LOG 16: The First Encounter!

"Hey, have you seen Oliver?" in the middle of the night, the four of us were still fully awakened, using our Rotom-Phones innocently when suddenly a question came across Zeal's head.

"That reminds me. I think he left." I thought hard. That man never speaks, so who knows where he's at?

"Just let him be. He'll be back. I'm sure of it." said Charlotte, scrolling through the internet.

"You used to say that to Xavier. Oh, Charlotte, don't tell me--"

"Why you Virgo?! You never stop teasing me!" she interrupted quickly while the rest of us laughed.


From Emma's perspective:

My lungs are burning, my feet long for rest but I must not give up. The murderer, I've finally found her but she's too fast. Now I'm left here under the rain on another alley, chasing the murderer even if it means exerting all my stamina and effort. I'm not going to risk my reputation, I'll catch her for sure. It was by luck her motorcycle isn't here, but by the way she jumps from roof to roof, the murderer is definitely something else.

"Come back here!" I shouted at her. I know how to do all those parkour she's doing since I myself was once a gang leader. My skills are still with me and if she wants to take it to the whole new level, then so be it.

"Stand back!" shouted the murderer, pulling the trigger. I immediately dodged and hid behind the chimney. I sighed with relief, knowing the bullet missed.

The chase continued and she leapt from one street to the next. That's five meters apart and my highest record is only three. From the roof top I jumped back down the ground, and there, I kept my eyes on her who was continuously running.

"Darn!" I swore, the taser bullet missing her. She's got skills, perhaps a gang leader like me as well.

At last she jumped back to the ground and there I tried to shoot her for the second time. It ended up missing as she tried to shoot me with her gun. I hid behind a trash bin and as luck would have it, the bullet missed for the second time. My heart raced as my cheeks flourished with paleness. I'm scared, I didn't know what to do. One hit, my life's done for and only one bullet remains for my taser gun.

Resting for a brief second, I began to hasten up the pace, running wild like the wind. At the end of the alley, we reached a dead end. The hall was too high for either of us to jump over and she's completely cornered, giving me the advantage.

"Game's over, murderer! Put your hands to the sky!" demanded I.

She slowly looked at me. I can feel a face who's glaring inside that mask as she extended her hand, pointing her gun towards me. I on the other side did the same. At the exact moment, the two of us pulled the trigger together. The bullets ended up colliding and so no gun was able to disarm or kill the other.

"Argh!" the murderer shouted and tossed her gun away. She gave me a fighting stance.

"So? You're a fighter?" I teased and grin, dropping the gun as well and giving her a fighting stance too.

"Come at me, bastard!" she taunted.

"You've asked for it!" I made the first move and ran towards her. She punched me in the stomach; I fell down.

Mimi went outside its Pokeball, concerned about me. It blocked me against the murderer.

"What's your cat going to do?!" mocked the murderer. In front of my eyes, she kicked Mimi to the corner of the wall. I saw its head bashing harshly, this enveloped me with outrage. After sending it back to its Pokeball, I stood and scowled.

"No one does that to my Mimi!" I yelled.

"Heh, who cares?"

For the second time, I tried to punch her, but it ended up missing again. She kicked me intensely on the leg, followed with a punch on the head once I fell. Mimi went outside its Pokeball for the second time and tried to protect me again. I muttered to its ears, "No... Don't get involved" and sent it back to its Pokeball.

I saw the fist coming directly towards me but then I heard her release a ton of air from her mouth as if she was surprised. She stumbled to the floor, moving her limbs and hands like a zombie. She was electrocuted. I could tell the by the dart that shot her left leg but there was something peculiar about this dart. It had a symbol I was quite familiar with.

I looked at around me and saw a man on the roofs. He jumped down and walked to the light. His shadow slowly faded as his face became clear. When I saw him, I was immediately stunned.

"Y-you're the one from Team Rocket?! The silent one." I said, slowly moving back.

He nodded.

But then I felt a bit comfortable after realizing his previous actions. He was the one who saved me during the siege of Spear Pillar and now he saw me again. My fear melted as I gave him a smile, saying, "I haven't said thank you yet. M-my name is Emma. What's yours?"

"..." he just smirked.

"Oh, I remember, you don't speak at all." I chuckled. I then read his I.D. "So? Your name is Oliver?"

He nodded again and left all of a sudden. "W-wait!" I called, but in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

"Where did he go?" I asked myself, little did I know he was gazing at me from behind one of the chimneys.

"Okay then. I know you're still here somewhere. Well, thanks anyway." I greeted again, contemplating at the chimneys around me.

Now, time to get down to business. Fainted, I unmasked the murderer's helmet only to find she was wearing another one. However, the mask looks similar, I think it belongs to a Pokemon known as Yamask. Curious, I removed the second one and saw the face of the woman. She looked young and pretty. It's impossible for her to do all those parkour in that kind of age. I'm guessing around thirteen years old.

She's beautiful, but that doesn't make sense. It's as if the mask forced her to do something she's not willing to do. After a minute, her eyes blinked as she murmured, "What happened?"

"You don't remember anything at all?"

"The last thing I remember was I was in a laboratory. That's all. I remember being kidnapped." said the woman.

"I knew there was a third aside from Team Rocket and Team Plasma. Okay then, we'll need to interrogate back in the Pokemon International Police." I smiled and helped her stand but all of a sudden her face blanched, her eyes close, and there, she was gone.

This was the first time for someone to pass away in front of my eyes. The cause of death? I can't quite say but at least I have the mask to check. If I were to guess, that would be because of the radiation or something attached to her brain. Nonetheless, whoever is doing this must be stopped immediately.