LOG 50: Task 2

All the forty who passed, which includes me, gathered at the central office of Madam Boss. She had the grin of the Cheshire Cat, warning us that the next task would be harder than the first one, which in all cases, Team Rocket or other organization, it is.

"Welcome, all forty participants of the Team Rocket assessment. As I've said before, only those who are crowned within the top twenty bracket are allowed to be my new Master Ranked agents. With that being said, let us not waste further more time. My secretaries will explain what to do."

"Alright, Team Rocket, listen up. You're all going to enjoy this one for sure. The task is simple. All you have to do is to gather the largest piece of the Meteonite located somewhere in the Desert Resort. However, for the aim of tweny Master Ranked agents, we will have to divide you into three groups. The first twenty are on bye, which means they've automatically been moved to the next round. The last twenty are divided into two groups. Group A and Group B. The group to win will join the first twenty, adding to a total of thirty participants for assessment number 3." explained Miyamoto.

We received our group id and appeared that I'm Group B, belonging with Zeal while Virgo and Charlotte were placed in Group A. This will be exciting as it has been a long time since I last collaborated with a group with more than five members. What fears me, however, is that Pierce is right with Charlotte, plus Virgo is a professor which means, they've got more chance to outsmart us.

We were transported to the Desert Resort via helicopter and of course, with the help of Xeryll without any authorities knowing since they've got a massive infestation of Venipede to deal with. They won't notice any roads opening up for our helicopters to pass too! Madam Boss's plan is an excellent one, and also quite dangerous.

We've arrived at the desert around 12:45, 15 minutes before our lunch break was over. As we were delivered, Zeal and I ate, and talked of our own backup plan in case things get out of hand. We both wished we were in bye, but only Oliver was part of the lucky few.

"Team Rocket, you've got one hour to search for the Meteonite. Good luck to all of you!" bade Xeryll, opening the sliding doors of the helicopter.

"Z-Z-Zeal, you know this is my first time to sky dive, right?" I asked frightened of how far we were from the ground.

"It's easy peasy, all you've got to do is to pull this string and you'll activate your parachute."

"W-w-ait, I can't hear you."

"I'll follow behind!"

She didn't seem she heard what I said. She pushed me off the helicopter and I screamed endlessly. My hands were stiff and the wind assaulted me. I couldn't clearly understand what Zeal just said. All I know is I have to pull a string.

"Extend your arms, Luna!" said Zeal who was beside me.

I couldn't, again, understand what she said, but I decided to copy her posture. She was like a bird and I imitated her, stretching my arms and following her leg position. I tried to remain calm at all cost, avoiding panic and wishing the sand was a yellow pillow.

I kept a weather eye on Zeal. The moment she pulled her string thingy, I pulled mine too, shooting the parachute out of my back. Then came a decision. Zeal, out of nowhere, was heading to the west, while our other members were heading to the east. I didn't know who to follow and asking her in the middle of this skydive would be useless.

"Well, she probably knows where she's going." I said to myself, turning to her direction. We landed on sand while the rest of them landed on the relic castle. Three seconds in and I can already here people fighting on the relic castle which now I believe is the route I should've taken.

I detached my parachute and walked to Zeal with my limbs all sore from the heat of entrapped in the sand.

"Wh-why are we here? The Relic Castle is over there!"

"C'mon, we've gotta hurry. Look, it's Charlotte's, Virgo's and Pierce's parachute. They must've arrived here before us, damn it."

"What on Earth are you talking about?"

"The Meteonite. I eavesdropped Virgo. She knows the exact coordinates. Remember? Madam Boss assigned she and Zola to cause ruckus throughout Castelia? Probably she forgot Virgo is competing for Master Rank. A while ago, I witnessed Virgo whispering details to Pierce and Charlotte. I was leaning behind their helicopter so I heard it. Got your map with you?"

"Of course."

"Nice, enter the coordinates 15 degrees N, 30 degrees W. Choose the Desert Resort option."

"Yeah, the thing is, I don't know how to do the coordinate thingy on a map."


