor, Sky-Uppercut!" Charlotte used her newly traded Pokemon. Gliscor went for the skies. From the swirling nightmares, it dived to the ground, taking hold of the feet of the foe's Pokemon and throwing them up the air. It also pinched the noses of some with its ferocious pinchers.
"..." Oliver communicated with his Pokemon by snapping his fingers. Heracross, Scyther, and Pinsir, all three went for the foes and attacked them either with scythes, claws, or horns.
"Infernape! Heat them up, Flamethrower!" Lucas instructed.
"Empoleon! Metal Claw!" three grunts tried to apprehend Lucas from behind, Dawn quickly rescued with him with her Pokemon. Then came a Snorlax going straight for Dawn but Torterra quickly saved her by tangling Snorlax with its ropes and throwing it far from Dawn.
"Are you alright, Dawn?"
"Thanks, Logan." Dawn smiled, her cheeks were cherry red.
"Discharge, let's go!"
Surrounded by six grunts, the twins countered with the help of their little Minun and Plusle. with Discharge, the grunts were electrocuted; thus they fell to the ground, their hair so sparkly as if they were wearing Afros.
Then came an interruption to the fight as the clouds dispersed before their eyes. A ball of gas went blazing towards Spear Pillar. It was like a meteorite and it haunted Zinnia who was fighting with her Aster.
The flaming ball of glass went straight for the ground, causing a large explosion. I witnessed it before my eyes for I was atop the Pokemon responsible for the attack. Having a fire type plate, Arceus's crown in between its abdomen glowed in orange as magnificently descended with me riding on top. The light flashed through us, it was the light that stood in between the darkness.
Dialga and Palkia, they were shocked to see their father approach them, their master, and the rest of the people. They pleaded to be released by their heart but their minds were corrupted by the hands of evil. Cynthia smiled, Team Rocket did too, including the trainers. I scrambled for my pocket but then I realized the Rocket Balls were with Charlotte. With my angle, me above the other deities, I could straight up catch them.
"Arceus!" Cynthia rejoiced.
"Arceus... I should've known, the creator of all Pokemon. Bow before your new god! This world is about to end!" Cyrus had the guts to proclaim such a thing to Arceus but it didn't mind and instead it brought me down to the ground.
"W-what?! What do you mean don't let it escape?" I was bewildered by the task set upon me and Arceus refused to answer as it went straight to both Dialga and Palkia to confront them.
Spacial Rend, Judgement, Roar of Time, the war of the deities has just begun and one more is about to join the fight. Cyrus acted like a god despite not being one. He insulted Arceus as his grunts and commanders tried to hold Arceus captive. The light from the sky dispersed and went away as darkness fell upon the land again. Clouds continued to swirl and out of the ordinary, we all felt something strange...