LOG 12: Pokemon of Dreams

Xeryll drove us to the Dream Yard which was at the Southeastern portion of the Unova Region. The car was simple and plain, not that luxurious but not that rusty either. It was painted in onyx and though it was not considered luxurious for some, for me it is. Perhaps it is because I'm not fond of riding inside cars.

What's better is our secret exit. A road somewhere in a wide alley opened up for our car to pass through. That's not where the good news starts, Team Rocket here in this region has multiple mechanisms like that throughout Unova.

Since this is my first mission here, I'm looking forward to doing the right thing and impressing one of the most famous agents of Team Rocket. Of course, once I do so, my rank will increase, that's if, this one doesn't fail. It's time to get serious again!

The Dream Yard has its own miserable past. The site was once a research facility used to research Musharna's Dream Mist in the hopes of discovering a cleaner energy source. However, due to people's evil thoughts and desires surrounding the project, Musharna was corrupted and its Dream Mist turned black. This triggered an energy overload and a subsequent giant explosion that destroyed the whole facility.

Only three scientists were able to escape. After years of sleeping in the forest, it's time for Team Rocket to step in, making sure we claim Munna as ours. The place was filled with many destroyed walls, floors that we might fall into. Some are brittle, one step could make us fall to the depths. I could feel my body burning, this means the energy is still abundant. Xeryll waited by the gates while the rest of us conducted research.

"Ouch." Walking around the facility Virgo bumped into air.

"S-sorry." the air spoke back softly.

"Right, that's Alice. She's timid." I introduced.

"Alice? You can turn invisible? That's great! Mind showing yourself?" Virgo became ardent all of a sudden. Although, she wasn't met back with a reply. I felt something holding my shoulders and immediately knew it was her.

"It's fine, they're my friends and team mates for more than a year. They don't hurt and guess what? Oliver and you are somewhat similar, except his speedy boots are kinda broken right now."

"One who can turn herself invisible, one that can run fast, what's next? Someone who could fly? Everyone's got a gimmick now." sarcastically said by Zeal.

"Come on, you wished you had one too." Charlotte teased, tweaking her eyebrows up and down. Zeal pouted in response.

Meanwhile, while the rest of us weren't being too serious despite forcing to, Oliver dealt with the details. With the certain type of laptop that has the looks of a briefcase that was given to him by his cousin, Professor Olive, he scanned the whole place, finding a significant amount of energy from the previous explosions. Reminds me of Chernobyl except this one is quite harmless but painful. Yes it can burn our skin but it's not enough to cripple our senses.

Trying to convince Alice to show herself, I did a mistake and accidentally stepped on a feeble and measly tile. Upon stepping, the surrounding tiles were triggered and they crumbled down, with me included. I pushed Alice away while I fell down the dark abyss of the basement.

Then, as luck would have it, I was met with an unexpected surprise. Nearly hitting my back unto a broken table, I saw someone trying to get me. It was masculine obviously because of his attire. He had a jet pack, and with it, he lifted me to the sky and back to the ground. My aghast was settled as I saw the man descending.

Everyone was also dumbfounded by that unexpected visit. I was about to thank him but he were berserk and glared at me intensely. "You're too weak, can't even detect a broken tile. That's what happens when you talk to air. My name is Pierce of Team Rocket, I was sent to help out."

He has somewhat a dark blue hair, and a grey robe with a jet pack on his back. He has an inquisitor look and just by his pale face I could tell he's really a reincarnated Xavier but worse, extremely worse. But on the good side, he saved my life.

"The district officers never said anything about a spy watching our backs. We can do this alone." Zeal scowled at the man.

"Well, now you heard it. Hate me if you want, the important thing is the mission is a success." I was kneeling at the floor, gasping for oxygen when he suddenly looked at me. "As for you, you should be ashamed of yourself. You were lucky this time. Team Rocket is for the strong, if one does not participate such as your wind friend over there, then don't mind her. She'll be kicked out soon enough, including you if you persist with your demeanor."

"Hey, that's too much." Charlotte came by and threw an argument at him while blocking me. I was furious, but I didn't want to fight him this time since he saved me and I would lose the argument since the excuse he would give me was the fact he came by to rescue me from impending doom.

Our attentions were grabbed when we saw a Pokemon floating right in front of us. It is a pink, nearly spherical, quadruped Pokémon of indefinable basis. It has four tiny tapered limbs and a tapered snout that largely obscures its sizable mouth. It has shiny, oval, red eyes with two discernible upper eyelashes. Between its eyes is an oval spot in a darker shade of pink, from which it can expel Dream Mist. Purple, five petal flower markings with dark pink centers ornament much of its body. It is able to constantly float in the air.

This was definitely Munna. So adorable, so cute, I could just hugged it. It caught Virgo's attention the most in which her eyes were even glimmering. Then came two men wearing the outfits of knights who rushed to Munna all of a sudden. Unexpectedly, they kicked the Pokemon, this rose Virgo's awareness as Munna screamed.

"Hey?! Who do you think you are?! Leave that cutie alone!" demanded Virgo.

"Argh! Those Rocket freaks. Haven't heard of us? We're Team Plasma and Munna is ours for Pokemon liberation!"

"No! We got here first! It's ours!" Virgo fought back.

"Then I guess we'll settle this with a battle! Come out Liepard!"

"You too, Watchog!"

Both grunts tossed out their Pokemon. Virgo smirked with confidence, eyeglasses having a white glint as she pushed them upwards.

"Leave this to me!" she told all of six of us, tossing out her Pokemon I've been longing to see.

"Slowking! You're up!"

Magnificent. This brings me back the time I stole a stone for the sake of her Slowpoke. I can see it has become strong as well.

"Liepard, use Shadow Claw!"

"Watchog, Headbutt!"

"Quick, Slowking! Use Telekinesis!"

Slowking lifted the two foes and tossed it to the sky.

Another man came afterward. He was hearing a robe, a somewhat outfit of a priest. He looked very old. I could barely see his eyes, they're very clenched. "What are the two of you grunts doing here?! I said Pinwheel Forest not Dreamyard!" scolded the man.

"S-sorry Sage Gorm, we thought you meant Munna!"

"Forget about it, another trainer ruined our previous operations here. Head to Pinwheel Forest immediately!" commanded the sage.

"Y-yes sir. Right away." said the two grunts as they sent back their Pokemon to their respective Pokeball. They ran far from us, leaving us with many questions.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Sigh, those grunts never learn how to obey orders." said the sage as he too, left the scene.

"Now, to finish up the mission, go Ultra Ball!" fast and speedy, Virgo threw the ball at Munna. It bumped its head and upon entering, the timer began. The ball shook once... The ball shook twice... The ball shook thrice... A green light appeared, signaling a capture!