EPISODE 95: Gone!*

Salemence licked my body continuously. She tried her best to comfort me as I couldn't accept the fact I'm back to square one. Team Rocket doesn't manufacture microchips like this anymore which means either Professor Olive can attach the wire or I'll be an agent who would always have a hard time to command Pokemon.

Logan stood from the ground, taking a deep breath as he saw a tiny fragment of my microchip on the floor. He picked it up and looked at me, seeing that it matches with the microchip on my neck. The microchip has a dozen wires and I'm sure not only one was damaged for I couldn't taste nor smell. The important thing is the major wire, the one connecting my spine and medulla oblongata is safe. I can feel the microchip, tingling with sparks.

Liligant went out of her Pokeball to comfort me as well. I didn't focus on her as I continued to weep on Salamence's scales. From my back, she hugged me fervently as her vines spurt out of her body. I took a gaze at her, with the vines, she wiped off my tears and continued to hug me.

"Wh-what.... wh-wh.... now?" I asked her. I couldn't hold my tears and from Salamence, they fell unto Liligant. I gave her a downcast gaze. My thoughts were clouded. I can feel my sorrows entering my mouth but I couldn't feel it was sour, but I know how it is.

She wiped off my tears again. It was as if she was telling me everything will be alright. Her smile for me was huge and her little orange dots were shining and glimmering. Because of her, my memory brought me back to the time my mother Athena would hug me every time some dared to mock and insult me.

"Luna?" Logan approached me gently. I stood back for I was embarrassed that finally he knew about who I really am, a girl with a disorder.

"S-st... Stand... b-back." my voice stuttered in response.

"Dysphemia? Is that why you joined Team Rocket? I see. I- I can get you back up if you want, and I'll help escort you to the-"

"I- I don't need, m-medical att-tention." I was having a hard time to elaborate. Three years of speaking normally and here I am, back at square one.

"O-only Team Rocket c-can aid me." while hugging Lily, I added. Then came the feeling of dizziness for some reason. It must be coming from my cerebral cortex. I heard something flying above me. It was only now when Zeal and Charizard showed their appearance. She went to the island and unmounted from her Charizard.

"L-Luna?! What happened." from Lily's arms, I fell into hers. Knowing, I wasn't replying to her question, she looked at Logan, "What did you do to her?!"

"I- I did nothing. I tried to save her but a glimpse of the attack from the deity damaged her device on her nape. Whatever you call it." Logan elaborated.

"Luna, look at me, look at me." she was trying to chase my eyes which kept on rolling.

"Wh-what now?" my voice stammered as I asked a question.

"Y-you never told me you had Dysphemia. No wonder, no wonder why you have a chip on your neck. I'll call Professor Olive once we're done with this madness so she can aid you."

"Th-there's n-o replacement."

"But they can fix it! I'm sure of it. For now, relax and stay safe. You've done enough." she placed my body on the soil and forced me to sit.

"W-wait, the lake guardian." before Zeal saddled on her Charizard, I stopped her for a moment.

"It's safe with me and Dawn. We're trying to look for the champion but we can't find her. Stay there and don't go anywhere else." and just like that, she flew off with her Charizard.

I was enraged, grabbing grains of soil with my hand and throwing them off the island. How would my missions turn out to be if I were to stutter forever? I can't command my Pokemon properly, I can't talk or speak to the executives properly. I also doubt Professor Olive can fix this. One wrong move and it's game over for me and my body so I think she won't be risking it.

Lily sat down with me, and together we watched the deities fight. I was angry at all four. This is the reason why I turned out to become like this in the first place.

"H-hey, it's going to be alright. I'll go find Mesprit, don't worry."

"Wh-where?" I asked Logan.

"It's probably somewhere around me. Don't worry, I'll return for you once I find it. In the meantime, stay here and don't go somewhere." Logan instructed and with his Pelipper, he flew to the east. I murmured on my mind, "Mesprit is with me."

And so, as the mission continued, I was kicked out of it. Huh, I don't believe in karma despite having one because of capturing Mesprit and arguing with Zinnia. Well, let's just say everything was a coincidence. For now, I'll have time to contemplate things with Liligant as I thought of a way to kick my burden out of my body once more.