LOG 42: The Alphabets (Segment two)

A great tremor over took us. Krookodile and its powerful Earthquake caused such devastation. The world around us collapsed as it was the last time we took a glimpse of the light from our torches. Dunes formed pools, swiveling us beneath it.

"I have a future that I must change for the common good. I will bring justice and order, truths and ideals combined as one." his voice mumbled unto our ears.


Black, everywhere I face, black is all I see. I opened my eyes, seeing myself inside a place I am quite unfamiliar with. I'm alone except for the darkness cloaking me. It appeared that I'm still inside the ruins, but where? Luckily this fall didn't lead me to having any wound nor injury.

I stood, touching the walls. Its texture, it feels like it's made out of limestone but rougher. Stronger too, I suppose. The only thing my ears could hear were the crunching of my footsteps as I walked endlessly down a corridor of vines, darkness, and sand.

When it comes to unknown situations, we are tasked to use our five senses to find away out but there is no way am I eating the sand or licking the walls. My left foot crossed upon what appeared to be a long stick. Feeble it seemed, but in this desperate situation, I have no choice but to use it.

With it on my grasps, I scratched it swiftly unto the wall until fire was forged out of those certain actions. Finally, a little bit of luminosity to downgrade my headache.

The more I walked, the thinner the air became. Perhaps where I'm standing upon is a slope leading me to the belly of Earth. My sense of foreboding grew, but the cause is indeterminable. Apprehension cowered over me, as if something was watching me from behind.

Then I remembered something. "Right! I've got to contact them."

I took out my Rotom-Phone and tried to contact Charlotte, Virgo, and Zeal, but unfortunately, there was no signal. Rocket Radar ain't fixed yet from the terrible situations I came across in Sinnoh.

Time to put the logic to work. I sent out Mismagius and Gardevoir, a psychic and ghost duo will help me find them.

"Mismagius, pass through these walls and check if you can see our friends. Gardevoir, you're job is to teleport and find them as well. You go left, Mismagius will go right. Mawile and Absol, come on out!'

"You'll stick with me and we'll find them by heading north!"

The game is afoot. We each did our roles properly. In this way, I expect to find my friends in no time unless something interferes with our business.

I was supposed to be lunging everywhere but my interest in the scriptures and dialects carved unto the walls left me astounded.

"Came the wind, the land, and the rain, all manipulated under the voice of purity." I murmured, observing the strange illustrations. One looked like an orange muscular humanoid Pokemon that resembles a genie, the other was blue, and the last was green. They all formed a triangle in which in the center was a beautiful and serene Pokemon. Her eyes glowed majestically.

returned my two Pokemon. I was excited to hear what news they have for me.

They jumped enthusiastically and asked me to follow them. I obliged and did what was told, hoping they would really lead to my friends. I ran in maximum velocity, calling out their names, but still no one responded back. I started thinking that maybe my friends are really far that's why they can't hear me, but it turned out, something else piqued Gardevoir and Mismagius's attention that made them decide to lead me there.

I entered a strange looking portion of the ruins. It was a room, tall and bountiful with pillars. It looked like a throne room of a rich and powerful king except that there was no throne. However, there was something odd about its surroundings. Littered around me were stones, well, at first one might think they are gold and silver coins but they seem to be red and lustrous. A ruby maybe? The red was too dark to be one.

Tens and thousand of them are littered inside this room, so maybe picking one wouldn't anger the "gods". These strange stones looking like frozen lava was the very sand of this portion.

I walked gently, climbing up the three steps. In front was a Pokemon, floating still. It was the throne of the room. Behind it was a drawing of the Pokemon itself and beside it were torches that lit up everything.

The Pokemon, It appears to have compound eyes that are two shades of blue, and there is a red horn-like structure on each side of its face. The fuzz on its upper body is smoky white and tangled. Its abdomen is black in the center and light blue with black dots on the outside. It has six leaf-like wings that are orange in color and have small black spots.

According to my Pokedex, [Volcarona. The sun Pokemon. A bug and fire type. Volcarona releases burning scales from its wings to engulf the battlefield in a sea of fire. Volcarona's flames are said to provide a replacement for the sun when the atmosphere is dark with volcanic ash, and some legends claim that it hatched from a cocoon of raging flames to save people and Pokémon in freezing climates. It was feared as the "rage of the sun" by ancient people, and it was even worshiped as a deity of fire in some places. ]

"I see, well, my attention is grabbed. Hmm, "rage of the sun," is it not? Sounds like a Pokemon I could use in my team!"

shrieked the Pokemon, flapping its wings. It danced around spreading green shiny pollen grains around us.