"It's the twenty first century, Zeal, I use Bulbapedia Maps and GPS. Hehe."

"Why, that's it. Give it to me, I'll lead the way."

"I'm kidding, of course I know how to read a map." I took it back from her.

"Of course you do." she sighed.

Leader and holder of the map, I lead Zeal and I to the exact coordinates under the heat of the sun. All that entered our ears were the noise from our weapons, people paralyzing and hurting each other. I do hope what Zeal heard was right.

The exact coordinates lead us to a wide pit. Beneath was a door, or rather an arc which I'm guessing will lead Zeal and I to the undiscovered parts of the Relic Castle.

"Knew it. Virgo and the rest must've been here already."

"Then we can't waste time. Got your grappling hook with you?"

"Yeah, and I know how to use it. C'mon."

We descended down the pit and entered the arc. It was a straight tunnel with no other passages. It also stinks, smells like some weird radioactive dung of some sort. It was dark, luckily we have our flashlights this time. The tunnel's walls were also coated in orange. If an archeologist would come here, they'd think this thing's a sewer. That's how plain this tunnel is.

"No dialect, no pokemon of any sort."

"Hiding basics 101, Luna. If I were the ancestors, I'd hide the Meteonite on a place everyone will least expect it to be in."

We continued walking down the long tunnel. No presence of any room for the meteonite to be in or any signs of Virgo and her other crew mates until a dart nearly hit my cheeks. It was yellow, the only possible meaning is a paralysis dart. Not even a centimeter away was the distance between me and the dart. It was only a stroke of luck.

We turned our heads behind seeing Charlotte and her dubious and mischievous grin that rarely shows up. Without Pierce--who is the boss around-- and Charlotte? Heh, something tells me I was right.

"You tried to kill me?" I asked.

"It was only level one paralysis." chuckled Virgo.

"I guess this means we're going to fight for the asteroid then." said Zeal, preparing to throw her Pokeball.

"S-s-sorry, but its game over now. The Meteonite is currently on its way to the designated area."


"I knew you were listening Zeal so I told Pierce and Charlotte the wrong information and while at our ride here, I told them the real place. The far west."

"T-t-this is the West!" I said.

"Far west," Zeal repeated.

"Oh, right."

"But the parachutes, there were three of them!" said Zeal.

"Yes I know. I took two extras and used it as a diversion to make you believe that we were here."

Virgo's walkie talkie started talking. "Virgo, Pierce and I got the meteonite. Hurry, let's get out of here."

"Righty right! See you back at headquarters, Luna!" said Virgo as she hurtled towards the exit. Nearly out of the tunnel, an explosion occurred. Rocks crumbled down until the whole exit was sealed off, leaving the three of us trapped inside this hellhole.

"What did you do this time, Virgo?!"

"That wasn't me, Zeal! Do you think I'd bring explosives here?"

"You could use them to trap us but maybe you missed and trapped yourself too."

"Huh, funny how I haven't thought of that. But c'mon, you spectated my escape! I didn't throw any bomb here!"

"Then who could've done it?" I asked.

Virgo's walkie talkie started talking again. "You wouldn't believe what's outside, Virgo."

"Charlotte? What's happening?"

"Nothing much."

"I don't think that's the case. Your panting chest, and is that missiles falling I hear? You're running, where are you?"

"Zeal? H-h-how?"

"I'll explain later, Charlotte, just tell us what's going on."

"I can't explain too. Me and Pierce's gotta get to a safe place immediately."

"What? Wait!"


I sat on a boulder, frowning. "Great, she disconnected."

"She did that on purpose." added Zeal.

[Team Rocket! Here my call, this is Ghetsis of Team Plasma! Surrender to us the Meteonite or face terrible consequences. You are surrounded with our air brigandage. Attacking will be useless.]

"Right. We never really planned about dealing with them, haven't we?" said Zeal.

"I'm afraid, you're right. Why would they give a crap about Venipedes? Anyway, Virgo, got your Munna there?"

"Why, yes."

"Great. I've got a plan."