LOG 14: A Day's Work!

Lightning lit the skies in brilliant streaks. Fog embraced every tree, every square centimetre of of ground. Thunder declared itself as some rock star upon the stage. Sheets of rain revived the grass, resounding and rippling without frontier.

Above, the houses on the city survive in valley-echoed hail.

Emerald eruptions of green envelop metropolis in a carpet of living nature. Towers and trees - once boundless and bare - now flourish with vines, victorious as they claim their soil.

Streams once sucked of their nourishing liquids are now bustle with aquatic activity. Ripples run freely, harbingers of joy. The river, slowly but surely, creates a new liberty, surging over the banks to create a space, carving and forming the new paradise.

There, among the regenerating giant, a woman sat gazing out as nature unfolds its hidden secret. She was peaceful yet uncomfortable as she turned a page from her brown leather notebook, holding a sharpened pencil.

Emma's work as the chief of the Unova Pokemon International Police has barely begun and she's already succumbing to the headache the detective experiences every day. It was only during night in which she could feel tranquility even if it was raining.

"My days here has been great, that's if, I was Mr. Looker himself, but I'm not. Well, I have the dream of becoming a detective like him, and maybe take his place as the chief of the whole Pokemon International Police but now I know it's hard achieving such a thing since even I myself cannot properly fulfill my duties and obligations as the chief of this region. Perhaps that would explain why people kept on giving me sneers. After all, how could women lead? It's usually men who is superior to women, but I sought to prove those officers wrong.

So far, they offered me a secretary but I declined the offer. It's fine being alone, actually, I love being and working alone. I don't know why, but I feel peace to hear no one talking except for the detective. So far, I've encountered a ton of cases, and guess what? I solved none of them! I guess it's safe to assume to say I rather than we since I should be the one taking the blame as leader.

God this has proven me I still have a long way to go. Our reputation as defenders of justice is declining pretty quickly. Wait till Mr. Looker hears about this, I'm dead meat! I don't socialize with people often, perhaps that would explain why. I know I have to be confident, but I'm afraid what people would think of my decisions. Sigh, this is one of the biggest things I hate to confront but I must." she wrote it in her journal.

Afterward, someone knocked on her door. It irked her for a moment since she couldn't continue her writing. After being too irked by the blare, she decided to pay attention, opening the door only to see a female officer smiling at her. It removed her grumpiness as she smiled back.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Ms. Emma but there's another case we have to solve."

"Case? That's the tenth for the day. Is the crime rate in this region really that high? Sigh, what am I talking about. It's either I haven't witnesses such high amount yet or I'm just really not good with this kind of work."

"Hehe, the highest cases recorded in a single day was twenty-four but most of them were heists. This one however takes a big turn. The case is murder. No suspects were found so far and we've dispatched a medical team to aid the victim. H-he died though, so it's up to you to solve the mystery behind this unexpected murder."

Hearing her words, Emma was immediately petrified.


"Yes. What's ironic is the victim was once a local gangster. We've did the basics, and so far, the whole alley in which the crime took place is under investigation. All we need is your help."

"B-but how can I? There's no suspects."

"Well, it's your job to determine the suspects."

"I-I can't." she panicked. "I'm too young to do these stuff! Murder?! Like blood and guns?! I'm for the normal heist thingies not some case which involves a murder mystery puzzle!"

"Come on, you were once a local gang leader."

"Yes, but I don't kill people! I pickpocket them!"

"They're technically the same since both of them our crimes. Look, I know your rep is kinda low but this is your chance to prove yourself to the people that you've got what it takes."

"I can barely find the miscreant of the previous nine heists and now I have to find a murderer?"

"Come on, it's not like the people will hate you for your entire life. You can do this, the whole Pokemon International Police of the Unova Region is counting on you."