LOG 66: Fog

Dragonspiral Tower was located somewhere above Iccirus city. Surrounded with a body of water, a bridge connected two landmasses, the island in which the tower stood, and a route leading up to the urbans. Team Plasma had not expected us, or were we not expecting us that they expected us?

"Madam Boss, no ground, air, and water defenses of any kind. Are you sure we're in the right place?" asked Miyamoto.

"That's what it says on the radar," she responded.

From Xeryll's helicopter, all there was to see was fog. I could say that we're a bit close to soil due to the rusting wind flying through the pine trees and the gentle current of the water. In an obscure location like this, foreboding grew thick.

"Launch one," commanded Madam Boss.

"Right away, Madam!" responded one of the agents, firing a loaded projectile to the water. A warning shot, as one might say.

Water rose, swallowing the bridge. The speed of the current hastened and water reached the woodlands. We were still for seconds. No one appeared to be alerted. Was Team Plasma finished with their affairs? Were we too late perhaps?

"Send a squadron."

A chopper descended and landed on the pinnacle of the tower. Five of our elite troops stepped out alongside the commander in charge. She was first to set foot. For her, it must've felt like stepping into new shores.

"Avance!" said the commander, in English, advance.

Troops marched forth and scoured the area. They knew they were close to each other, but the fog left them oblivious of their surroundings, making them think they were far apart. The men were extremely frightened Team Plasma would've launched a threat at any angle to the point the crunches their own foot emitted seemed as a threat to them.

"Le Commandant! (Commander), Aucune cible identifiée! (No identified target)"

The commander connected herself back to the mothership through her walkie talkie.

"Rien (nothing), madam!"

"Impossible. There must be some guile going on here," said Madam Boss.

"Impossible. Il doit y avoir quelque chose qui se passe," translated one of the grunts.

The tower shook violently. The center of the tower had a statute of the two heroes. They crumbled as did the manhole like structure beneath them.

"Inspectez-le! (Inspect it)" said the commander.

The troops went to hole. The tower was tall indeed, but it extended beyond the bowels of earth. They reported back, saying the troops saw glowing pieces of gems that spurted to form strange-looking stairs. The glow could be distinguished with two colors, black and white. Every second, the colors would shift.

"Shall we go down there, Madam? That must be where they're at," asked Domino.

"What if it was them who opened the er… alternative door for us, eh? This might be one of their plans," countered Miyamoto.

"We're not in a rush. Let's take it one step at a time, shall we?" said she, as she presented a sharp smirk.

The commander and her troops were instructed to climb down. They were reluctant but at the end, they had no choice but to do the bidding. We waited for thirty minutes but no one returned. It appeared that someone has taken the bait in exchange for their whereabouts. Team Plasma expected us. That could be evident to the first squadron probably being held captive.

"She's not answering. I think there's no signal down there," reported Miyamoto who tried calling the commander repeatedly.

"Team Plasma must've captured them," hypothesized Domino.

"Hmm, fire another directly to the hole."

A projectile was launched again. The bang rattled at about eighty seconds after the launch. This could signify the depth to deal with. What if our first squadron haven't arrived at the bottom yet?

"This will take us forever if we're going to send some down there," said Miyamoto.

"Use ropes. Like the ones in a well. They'll slide down."

"What if it's too short?" asked Domino.

"Then they walk from there. At least we cut have the duration."

"Righty-right! It's a go then! Shall we send the best?"

"Like they say, Miyamoto, save the best for last. Send Xeryll's and Amanda's squadron."

"Wait, aren't Pierce and Luna one of our strongest?"

"One of our, not the strongest. Besides, she lost my toy (Meteonite), and now she's gonna get it back for me."

Miyamoto gulped. "I- I'll alert them."

"What's the matter, too attached?" Domino waggled her eyebrows. "Like you said, they're one of the strongest."

"Humph! I wasn't sympathizing her, okay maybe a bit, but still!"