EPISODE 105: The Battle between the L!

Seven in the evening...

With the cheers come fists in the air and eyes flung wide. The crowd is electrified, awake, soaring to new heights of emotion. The cheers erupt like an auditory volcano. It is all quiet one second and then deafening the next, rising to a crescendo and then falling to a trickle before the same nervous tension commands silence once more.

"And it is a draw!" proclaimed, commentator Scott after seeing the results of the battlefield that was once filled with dust.

"Trainer Logan, Trainer Lucas, please send out your next Pokemon!" instructed, the referee, waving his green flag at the two of them. The people cheered, lifting the confidences of both sides. Even Dawn who was watching somewhere within the large stadium of the Pokemon League in Sunnyshore City was filled with suspense and thrill as she longs to see who would succeed in the finals and battle the champion.

"Go! Go!" Dawn cheered lively with her Lopunny.

"So? Looks like the people are having fun? Well, Logan, I've trained hard and tough and now it is time to defeat you! I hereby send out my fifth out of sixth Pokemon, Abomasnow!" Lucas stretched his hands far and wide and through the ball to the center of the battlefield. Abomasnow gave a large yell, it lifted the spirits of the people as they were intimidated by the look Abomasnow's look.

"Gallade, you're up!" Lucas tossed his third Pokemon, his all-time favorite, Gallade! Throughout their journeys, they've grown strong and powerful, learning new moves to meet their expectations. Their bond for each other is strong like a chain, no saw nor hammer can rip it apart.

"Battle continues!" declared the referee.

Although I was unable to receive the invitation because of leaving early with my team, inside my room, I was watching the live stream since the very beginning. I also locked my doors in case Charlotte scolds me for cheering for the guy. I mean, I find nothing wrong with cheering for Logan. My heart was beating extremely fast after seeing Gallade after almost a year. His glare has intensified, has grown more supreme to say the most.

I watched on my laptop, wearing headphones so that Charlotte nor anyone could hear me. Beside me, sitting on the pillow is my little Lily, well that's what I named the Heart Ball and the flower. Also, cuddling beside me were my Pokemon, all cheering for Logan, especially Gardevoir who was so excited to see Gallade. The last time I remember, she was furious against him.

"Abomasnow, Avalanche!" Lucas started the move.

"Hehe, go now Gallade, use Air Slash!"

Gallade used his blades to slice through the chunks of ice heading towards him. "Now, Close Combat!" Logan added. His swift speed went straight for the belly of Abomasnow, unleashing multiple hits at once. No wonder why Logan kept Close Combat, it is only through that would he win the Pokemon League.

"We ain't giving up yet, Abomasnow, Wood Hammer!" Lucas retaliated as so as his Pokemon, Abomasnow who squashed Gallade with its large and bulky fists.

"Again!" Lucas added, making Abomasnow hit its foe repeatedly.

Gallade took grip of Abomasnow's hand before it was launched directly towards him. With his feet, he kicked Abomasnow's belly which sent it flying to the sky.

"Now, Sword Dance!" Logan's command has increased his Pokemon's attack sharply. He added, "Now, proceed with Hyper Beam!"

Looking at the Pokemon falling towards him, Gallade sacrificed all of his energy for the sake of attacking the Pokemon from above. Abomasnow was blasted with a powerful Hyper Beam. It electrified the whole crowd as they yelled for Logan's name.

"Abomasnow is unable to battle. Lucas, send out your next Pokemon!" the referee proclaimed and instructed upon seeing the fainted Pokemon lying on the ground.

"Huh, I guess that places you on the lead. Okay then, it's time to unleash my ultimate weapon! Garchomp, here we go!"

"Wh-what the?!" Shocked was scribbled throughout his face as he wasn't expecting Logan to obtain the favorite Pokemon of the champion. Even I, myself, leaned forward in such a shock while Cynthia did the same. It brought a smile to her face as I was worried for both Gallade and Logan, knowing he has to rest for a minute or two.

