LOG 74: Undella

We've arrived at Undella Town for more research. Above the skies, invisible by the clouds that reflected upon our air crafts, Madam Boss ordered me and my friends as a dispatch group acquire all the data we needed. I told... Forced, rather, Alice that she stayed on another helicopter while we did all the work instead. She might find something and see what is not meant to be seen. The town is a beach located at the east of Unova.

Outside of summer, this town has very few people and almost looks deserted; the villas are all empty. However, during summer, the villas in the town are all occupied by vacationers. One of the vacationers states that he came there from the far away region of Hoenn. Undella Town's sea is the people's favorite during this hot season.

The classic, far from the town, technique, afterward, it's mission time!

The address was stated on the paper given to us by Xeryll, the Riches' Villa. It was located on top of a knoll, a few meters East. The huge and modern look of the villa was extremely uncomfortable to look at. Being passive and docile would probably do the trick for step one, getting inside the house. Me, Zeal, Virgo will the do the good old interview trick, while Charlotte becomes the surprise.

A butler opened the door from us upon knocking.

Zeal led the introduction. "Ah, excuse me, we're looking for Mrs. Scorpio Riches? Is she there?"

"For what, if I may?" quested the butler whose back was never askew.

"We're er... Students! From, The University of Unovan Mythology!" said Virgo.

"Never heard of that school before."

"Um... Yes, because it's very far from the town but we heard about Mrs. Schubert's reputation here so we payed a fee of three hundred pokedollars just to get here." I said.

"Oh my, that school must be very far. What do you need from her?"

We looked at our paper. "We're conducting research about Zekrom, and we would like to know about," I lowered my voice and passed the paper to Virgo. "How on earth do you pronounce this?"

"Ah, the er... Kort af hugsjónum."

"I see, please come inside."

We squealed in excitement.

Their house was baroque, fancy in all spots. A lot of ornaments per table, shelf, adorning photographs of the family. The butler led us to the dining room, where there, we waited for half an hour.

The old lady soon came, graced by sundry jewelries. She was extremely glamorous. This quite raised our suspicion.

"Good day, lasses! I see, one of these interviews again?"


"From what school this time?"

"The University of Unovan Mythology," I said.

"No wonder why you're interested with the Map of Ideals."

In my mind, "Oh there's an English term for that?"

She stood again, and walked out of the living room. We had to wait for another hour and a half, and by now, I'm certain Charlotte's burning outside already.

She returned with a treasure chest and placed it in front of the table. With a key, she began opening. Inside the chest was a small curled paper. She took it out and unfurled it, gliding it across the table until it reached ourside. It was the whole glossy map of Unova with a certain red mark somewhere on this town.

"This is great news," I said to myself.

She quickly took the map back. "That's enough looky, looky, I'm sure an interview has more questions rather than staring?"

She was protective of it.

"Yeah, the questions. Does that lead to Zekrom? That shiny map?"


"It leads to the stone."

"And how long has the map been with you?"

"About forty years."

"Forty... Years?" Charlotte was picking up something. She could hear our conversation through our attached ear piece. "She had one job and still failed it." She switched stations.

"And, that other chest, what's in it?" I asked pointing at the scruffy bookshelf.

"Nothing. Just some jewelries. Are we done yet?"

I "accidentally" dropped my Gardeviorite. It rolled to her side as she picked it up.

"Is this yours? How wonderful, are you from Kalos?"

"No. A friend gave it to me, her name is Alice. She, unfortunately," I was starting to bite my lips. Virgo and Zeal obviously thought I was crazy, but was soon realizing what I was trying to do. "She was kidnapped."

"By who?" wondered the lady.

"Weird people who looked like motorcycle gangsters."

Her eyes widened.

"So, Professor Sophie, Sophie Riches. Eliminate c and r you have Scopio, the Georgian term for Sophie. Not only that, only a mother familiar with a daughter would've cared of what I said. You wouldn't be concerned that much, now wouldn't you? Forty years, it had been with you, no, I believe, you were expecting us, and so you made a fake map. It's glossy, no signs of deterioration. As always, you acted as if it were truly the map by being protective of it, but I know you know Team Rocket, and we get what we want."

"Liars! Alice is still alive!" She pulled away her wig and wiped off her makeup.

Gliscor broke through the open window, aiming to steal the other chest on top of the bookshelves.

"Sawk!" The butler sent out his Pokemon. "Get it quick, Sophie! Ghetsis will be arriving soon!"

"Oh no you don't! Ursaring, Arm Thrust on the ground!"

Virgo's Ursaring did the bidding. The ground shook and caused an earthquake that sent all of us away from the bookshelf. In the air, earthquakes could not be felt, so, assuming, Charlotte's Gliscor doesn't make a blunder, it'll be able to grab it with ease.

"Alice isn't going to like this. You abandoned her!" Zeal said, sending out her Roserade.

"I was going to return, but she now knew too much."

"This makes me wonder, who's the father from Rocket or Plasma? Or was she an acc-- er... You know what, never mind, Mawile use Iron Defense!"

Mawile beamed with determination, then remembered,

"Huh? How did you forget how to use..."

I scanned the Pokedex. "Holy hell, who taught you Play Rough?"

Mawile tee-heed.