EPISODE 97: Time!*

Outside the portal, the Pokemon International Police and the remaining members of Team Galactic fought. Both Mars and Jupiter were angered after hearing their master's betrayal. The promise was both him and his organization would receive redemption in the new world, Cyrus promised. But deep in their hearts, they know their boss did it for the sake of his dreams.

"Mimi, use Psychic!" both Persian and Purugly was lifted to the skies with Emma's Pokemon. Then came an unexpected moment as both cat Pokemon turned into a glass in front of their trainer's eyes. Mimi released them and upon reaching the floor, the once-living Pokemon now glass shattered into more than a million pieces.

"Look what you've done?! Don't you have any mercy?!" Jupiter knelt and held the fragments of her Pokemon on the palm of her hand.

"I'm sorry, but have I not warned the two of you? I did, and it was your fault for not giving up." Emma fought back against Jupiter's words.

"You insolent child! Team Galactic won't forget about this. Our leader may have betrayed us for the better good but this does not signify the end of our reign! Team Galactic will live on. You will see."

"What is an organization without a leader, Mars?" Emma lifted her left eyebrows.

"Then we would have to revise. We may have failed the Stark Mountain mission but we'll surely do it again! Team Galactic, now that our leader is gone, our conquest is to make the world ours with the use of Heatran! Soon, we will rise! Come out, Delcatty!" Jupiter tossed out her next Pokemon.

Delcatty is a quadruped, feline Pokémon with a mostly tan body. It has a pointed, whisker-like protrusion on each cheek. Its purple ears have three tufts of fur at the tips, and there is a purple ruff-like collar with pin-like extensions around its neck. It has slim legs with tiny, digitless paws. It also possesses a purple, flower-like tuft of hair on the end of its thin tail.

Delcatty is happy most of the time and rarely gets involved in conflicts. When it is disturbed, it just moves to another area instead of fighting. It prefers to do as it pleases at its own pace, so its daily routine is random. It is popular among female Trainers, and used in competitions for its style and sublime fur. It is nocturnal and active at dusk.

"I'm not risking my Mimi anymore." Emma sent back Mimi to its Pokeball.

"Why is that? You scared little one?" Mars teased.

"No! I don't care what you call me, I'm not risking the welfare of my Pokemon. Mimi is my only friend and I'm not risking her life. Look around you, your grunts are being captured and what can two mere commanders do?"

Emma pointed at her men who were capturing the grunts who lost, apprehending them with handcuffs. They stood no chance against the skills of the Pokemon International Police. Mars and Jupiter finally agreed on something. Emma was right, most of their grunts stood no chance against her officers.

"This is my last warning, surrender!"

"This is not our end! We're ne..." suddenly, Jupiter's voice became deep. Her body movements were slow as it affected everyone around her including Emma. All froze, the balance of time was ruined completely. No one couldn't comprehend what was happening with their body but they couldn't escape from time that made them slow.

Things are getting far worse. Now that Dialga is still trapped with the red chains, what would happen to the whole world next? Regions are panicking as there may be a possibility, Dialga's temporal tower might crack and fall. Tick tock, only a few minutes remain before the portal closes, only minutes remain before havoc becomes infinite as time loses control of its self.