LOG 9: The Big Bad!

So yeah, I strapped off wires and needles out of my body, making me feel about nauseous but not the kind of terrible terrible nauseous. I somewhat have a bloated stomach, like it's feel with air for some reason. I was also curious, that's why I did such act in the first place. The smiles of the grunts I've seen never seem to fade away, although, I was able to spot a few grumpy ones, majority of them were females.

"What's happening?" I asked one of the female grunts.

"Haven't you heard? She's back. Sigh, and here we thought Giovanni was the worse." grumpily said the female grunt. She passed by, pushing my shoulder with hers.

"Jeez, what's your problem?" I told myself.

I decided to confront my friends about this instead. After all, they've probably seen what was happening already. I went to look for Charlotte. Funny, I saw her right beside the hall a second ago but now she's gone for some reason. This includes the other three.

"You strapped yourself off your medical thingies?!" I was able to encounter her on one of the halls. She was immediately angered, I could see her veins from within her neck, slowly getting larger by the second.

"I had to, I was curious on what was happening."

"Haven't you heard?"

I gave her a squinted eye expression.

"Oh right, I forgot. Anyway, you're out of the bed so there's no point of going back! Come, there's still three minutes before the announcement begins!" Like the old days, Charlotte pulled my hand as the two of us barreled like the wind.

We entered the auditorium, the biggest I've seen so far. The room was black, there was one single balcony for the officials of the Unova Branch of Team Rocket to talk. It was tall, vast, something incomparable to the ones I've seen before. In front me were a thousand of grunts, all looking at the enormous banner of Team Rocket.

By the balcony, I could see Matori just sitting down in a chair, very timid. This wasn't her normal attitude as I've known her for years. She's usually strict and confident, not shy and timid who's trying to hide her face from anyone else.

Charlotte was the only one with me, and for the rest, I couldn't detect their location. The banner suddenly turned into thin air, it was holographic. It revealed a large television that had a red screen with our logo as the loading sign. An unexpected announcement from the executives? I couldn't even find Professor Olive and my personal pilot anywhere, it's jam-packed!

The screen turned on, revealing an unexpected woman on the screen. There was nothing but darkness, a stroke of slanted light brightening up the woman and her chair. The woman's hair was ebony, she wore the attire of a businesswoman but red. I couldn't see her eyes, they were hidden in the dark.

Seeing her has dived Team Rocket into two. Those who cheered, and those who booed. I was neutral, but from Charlotte's perspective, she seems to be in the side of those who cheered. I also saw Matori flinching, she could barely move.

"Good evening, Team Rocket around the globe." the woman greeted. This intensified the cheers and boos of the people.

"After years of cowering myself in the dark, I now stand before you today. Team Rocket has grown weak because of the failure of both my son and his so-called executives. Giovanni was a pleasing man, it was a surprise to know he suicided, unless someone murdered him."

My eyes widened, remembering that Johto moment in Mt. Gold. It couldn't be, Giovanni's mother was the one talking.

"The time is now, for us, to show who we, Team Rocket are! We're not saviors who sought to find a cure for some disease, we're conquerors. World conquest is our goal, money and fame, power! We are the grand mafia, not some medical organization. Knowing my son perished has given me the urge to rise.

I was once the leader of Team Rocket. Yes, Giovanni twisted all of your minds. It was I, Madame Boss, who founded Team Rocket, passed on to my son so I could have a moment to rest. The world is cruel, but we're worse. That is the blood of Team Rocket!

Giovanni Industries, yes that belonged to him, Team Rocket? That belongs to me. Enough with the experiments, with serums and unnecessary gobbledygook. It's time to press the restart button. Pokemon, I hate them. They deserve the be sold in black markets for money, the only thing that matters in this world.

As the new crowned leader of Team Rocket, I would like to make a few changes. Number one, Kanto is ours. It appears to me the executives have become less reliable, abandoning our Kanto branch is not worth the decision, don't worry, all three have been demoted to elite operatives. I don't need executives in my organization, I need skilled people.

Expect it by tomorrow, more members of Team Rocket will be selected to claim back our branch in the Kanto Region, Number two, Johto. The branch of whose creator was my son. I'm currently in that branch, and I've got to say, maintenance is the worse! Recycling materials should be separated! The biodegradable should be far from the none, not combined into one trash can.

Number three, Hoenn. You're no longer the Science department of Team Rocket, that will be given to a more powerful opposition, the Unova Branch. Next, the Sinnoh. Arceus, what on Earth were the executives thinking? Sending a group of young adults? Nah, I'm sending squadrons.

Lastly, Kalos and Alola. Do your job properly! Not loaf around because you think you're absolutely useless.

Now, there also be a switch in leadership. Kanto will fall under Anna and Oakley, the spies of Team Rocket. Johto will be mine to command as that is our central as of now. Hoenn will be left to Attila and Hun, Sinnoh will be led by Dr. Namba and Dr. Fuji. Unova, you will have the assistance of my secretary and best official, Miyamoto and a friend of her's, Domino. Kalos and Alola, the leaders will remain the same.

Remember, world conquest is our mission! Do what you must. Mew and Mewtwo, do your best to give them to me, and I will reward you with a bounty of riches." the screen shut off, leaving everyone stunned. Wow, those words hit Matori hard, knowing she was replaced by another secretary.

And here I thought the executives were going to talk, I guess that is where their fame ends. Me? I'm fine with whatever goal we have. If I complain, I'm up for immediate fire and knowing Jenny is a psychopath, I can't go anywhere else. Miyamoto and Dynamo? I know those two, never really saw them in person except for Dynamo though.

Man, I thought I was going to say Anna and Oakley, those two are my favorite!