EPISODE 91: The Struggle!*

Knowing Master Cyrus was dragged down the portal by some beast covered with silhouettes, both Commander Mars and Commander Jupiter were in a total shock. They stepped to the edge of the portal to the distortion world, staring with their eyes opened as they wondered what they would do. They called out loud, "Master! Master Cyrus!" but their leader never answered back.

They were afraid, the did not have the guts to jump the hole but they could see islands floating everywhere. The world was swirls of pink and violet warping in infinite ways and directions in the form of glass. They were panicking, imploring for a sign from their master who didn't answer.

"What to do now? Are you ready to jump in?" Mars asked.

"Me? No way. Master Cyrus! Master Cyrus! Can you hear us?!" Jupiter shouted through the portal.

Above them, the colors of the clouds continued to glitch, the world is total chaos as the people scramble for survival, their loved one's blocks, and bricks of random materials as long as it is matter. Hands chased the innocent from the puddles, the water became mud, sometimes exchanging places with lava.

Pokemon turned into objects, taking their breath away as they stood like statues inside the body of the object according to their respective type. It was a struggle for all of humanity for this was caused by the deity of matter and anti-matter, Giratina. The silhouette that took Cyrus, dragged our attention, it was no other than it.

Although, it made me wonder why Giratina appeared in my dreams all of a sudden. I know not of the reason behind this but I know there is a reason behind. Then came a call from the entrance of the mountain. It belonged to no other than Emma who yelled, "Hey! Team Galactic! Enough with this madness and surrender at once!"

"It's the detective's assistant!" Mars alerted, tilting Jupiter's head to the woman and her squadron.

"It's that officer!" anger boiled in her bowels.

"You heard me! We may be a group of thirty but we're strong together than we are apart! Team Galactic, by the name of the Pokemon International Police, surrender right now!" Emma demanded.

"All grunts who are available to fight! Attack the Pokemon International Police, spare no mercy!" Mars commanded through the use of her megaphone.

"Yes, commander!" the grunts who didn't transform into anything submitted and ran towards the side of the Pokemon International Police.

"Go!" Emma commanded her squadron. They ran towards the grunts as the clash between Team Galactic and the Pokemon International Police has barely begun.

Both sides sent out their Pokemon despite the danger of transforming into objects. Such conflict they've come across as things went far worse. "Slaking, Yawn!" "Breloom, Energy Ball!" "Snorlax, Slam!" "Cyndaquil, go and toss them!"

The battlefield has been a chattering area for Pokemon moves. Here and there, people yell moves to their Pokemon. Though the remaining officers maybe a few, that does not entirely mean they do not have a chance of beating the grunts aplenty. It is skill as officers that drives them onward to success.

"Commanders! I hereby apprehend you!" while their armies fought, Emma yelled at Mars and Jupiter again.

"Where's your daddy, little girl? No woman can ever be a detective! Bwahaha!" Mars mocked scornfully.

"Listen here, Team Galactic commanders! Mr. Looker is not my father and one day, I'll prove you wrong! I'll take his place, you'll see!" Emma retaliated against them.

"We'll see about that, little girl! You have nothing but a cat. If you're that brave, come and challenge ours!" taunted, Jupiter as she sent out her Purugly.

"Hehe, I have a cat as well! Persian, you're up!" Mars threw her's.

"Humph! Mimi is not a cat! I'm not risking her life!" she pouted.

"Is that so? You got more Pokemon there? Or are you afraid to show it?" Mars uttered boisterously, pressuring Emma to the limit.