LOG 30: A prodigy beyond Plasma!

The battle was raging between me, Logan, against Virgo and Alice. It was my first time to see Munchlax in action, throwing powerful headbutts at Logan's Heatmor while Mismagius tried to eliminate Munna with Charge Beam. All our Pokemon were persistent in fighting, showing their powerful attacks in front of our eyes.

Me and Logan were on the lead. One of the advantages of teaming up with a skilled trainer. Plus, this is revenge for Virgo's extremely predictable plan to make me and Logan fight her and Alice. Aside from this, it was refreshing to battle her after a long time.

Abruptly, two "fine" gentlewomen interfered with our fun little game like a bunch of weasels stepping on a toddler's tower made out of Popsicle sticks. Or was I just exaggerating too much? Charlotte and Zeal, it was kind of them to stop by, if their intentions were to join our fight.

"So, cafe was it not?" she asked, staring at me.

"Schedules can change, I guess. Hehe." I scratched my head.

"And you? We talked about this!" Charlotte faced Virgo.

Meanwhile, Zeal just leaned her body on the bark of a tree while licking her Castelia Cone. On the other hand, Logan was confused on what was happening.

"I couldn't hold myself. I tried! They just look too cute together!" Virgo whispered.

"I'm trying to avoid her from getting fired by Madame Boss!" Charlotte whispered back.

"Yeesh, she ain't here. No one will know."

"Her spies are top class, Virgo. Don't tell me you didn't read the handbook too!"

"Of course I did. I memorized every single detail. Well, you know how I love me some romance novels. Sorry about that." she scratched her head too.

"What are the two of them talking about?" asked Logan.

"Don't mind them. They're fooling around like what friends do! It's not like they're angry or something." I replied.

"You know, I'd escape if I were you. Spend time together." suggested Zeal from afar. We looked unto her who was still leaning on the same tree.

"Oh, it's just a suggestion. Not that I'm suspecting anything between the two of you. This is your opportunity to escape Charlotte's wrathful anger Luna. I ain't gonna tell a thing. Trust me." she smirked.

"Wait! I heard that!" Charlotte tilted her head to us. "Humph! Battle me to show you've got what it takes to be the friend of my friend. We Team Rocket are against trainers, and if you are what she truly says you are, that you are different from other trainers out there, then battle me!"

"A battle? I think you're going too far with this one." I said.

"Guess I didn't clarify. A Pokemon battle! One on one. No one can stop the high flying girl! Gliscor! You're up!" she sent out her Pokemon.

"Oh really now? You barely won any battles against Luna." Zeal teased.

Her cheeks flushed with cherry red. "Er... that was before!" she excused. "I've gotten way stronger."

"It's fine. I can accept your challenge. After all, Heatmor needs training since even if it is a weakness against bugs, it couldn't defeat Burgh."

"Wise choice, trainer! Let this battle begin! Gliscor, fly to the sky!"

"The pincers." I murmured. "Target for them."

He smirked at me. "Thanks." as I went by Zeal's tree to ponder this heating match.

"You told him the weakness, Luna? You really are aiming to let Logan win."

"Actually no. I lied."

"Wait what?"

"Pincers are not Gliscor's weak spots, Zeal. It's the stinger. Got bored so yeah, wanted to prolong the battle."

"You're unpredictable." she sighed.

"Heatmor! Slash let's go!"

"Not going to stop me! Dodge the attack then use Sandtomb!"

A whirl of dust coming from the north picked up Heatmor and threw it to the other side of the plaza."

"Heatmor, dig right now!"

Heatmor went underneath.

"Watch carefully! Be alert and attentive, Gliscor!"

Gliscor nodded and stared at the ground.

Heatmor emerged.

"Hit it back to the ground with your pincers!"

Gliscor banged the head, sending the foe downward to the ground.

"Now follow it up with--" an interruption occurred. The tree I was standing behind was suddenly burst down by a powerful hyper beam. We tried to dodge as soon possible, but by doing so, Alice's leg was damaged badly. A piece of shard pierced her knee deeply. The blood was crimson red as it dripped off. She crawled towards us, her face filled with filth as her ears rang loudly.

Zeal and I picked her body up and dragged her farther from the threat, a surprise attack from Team Plasma. Dozen of troops wearing the outfits of knights came by the plaza with one that looked like a priest.

"Unova! This is I, Ryoku, one of the seven sages of Team Plasma! We come before you to speak of undeniable truth. Humans and Pokemon must be liberated from one another for the sake of the freedom of both. Hear me out, peasants, we ought to give Pokemon the life they truly deserve." using a megaphone, Ryoku talked.

I was not paying attention to them however but at the goddesses who also appeared with everyone. Anthea and Concordia. When our eyes met, they gave me a smirk exchanged for my glare.

"You again." I grumbled, but softly.

"Team Rocket is here. Sad they've only sent a mere amount of troops to stop us, right Anthea?"

"Certainly sister."

"Hear our message for the common good! This is a warning--" someone from afar disrupted Ryoku's speech. All those who listened, us and the other civilians all turned their heads on a young lass who had an oliver skin.

"Team Plasma! Enough with this!" shouted the lass.

"It's the dragon trainer." gossiped the troops.

"And who are you, a brave and might girl to go against Ghetsis and the king of Team Plasma?" asked Ryoku.

"Iris is my name, and you have been warned Team Plasma. Leave immediately." she demanded.

"Iris. So the dragon prodigy is here." he pondered the girl.

He continued, speaking loudly to Iris. "Indeed we are a dozen but a prodigy isn't called a prodigy for nothing. Hear our plead, civilians of Unova. If you wish to leave in peace, then do our bidding. This is not the last of us, not the last of Team Plasma. Little Iris, is it not? The student of the famous Drayden. If so, so be it, we will leave, but remember this. You can't reign forever."

"I haven't yet, but soon I will."

"Vamados Plasma! Our message has been delivered!" said the sage.

Once the conflict reached its denouement, the people began to flee as the rest of us were left with shock, especially to that Iris whom even the enemies proclaimed to be a prodigy.

She left, riding a Dragonite so fierce. As for the battle, Logan and Charlotte considered it to be a draw as Alice experiences a blood loss. We're no medical experts and we have to return immediately. Despite this, I noticed Charlotte declared it a draw by force, meaning she is still bitter to Logan who thought the opposite of her.

The daughter of a famous professor nearly killed is a gate to limitless tensions between Team Rocket and Team Plasma. Worse, another organization lurks somewhere. This makes me wonder if Team Plasma was really responsible for the hyper beam.

What if? What if the third organization is trying to make the two of us fight? Rocket against Plasma while they sit at the thrown, watching us destroy ourselves? This ain't the end of the game yet.