EPISODE 102: By the Lake!*

Early in the morning, back in the city of Snowpoint and my first day without my Pokemon, Lily, which leaves me with five Pokemon left. We arrived back at our broken headquarters somewhere around six in the morning and believe it or not, I woke up at eight. Sigh, I had a hard time sleeping, especially if I couldn't focus.

Every minute, her image appears as I wouldn't stop mourning for her. I slept with her Heart Ball and flower beside me tonight, or rather, in this case, morning. It was the only thing I could take hold of and every time I looked at it, I would cry. My body still couldn't control my tears, this is way worse than what I've experienced before when Charlotte tricked me she died, when Xavier died and others. I'm running out of people, plus what is worse? I'm an agent who has lost the capability of speech by fifty percent, good luck to me on my future missions and reports.

Eight in the morning, I hugged my pillow and covered it on my face. There, I let my tears flow so no one would hear my mourn. Thirty minutes straight of melancholy and woe, even if the sun is shining outside, it feels like a gloomy rainy weather for me. I haven't felt a heartache like this before. I hope Lily as cherry blossoms would appear again, perhaps just this once.

Thirty minutes off from eight, I went for a little stroll in the lake to contemplate things and to think about positivity. Hey? At least I get to catch more Pokemon right? No, that kind of thinking doesn't help me cope up with my sadness. I sat by a tree, throwing stones at the water as I've become Emily.

I also sent out the rest of my Pokemon, they haven't heard of the news yet. I didn't want to say it, but I had to since they're my family and they deserve to know. "L-Lily's gone," I said softly. There, they too began to cry and mourn as they couldn't accept the truth. They stayed with me, cuddling me closely as I cuddled them back. We all stared at the wide lake, contemplating its beauty.

Out of nowhere, Charlotte makes an appearance. She sat beside me and gave me a smile. I could, but I didn't have the energy to smile back at her. "You miss her, don't you?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Come on, talk to me. You can stutter, it's fine. I'll ask Oliver to aid you--"

I quickly disagreed, swiftly tilting my head sideways.

"Don't tell me you're scared of being operated? Professor Oliver is an-- oh, you look down. Well, I just want to say, Liligant is at a better place. Like she said, she's beside you all the time. You may not see her, but you can feel her embrace just warming your whole body! Even now, I feel my Farfetch'd's embrace."

"Y-you? H-have a Farfetch'd?"

"Yup! Once, when I was a tinsy kid. I had this Farfetch'd as my partner but it ended up..." she became downhearted. Her eyes glimmered in tears as she remembered a part of her past. "It ended up getting ran over in exchange for my life. Sigh, even now I regret being naughty. When I was three, I was nearly killed by a truck. Farfetch'd came and rescued me but the price to pay was its life. It's fine, it's fine to cry but don't let it affect you completely. Our deceased will always be with us, no matter what. Have you eaten breakfast?"

I swiftly turned my head sideways.

"I see. Come on, I've got baked omelets for you! Ha! I finally beat those pesky twins and my meal reigned supreme!" Charlotte boasted. It made me laugh as I saw the true spirit of the high-flying girl.