LOG 61: Products from the Unidentified!

My master rank will have to wait. It seems that the only way to claim it aside from the tasks is by trying to impress Madam Boss. With, Zekrom, whom by this point, I'm still not that serious about, I'll hopefully achieve that sweet rank. For now, it's time to rest and accept the suspension. Unlike class, Madam Boss doesn't have any record to give me a zero grade, but it was by fortune, that I wasn't demoted. If not, an Elite Operative is fine, I guess. I mean, there's the word elite in it, so that's somethin' at least.

For now, Madam Boss is off to the Sinnoh region to check how things are going. I suppose er… What were their names again? Pretty sure one of them is Copper, the other, I must concede, I forgot by accident, and ah! The twins. Those gullible twins. I wonder what they're up to now?

After my little cafeteria break, I went to where Professor Sophie told me to go. It had something to do with assessments, which I'm not fond of, depending in its type. She, however, hinted about some action involved, so I can't wait to see what the two are up to.

I went to Professor Sophie's laboratory which was just a few halls away from the cafeteria. In this large underground headquarters of Team Rocket, it feels like living in a city underneath masses of soil. This would explain how Team Rocket managed to flourish in this region.

"Professor, Agent Miyamoto, what are you guys up to?" I asked, mesmerized at the gadget in front of me upon entering the laboratory. There were these robot arms passing boxes and these machines thingies, how do I explain them? It's like the ones in a convenient store where you press some buttons to make drinks fall to a cup. This one, however, spewed white liquid into one of those test tubes. I'm not tech smart.

"Ah, Luna! Professor Sophie said you were going to arrive. Have you used the technical machine I gave you?"

"Oh that… Er… Not yet, hehe. Saving the best for last."

"I see. Cool isn't it? We were able to acquire these serums. It appears that it has some sort of ability to wipe out information from a human's brain."

I gulped. "Come again?"

"In short, they're brainwashing serums."

"This must be what Jenny was talking about." I whispered to myself. "What's Team Rocket gonna do with those?"

I asked them, "Are you mass producing these serums without even testing what it does, or… or at least finding some cure first before doing this? Human trials? Phases?" By now, I was starting to panic. They didn't witness anything I saw in Hoenn. I don't think Matori isn't even aware of this! If she were, she's going to wreck this place into pieces. "This is why pandemics start in the first place! Or failed vaccines killing people."

"I'm a professor, Luna. I know my work. This here is safe. We alternated its components."

"Alter-what now?"

"It's components! This serums! Not only will it brainwash people it—"

"==Turn people into brain eating corpses?"

"No. Fantasy is different from Science."

"Pretty sure zombie viruses start in laboratories which is owned by an organization." I gasped. "Team Rocket's an organization, and this is a laboratory!"

"We're not trying to make zombies, Luna! These serums were altered to boost the brainwashing effectivity. Meaning, it's permanent. If before, Professor Olive was able to return the state of Charlotte and Matori, well, Matori's case was different, this time, it can't!"

"Did Madam Boss approve of this? Professor, Secretary Miyamoto, I've seen what those do in Hoenn, and they're not toys for Team Rocket. I don't see how this will benefit. I mean, those were previously owned by an unknown organization who calls themselves Macro Cosmos."

"We were granted permission already, Luna," said Professor Sophie. "Of course, safety standards will not be jeopardized, which means, this is safe for us members."

"Well, yes, but that's basically a lure for someone I know," I murmured.

"Now! For the assessment." Miyamoto pulled down a lever.

From the ground emerged a platform. Standing on it was a cage with a Drilbur inside of it.

"No way, you're trying to wipe out Pokemon memory?" asked I.

"Aside from benefits for us against enemies, I believe the serum has also good causes. Team Rocket could manipulate the move gauge of a Pokemon by resetting it. Once the reset is complete, we can apply a microchip. The microchip will push the Pokemon's strength to its limits."

Miyamoto showed me the microchip.

"Are these Team Rocket technologies?"

"No. They were offered us by a professor. His name is Colress, and I'd say, he's kind to give us a free sample."

"Colress? Doesn't sound familiar to me."

Once preparations were complete, Professor Sophie injected the serum to Drilbur. We then waited for a few minutes for the drug to settle in. I have a bad feeling about this, especially about this Colress guy. It just doesn��t feel right to me. Drilbur so far is looking good. Miyamoto proceeded with placing the microchip and that's when things get out of hand. Its eyes glowed red. We thought it was normal at first, but now, Drilbur has become a mindless dummy. It broke the cage with one swipe of its hands. Nothing in its Pokedex says that it could break titanium, especially when it only knows the move swipe!

Drilbur's gone crazy. It started wrecking the whole place.

"What the? This isn't suppose to happen," said the professor.

"Well, whoever this Colress is, he tricked you. The Pokemon's power is beyond its limits that it couldn't stand to control it!" alerted Miyamoto, checking details on her Ipad.

I sent out Mawile to stop Drilbur, but fainted in one hit. The serum is not the problem, it's the microchip.

"Absol, out! Destroy the chip!"

Absol glided as though she was thin air. She's fast and was able to break the microchip. Drilbur returned to normal and fainted.

"That didn't go as expected," said Miyamoto.

"H-hey, cancel the order. This assessment's done," exhaled Professor Sophie. "This wasn't what I was expecting when he meant bringing out the potential of a Pokemon. We should listen to Luna, these serums are rigged. I'm telling Madam Boss that we cancelled production."

"Zekrom's good enough."

"About that, there's no final plan if we're going to use it or not, so do not go bring that stone somewhere else. Understood?"

"What happens if I do?"

"History will repeat itself."