EPISODE 89: He from the Shadows, Rise again!*

Though her words had restored hope by a bit, I was still frightened. I took a glance at the platform, my body was breathing heavily as I earnestly begged no one would touch her. All the scrambling grunts, and the commanders and their master, Cyrus didn't care. He just smirked at all of them as he continued to believe his world is coming to a reality.

"Luna, deep breath." I was getting traumatized. I wanted to vomit as I felt nauseous. My hand was holding the pillar tightly as Dawn tried to control my trauma.

"I- I can't lose her again." my voice stammered.

"And I'm not losing the twins, nor Vizion and Copper, and Oliver! Luna, most of us do not comprehend what's happening but we need to stop everything to restore the balance. Whatever is sleeping down that portal is the one responsible for everything. Stop him, and she will return, trust me." Zeal confronted me, trying to catch my eyes as she held my shoulders tightly we both of her hands.

"I- I lost Lucas," Dawn mumbled downheartedly.

"And I nearly lost my Lucario," Logan added.

"Though the news is popular in Sinnoh, everything that is happening now is happening throughout the world. Believe me. Dialga of time, Arceus of judgment, Palkia of space, who am I missing?" sitting on a boulder, Cynthia was somewhat thinking deeply as she contemplated the cracks.

I took another peek at what was happening around me and now I saw hands of different complexions chasing the grunts. Above us, the deities continued to fight as if they didn't care what was happening below them. It reminds me of Greek mythology. Although despite all of Zeal's effort to calm me, I couldn't hold anymore. I puked in front of everyone.

"There, there, there." Zeal comforted me. A part of her was being sarcastic while I was puking on the floor.

"Yes! Destroy everything! Start a new one!" Cyrus proclaimed to the skies, the land, and the water. He stared at the deities, he glanced at his men, and he was like a king who did nothing but watch. He was lucky nothing bad was happening to him and his two female commanders who were watching with awe.

"I can hardly wait." Mars smiled at Cyrus.

"Me either." added, Jupiter.

Meanwhile, the three lake guardians were still floating. Nothing was happening to them as they just watched with their red eyes.

"Wh-what do you want us to do, Ms. Cynthia? I had enough of this. This is too much than expected." after feeling better, I purposely asked what Cynthia wanted us to do.

"I will come and together, we will-" her words were interrupted because of the screams of the Team Galactic grunts. It was loud, matching the reaction of the people once they experience a zombie apocalypse. We all took a peek at the platform and saw the scariest thing that could've ever lived. Impossible, we all thought in our mind as another beast emerged out of the portal from beneath.

The beast was of a Muk but color black. Its eyes were red and the first thing that came up at my mind was, "The demon of my dreams."

"Wh-what was that?" Dawn asked. She heard my mumble to myself.

"The demon of my dreams. I saw that strange figure before, from my dreams! I swear. It looks exactly like it. Could it be? The world of floating islands is somewhere within that portal?!" I wondered.

"The distortion world. That could only be the explanation there. You saw the distortion world? But how?" Cynthia was gobsmacked.

"I- I don't know. But I just saw it." I replied while watching the beast of the distortion world come to being. It kept its murkiness and remained as a silhouette of darkness. It slowly emerged out of the portal.

said the silhouette to Arceus who was wrestling its children.

"What the?!" Cyrus fell before his knees after seeing the beast who glared at him. The beast confronted him, "You did this?"

"I am creating a new world!" Cyrus told the beast.


"Help! Help!" Emma persistently called for assistance as she struggled to remove herself from the belt that she's buckled to. When no one seemed to come, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She pulled her guts together and took a deep breath.

"I can do this, I can do this." she encouraged herself, holding unto the shard piercing her lower abdomen.

"One... Two... Three..." she slowly counted and there, she pulled the shard with all her might. While doing so, she shrieked as tears fell off her face because of the pain she was experiencing. The shard went up, but not fully uprooted. Blood oozed out as she closed her eyes, taking breaths and inhaling deeply.

"Just a little more," she told herself as her hands reached for the cloth on the floor. Once successful, Emma focused on the shard again, pulling it for the second time. This time, the shard was uprooted and there she placed the cloth on the wound. The blood persisted to flow out, shouldn't have removed it instead. She handled the pain by crying it out.

The bleeding doesn't stop. The blood cloth was having a hard time to form as her stomach bleed. External and internal bleeding, she was experiencing and by now, she needed medical attention. Then she heard a miracle coming as sirens belonging to an ambulance rang on her ears. She yelped for help but the windows were shut and the doors were sealed. Detective Looker was still an object.

Then for once, she decided to do something smart. With one hand on the cloth, she used the other to reach for the phone. She was lucky she was able to grab it and with the use of her phone she turned on the lights and turned it off in the form of a pattern.

The sequence goes: ... --- ...

She pointed the flashlight of her phone to the window and hoped someone would understand the sequence. It was a stroke of luck when Nurse Joy peeked through the window after receiving the sequence. Seeing Nurse Joy, Emma was relieved as the nurse alongside the other doctors tried to break down the doors.