"Surprised? Haha! Let's give the people a good crescendo, shall we? Go! Go! Dragon Pulse!"

Garchomp blasted Gallade with a powerful beam of light. It shook the whole crowd, even me and Dawn flinched. Sad to say, Gallade was unable to move because of its energy being drained, leading him to his demise.

"Huh, that's one powerful Garchomp. Come out, Lucario!"

"Let's finish it right here, Garchomp, a powerful move we shall give, now use Fire Blast!"

"That all you got?" Logan laughed with a smirk as the attack went for Lucario. Heated, the move was but in the end, Lucario managed to surpass it, not a single scar or wound to be found."

"Surprised? My Lucario and I trained very hard and it is our turn to attack."

"Then let's see about this, Use Dragon Tail now!"

"Counter with Extreme Speed!"

Things started to intensify! Both Pokemon clashed against each other. Garchomp tried to hit with the tail but Lucario was too fast! It dodged all of Garchomp's efforts to strike it down with its tail. In return, Lucario went for the chin, punching it with all its might which also canceled Dragon Tail.

"It's... It's fast?!" Lucas was flabbergasted as hope was restored that Logan could win.

"Speed? Try this out for size! Aerial Ace, let's do this!"

Garchomp's speed was extreme as well, it went for Lucario who barely dodged even if Logan commanded it use Extreme Speed.

"Mother of Mercy, that is fast." Logan now experienced flabbergast like how Lucas did before.

"Now, Dragon Tail!" Lucas proceeded with another attack. This time, Garchomp was successful to land an attack with its tail.

"Lucario, stand! I know you can!" cheered, Logan as I did too. I can hear Charlotte asking me to open the door, I knew she was getting angry because I'm watching the Pokemon League so I just didn't mind her for a moment. The Pokemon League is at its crescendo and no way will I waste this opportunity to watch who would win or lose.

"And look at that folks! Lucario was able to stand!" said the commentator with excitement. The people began to cheer back for Lucario and Logan, an amazing display of firmness and strength.

"Dragon Tail, once more!"

"Grab its tail and toss it, Seismic Toss!"

Lucario ran for the foe, aiming its eyes on the tail which is its prey. It grabbed it, , and tossed it to the sky with all its remaining strength.

"Now, Aura Sphere, maximum power!" Lucas was feeling confident this time as his Lucario followed the command. An Aura Sphere, two times larger than before was sent towards Garchomp. It made an explosion at the dark sky and if it weren't for its determination, Lucario would've never been able to send such a vast move.

Garchomp fell down but it was still standing strong. Like Lucario, scars encompassed its body as it longed for rest. It didn't end there.

"Finish this, Lucario, use Bone Rush!"

"Metal Claw, Garchomp!"

This was the perfect moment. My blood flowed with suspense as I watched both Pokemon unleash their moves. They rushed closer to each other, and they're both were hit with powerful moves. It was a collision course, a sight to behold, a hook for the watchers as we wait for the dust to disperse.

"Luna! Open up!" Charlotte knocked on my door vigorously. She then heard a squeal coming from my room. Indeed, I squealed loudly like a um... What kind of Pokemon squeals? Well, I'm uncertain. I was also banging my foot up and down the bed as...

"The winner of the match goes to Logan! The victor of the Pokemon League! He will get a chance to challenge the Elite Four and next, the champion, Champion Cynthia!"

Logan couldn't believe what he just heard. He literally flinched in front of the crowd while embracing the smiling Lucario. People cheered for him. It was as time became stiff for he couldn't be happier than this. The people gave him a standing ovation and that was a close call if you were to ask me. Looks like Bone Rush exceeded Metal Claw.

"Sigh, looks like you still won." Lucas went to Logan and shook hands with him.

"Congratulations too, you did your best. Garchomp shocked me." Logan remained humble and smiled back at Lucas.

I could no longer wait. The battle of the L is finally finished. One thing left that is, the Elite Challenge and the Champion Match.