LOG 52: Battle Bonds (Section 1)

My bones could no longer last any minute. It was dark, night, the wind gushing through my hair, and here I am at the plaza of Castelia City, trying to get Volcarona to obey me for the hundredth time. All that stared at us were a few citizens who were going home late. Probably they'd be wondering why I'm trying in the middle of night. Well, night time's got the breeze I'm so fond of.

Zinnia's words gave an impact on me, and I'm not wasting any opportunity to prove she's wrong. It's common for a newly captured Pokemon to hate their trainer, unless they purposely joined the team like my other friends.

"Oh, c'mon, Volcarona! I'll clean your wings twice a day if you just listen to me."

Volcarona spat at me.

I turned away from her. "Why that was rude."

She imitated my voice.

"Quit teasing me! We've got to train. The third task is only days away, not even a week is left.

Volcarona mocked again, yawning deeply.

"Your Pokedex entry states that you're friendly. By the way thing seem, you're quite different."

Volcarona nodded.

"Hmm..." I opened up the internet, an online book which probably has what I'm looking for.

"About some lava cookies tomorrow?" I asked. No fire Pokemon can resist lava cookies. Well, according to the Bulbapedia at least.

"Sigh, you're one smartass Pokemon, aren't you?" Who am I kidding, of course she knows lava cookies are only from the Hoenn region.

Our argument continued until I heard a few tip toes nearby. At first, I pretended not to notice and thought it was just a citizen passing by but when the sounds wouldn't leave, it was time I paid attention my curiosity.

I sent Volcarona back to her Pokeball and hid behind the honey tree. Small glimpses I made, only to spot Oliver nearby. She was walking in circles, definitely trying to wait for someone to arrive. I continued to stalk him. It's time to know why he's been so suspicious lately.

Moments later, a familiar looking woman came by. "Now where have I seen that face before?"

She seemed to be filled with glee to meet Oliver. "They've probably met more than once. Ah! Right, that's the detective's pet." I snapped my fingers.

I eavesdropped their conversation. The woman, Emma if I'm not mistaken, talked loudly.

"Oliver! Look at this. I decoded their database." she said, showing her laptop with the real names of the OEB members.

Oliver's eyes widened.

"Shocking right?" Emma giggled. "I learned it from you. Anyway, take a look at this. It appears that the members of the OEB are people who have gone missing. I searched their file case, and remember the reports of people who snapped out of existence? No! They weren't! Either they were kidnapped or um... possessed with their leader's strange technology. They use masks, Yamask masks. Detective Looker once told me a legend about it. The mask has the power to possess people."

Oliver nodded.

"Not only this. It appears that their leader is known as the Masked Marauder. Obviously a guy by the title." Emma giggled.

"Yeah, you can consider Jenny that." I laughed softly while eavesdropping.

I leaned forward to know more of their conversation when my foot accidentally cracked a twig. Emma and Oliver were somehow able to hear it. I jerked and moved away, concealing myself behind the tree. Nonetheless, noticing that swift sounds Oliver's skates make, I knew I'm done for.

Oliver hurtled at my back, rolling his eyes at me.

"Hey! Volcarona and I were only training." I excused, trying to stop my cheeks from glowing red as Volcarona was sent out.

she disagreed.

"How dare you drop me!"

"Oh, it's Luna!" Emma followed afterward.

"Fine, maybe I heard a bit, but it's interesting and will be great for Team Rocket."

"T-t-team Rocket? Please don't tell about me and Oliver." begged Emma.

I stared at the two of them closely. "Wait, are you--"

"In your dreams! There's nothing between us and that's not what I was referring to! The database, I mean."

"Oh, of course I'll tell them."

Oliver's heart throbbed.

"Please don't. If they know, it's gonna cause havoc, and you don't want that."

"Sorry, but I'm still telling our leader about this. I don't know how you convinced an Elite Operative to hide secrets or if this is the act of friendship. I'll be keeping your business with each other, but the OEB is also Team Rocket's business."

"Why not we find the OEB first and their leader, then we'll give Team Rocket the privilege to interrogate with them."

"Wait what? No, Team Rocket doesn't want answers from them. We want them gone, eliminated! They're kinda a bother. So, Oliver, this solves your whereabouts every night."

Oliver, with a frown, nodded.

"Your secret's safe with me, but only the business. Deal?"

"Humph! You know, Team Rocket's an evil organization too! You're lucky I didn't tell my officers about this."

"I guess not much of a chief inspector are you? Nah, I'm kidding--" My phone rang. I checked who was calling. It was Virgo.

"Virgo? Awake at this time? Huh, something wrong must've happened."

"Luna? Are you still there in the plaza?" Her voice was breathless and she seemed to be running.

"Yes. Is there anything wrong?"

"Of course there's something wrong! The Meteonite! Another imposter from Team Plasma has taken it and I'm currently on my way to the Madam Boss's control panel in the middle of night!"

"Not much of a defended organization?" Emma teased back.

"Humph, I'll get you back later."

"Huh? Is somewhere there?--"

I blurted. "No! No! It's just Volcarona."

"Oh, but I need you to track down the grunt. I was able to place a tracker on his shirt."

"How did this happen in the first place? Team Rocket's vaults are the strongest. Long story short, I kinda let him in by accident. They're not called imposters for nothing! So, yes, I'm to blame. God, hope Madam Boss won't know about this."

"Okay, what do you want me to do this time?"

Her voice entered a soft tone. "Wait, I've just infiltrated Madam Boss's control panel. The grunt appears to be heading East."

"East? Driftveil city?"


"Does anyone know that the Meteonite was taken?"

"No, only me. I went to get a glass of water and then this random grunt hypnotized me with his Alakazam and sooner or later, I was giving him the access card Madam Boss entrusted me with to the vaults. Please, you've got to help me do this before Madam Boss finds out. Not only is my reputation at stake but my rank."

"Fine." I sighed. "You owe me later."


She then declined the call.

"I'll keep the information confidential if you help me track down Team Plasma. Deal?"

"A co-op? Cool! It's my first time to be in one. The deal's on."

"Why of course I won't keep the information confidential." I said to myself, trying to hold my chuckle.

"And you'll get more chance when you're a real chief inspector."

"You too Oliver, you're coming." said Emma.

"So, Luna? Where's the grunt?" she asked with excitement.

"Driftveil City."


Atop the honey tree... Blending with the leaves... Disguised like a Noctowl.

"Masked Marauder, I've found her."