"I see, a Quiver Dance." I smirked, eager to catch the Pokemon. Such move can increase the special attack, special defense, and speed.

"Mawile! Jump into the battefield!"

her face was filled with ardor.

"Alright, Sand Storm!"

Whirls of sand went straight for the Pokemon!

Volcarona flapped its wings, sending the sandstorm back to Mawile.

"Quick! Ice Beam on the ground then kneel!"

Mawile was confused at first, panicking with the heading storm coming across her path. Blindly, she did what was told and used the barrier formed from Ice Beam as a shield.

"That move, it countered Sandstorm with Hurricane. Vice Grip, let's go!"

Her jaws glowed in a black color as she charged towards the foe.

laughed the Pokemon, spewing a geyser of lava at Mawile. It was there when I realized that Mawile is weak against fire types but then again, disadvantage isn't really something I should be following.

Frightened, Mawile halted her attack and closed her eyes, filled with fret. The fire aimed towards her as she waited for my command however, the Pokemon was too fast for me to utter a single word.

Mawile was hit.

When the attack settled, she was seen surrounding with what appears to be a waves with a silvery pigment. The attack was harsh, but she was able to withstand it. I quickly booted up my Pokedex to know the new move.

[Iron Defense. It increases the defense of a Pokemon sharply.]

"Well, this can be used for task two soon. Great job Mawile, return to your Pokeball for now. Alright, Absol, take charge!"

Absol leaped into action.

It taunted. I like its arrogant nature even it's hard to raise and discipline.

Absol stabbed the ground, swords knighted her, increasing her attack.

Tiny spurts of pollen reached her fur, draining Absol's energy.

"T-that was, that was Giga Drain. Grass, fire, flying, and bug, a whole variety of movesets. This is a jackpot. Absol, Dark Pulse let's go!"

A dark sphere succumbed unto the foe. Though I couldn't it her, I could hear it shrieking in pain which means the move was excruciating.

"Go, Pokeball!"

The ball shook once...

The ball shook twice...

Oh no! It escaped!

Volcarona attacked with Flare Blitz, Absol use quick attack to approach it and dodge the upcoming moves. Once she was close enough, she shifted into Shadow Claw and struck its face.

I used this opportunity to throw another ball.

The ball shook once...

The ball shook twice...

The ball shook thrice...

Volcarona escaped!

"It's a toughie, Absol, but we're not giving up yet! Go use Dark Pulse!"

Absol rushed towards it, spreading another sphere around the foe. Volcarona was still inside, being attacked, when I threw another Pokeball in hopes of capturing it for the third time.

The ball shook once...

The ball shook twice...

The ball shook thrice....

Volcarona was caught!

I was pleased the ball stopped moving without Volcarona escaping. I rubbed Absol's fur then proceeded with hugging my newly caught Pokemon.

[Congratulations, Luna! Volcarona is a feminine.] announced the Pokedex.

"A femine eh?" I sent it out of her Pokeball. "Well, my name is Luna Evergreen, and we'll be working things out together henceforth."

She bit my fingers.

"That was painful. It could only mean you're strong." I chuckled.

She looked away.

"Luna!" a distinct voice hit my eardrums. I looked behind, seeing my friends approaching me.

Charlotte grasped me. "There you are, we've been looking everywhere for you!"

"I've been doing the same th--"

"Ah!" shrieked Virgo. "These are lava stones! One of the rarest rocks in this region. It is said that it could only be formed through Volcarona's flames. There's one behind you Luna! W... wait, don't tell me you caught it..."

"Yes I did." I boasted. "She's powerful too." I petted Volcarona but ended up getting bitten again.

"What a feisty Pokemon. It reminds me of my Empoleon." said Dawn.

"Aww, and here I was, hoping to capture one. Say, Luna, mind if I borrow your Volcarona for research? I'll let you play with Munna!" begged Virgo.

"Sure, but first, me and Volcarona has some stuff to work on."

"Say, before that, we'd better get out of the Relic Castle before nightfall." May chimed in.

"Relic castle?" I asked.

"This whole place, it's known as the Relic Castle. We just knew a few minutes ago after reading the old scriptures there. Ah, if it weren't for Hoenn, I'd never be able to speak the language of the alphabets, or in this case, the Unown. Anyway, let's get out of here quick. I'm starving." said Zeal.