LOG 94: The Revolution

The battle between the grunts continued.

"Shauntal, go! Let us serve as a distraction. Take the route to your left. It will lead you and them outside!"

"Understood! Thank you," Shauntal saluted. "This way, everybody! Left, right, left! Left, right, left!"

"Zekrom, Thunder!"

"Reshiram, Flare Blitz!"

The dragons gyrated around each other combining their attacks into one. The blue and red flare that merged was now but gray, aiming for the three who sought to defeat them.

It hit - smoke was the outcome. Before heading further to our stratagem, I went to Logan. He and Dawn were fighting Ghetsis's alongside the awakened and enlightened.

"Logan. Your number?"

"What for?"

"So we can communicate. I can't keep diving here and tell you what do, can't I?"

"Got it."

I dropped my phone to him. Once he inserted the number, he launched it back to me. I was able to catch my phone and call him.

"There, it's working! Don't decline it."

"I won't. Do we still have plenty more time? There's still more people at the North."

"Five minutes. I can't give any allowance. It's a ticking time bomb!"

"A bomb?" Clay said.


"This was your clever plan, a bomb?" Skyla asked who was inches atop my head in her Swanna.

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Logan, I'll go get the north. You and your blue dyed friend go out. The rest are waiting for you."

Despite Logan's disagreement because of his long to help, Skyla, in the end, won the debate, and he and Dawn had no option but to exit as well.

"Where did you put this bomb?"

"Oh, I didn't implant it. It's a MOAB."

Skyla gulped. "Who do you work for, exactly?"

"The Pokemon International Police. I'm a secret espionage who tracks evil organization and blows up their base. You can confirm it to Detective Looker after the siege."

"Uh... Huh..."

Pretty certain Skyla would also forget to ask the detective. The events of today would be her main focus for quite a while.

Logan was ceaselessly looking back. "Do you think will be alright?"

"Your concern for her than yourself is a bit concerning to me."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Of course, she'll be fine. She's an Elite Operative. They're meant to do that."

"Pretty sure she said something about a rank higher than that."

"Elesa!" yelled Skyla from the sky. "You reached here before me,"

"Mon amie, I can handle the people here. After this, you promise to go shopping with me?"

"Of course. That's a strict schedule on our list."

The two spent time chuckling for a while.

"Check for trapped people within the place, let me deal with them,"

"If that is your proposal, Skyla, be my guest."

"Hurry. Five minutes is what we have left."

"Tsk... Tsk... Had my Zebstrika failed you once?"

It showed its dazzling spirit.