EPISODE 99: Balanced Restored!*

The portal continued to shrink as Dawn went to help Zeal search for the champion after helping the deities deal with their conflict. Meanwhile, as me and Lily played on the soil, the Ultra Ball I used to capture Mesprit began to glow. I took it out of my pocket and sent it out, noticing that the color of the glow was similar to the color of its three gems scattered around the distortion world. I sent it out and there, it immediately glared at me as the three gems flew back right to it.

All three red gems went back to its head and its two tails. Unexpectedly, it took the Ultra Ball from my hand and broke it into fragments. With nothing left, not a single ball, or anything used to capture a Pokemon, I decided to surrender my whole evil scheme. My net gun has run out of bullets too, so I've got to cancel that out too.

Then came Logan and his Pelipper, seeing Mesprit glaring at me. He immediately unmounted from Pelipper to obtain the lake guardian. I also told him the truth, "I- I lied." in a way that my words were stammering.

"What do you mean?" Logan asked as Mesprit hid behind him.

I took the fragments of Ultra Ball from the ground and showed it to him. There, he used common sense to comprehend what I was trying to point out. Now he knew about everything, I tried to steal Mesprit to use it for the sake of Team Rocket.

"It's fine." he held my shoulders with his hands. "The important thing is you confessed." he followed it up with a grin.

Meanwhile, all three deities, Palkia, Arceus, and Dialga, went back to the portal before it closed completely. Five meters was the diameter of the gap and still, the three deities were able to fit. Flying at the clouds that were still glitching, the deities gazed upon the people and Pokemon who were frozen, glitched, and destroyed.

Said Arceus as a beam of line shined above. It descended upward, following the light, and returning to the Hall of Origin.

responded the two as they swiveled upwards, soaring higher than the clouds will two colors following their tail. It was a sight to behold for one's eyes for the colors formed a DNA shape on the sky as the Pokemon swiveled. Double helix, that was the shape. Both the master of time and the master of space gave a loud roar which caused time to move once more and space to function properly.

From the depths of the underworld, Giratina gave its bellowing cry, and there matter and antimatter was restored, the balance was back, like how it should be since the advent of this world to the end. The clouds stopped shifting colors and stayed with one, darkness for it was night. Rocks were replaced with rain and the hands that crawled out disintegrated into soil. Those who became abiotic were brought back to life, such as Charlotte, Oliver, the twins, and the rest.

Even the detective himself, Detective Looker, was brought back to life. Time went back to normal, and thus the fight between the Pokemon International Police and Team Galactic continued. They picked up where they once were.

"Where's Emma?" Detective Looker went down his cars and asked Nurse Joy. His eyes twinkled as if he has recently awakened from a good night sleep.

"Emma went to the Spear Pillar. I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen. I recently sewed her stomach." Nurse Joy explained.

"What on Earth?!" the detective panic. "You three, come with me!" he told the officers that were loafing around while talking to each other. "Yes sir!" the three officers saluted as they rushed up Mt.Coronet.

"And there goes the detective." Nurse Joy sighed, watching Looker run off like what Emma did except for the fact she walked instead of running. Though the slope was slippery because of the downpour, the officers and their detective weren't put to a stop. Though they've tripped many times, they always seem to stand and rise back up again.

Meanwhile, back in the distortion world, Zeal, Dawn, and the champion came with both Azelf and Uxie. Their mission to capture all three for the common good while I suffer here in failure and disappointment is a huge success after all.

Though I was downhearted, I hid it in front of them by smiling widely. Logan was also a considerate and forgiving man, he even hid the fact I tried to steal Mesprit and even completing me I was the one responsible for finding it even if the Pokemon knew it was fake.

Then when things couldn't get any much worse, we ran out of time as the portal, the only key to our escape was closed for good. Too late, and now all of us began to panic as we scrambled for ideas on how to escape this distortion world.

I don't want to eat big kelp nor do I want to sleep on jagged rocks. I may have dreamed about the distortion world by coincidence, I think, but that does not entirely mean I want to be Giratina's pet. The champion tried to calm all four of us as she thought of a plan to escape as well. Unexpectedly, Giratina approached and pondered all five of us.

He glared at us but what caught its attention the most was me. Giratina spoke to all five of us.

"Giratina, can you open up the portal for us?" Cynthia pleaded.

"Wh-wait. Does that mean, we're stuck here forever?!" Logan breathed deeply. His spirit was panic-stricken.

Giratina looked at me.