LOG 54: Battle Bonds (Section 3) [An Unexpected Turn of Events]

Location: "Macro Cosmos" Laboratory

Time: Reaching three in the morning

All lights were shut aside for a particular one inside the dome shaped laboratory. It was a pearl standing on a rock. The light was dim, can barely be seen from the outside.

On the lobby of the laboratory, the place where there was only one dimly lit light bulb above the heads of eight. "The Meteonite's with us," said the grunt who stole it from our organization.

"Good," said a tall man. He had quite the accent. A bit slanted.

From the hands of the grunt whom we originally thought was Team Plasma, the Meteonite was transferred to a metal suitcase. It was kept there sitting on blue foam for the time being until the tall man received a notification.

A woman in black approached her alongside one more man who was about as tall as the first one. "They're coming." grinned the woman.

"I am aware, but let us see what they have against us," chuckled the first.

The third man gave out a command. "Grunts! On your positions!"


Headquarters. To avoid herself from sleeping, Virgo prepared herself a nice cup of latte. So far, she didn't receive any responses from me yet. Perhaps it was because I've forgotten to call her back after all these time.


Like what was stated in our "agreement", I decided to go by Jenny's game. She still didn't trust me though, and even had her pistol loaded in case I plan to get my mischievousness involved.

I asked her, "What happened to Raichu. I haven't seen her for a long time."

"She's none of your business."

"Hmm, you're right. She's your Pokemon anyway. I still think you're sticking with your "dogma". I don't see why you've got to pay all your loyalty to one Pokemon. I mean, come on, the more the merrier, right?"

"Do you talk this much nowadays?"

"Now you know how it feels. Are you still mad at me for the whole Courtney drama?"

She remained silent and continued her hike up the knolls.

"I'll take that as a yes. You know, I'm certain there's a part of you whose having mixed feelings right now. I know you're questioning if I really did kill Courtney. If I were you, I'd return to Hoenn and look for some what do you call it? Evidence? Is that the right word? I mean, we all know the only reason why you think I killed Courtney was because I was there hugging her, wait was I? And right, my personality disorder, which by the way, Zinnia triggered me. I think you should cut off her salary in half for one time."

"They don't have salary."

"Oh right. They're your robots now. Honestly, never cared about Zinnia but she is helpful. She helped me in Sinnoh and defeated Team Galactic. Oh, and what happened to your officer--"

"Quiet. We're finally here," said Jenny, laying low on the grass. I dropped my body and watched the doors of the laboratory with her. There seemed to be not a single guard nearby.

"Funny. Thought Macro Cosmos is some cool organization. Eh, they don't even have any security or night shift guards to protect their laboratory."

"It might be a trap," said Jenny.

"Hmm..." I started to detect something suspicious about Jenny but then decided to neglect my instincts. Those exact words, "It might be a trap," sounds very unfitting to our current situation. In my view, I am nothing to Macro Cosmos since I never even knew them apart from hearing their names once or twice and not minding them fore decades later on. Macro Cosmos also doesn't know I exist, so why would they be making a trap for me?

Plus, didn't Jenny say something about the place being heavily-guarded? She even said her troops were necessary and had a role, that's why I had to be part of this in the first place.

Seconds later, my foreboding started to grow. Luckily, I sent a code to Emma. As an officer, I expect her to know what she meant and for the love of pizzas, I hope she doesn't buy one literally.

"Let's head in while no one's looking," advised Jenny.

"Erm... alright." I said, checking my pockets. So far, so good. My Pokemon are still with me. My heart's racing and words are not enough to describe it. I feel like Jenny's setting me up for something.

We approached the door. She gave it a kick, three times to be exact, and just like that, the glass sliding doors crumbled. It was dark, I got my flashlight out but all of a sudden? It had no batteries! It was working a few days ago! The battery was new!

"Hey," I pushed her shoulder and stepped back. "Why are we really here?"

"To get what I want." she pointed her revolver at me. "Remember, we have an agreement. You will follow me."

I gulped and gave her more of my trust. We entered and it appeared that somewhere in the center of the lobby was a dimly lit light. I was starting to feel quite hesitant. The scattered chairs, the torn tables, it's as if I'm more in an abandoned zombie laboratory rather than a Macro Cosmos one. There's literally no one except for the two of us, and if the leader somehow knows me, which I think they don't, then this will lead to quite uncertain results.

It was silent for a few seconds. I continued observing the place, acting that I still have trust on Jenny which I don't. I also watched her expression if it planned to change. So far, her portrayal of a brave woman whose about to kick some guts is believable to another one's sight.

A loud ring from my telephone startled the two of us. We were alerted. Though it rang, no one else rushed towards the two of us, meaning there was no else except for Jenny and I.

"Virgo? What the hell, you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"I'm sorry, you said you were going to call. Where are you?"

"In the laboratory."

"Good. Find the grunt."

"This place looks abandoned, Virgo. Are you sure we're in the right place?"

"That's what it says on my computer," said Virgo.


I heard the sounds of a helicopter flying above us. "Wait. Someone's here, Virgo."

"Alright, be careful."

"Wait a minute, that's not how you talk--"

Something unexpected came by...