LOG 102: The Unova Case!

The helicopter's subdued black paint was enveloped in a cloud of sandy dust. The blades that beat the air had much the same effect as a small tornado on the loose ground cover. As it came lower officials covered their ears, held their breath and closed their eyes until they heard the slowing of the blades.

Professor Juniper, Skyla, and Detective Looker exchanged pleasantries.

Their conversation came to me. "Detective, do you have any espionage?"

"No, Skyla. Why?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. The Pokemon International Police doesn't hold any espionage."

"Then who is, Miss Solar?"

"Miss, Solar?"

"Her name's unfamiliar to me."

"Then she lied?"

"What did she do?"

"She said you sent her to bomb the arena with a TC MOAB."

"What?" the detective jerked. "We do not have any projectiles aside from our helicopters. That's the job of the army, not us! This, this, Solar's either pretending to be one, or maybe I know her and but her codename's different."

"She said you called for the bomb."

"I gave absolutely no orders at all! This is absurdity."

"Then who is Miss Solar?" Juniper chimed in.

"Her hair, if I may ask?"

"Blue, detective."

"Damn it! That's no espionage! That's Luna Evergreen! She's been in our watchlist for decades now! Team Rocket must've sent the orders. Their rivalry here in this region is maximal!"

"If she was Luna, why'd she save everyone?"

"She did the same to Hoenn, Johto. Basically, Team Rocket's her majesty and she'd do any command without refusal. That's the information we have from her so far."

The three of them passed through the skinny path. There were archaeologists everywhere digging holes to detect N's castle as said by many witnesses. It was like an ancient discovery was made and that they were looking for more treasure. Professor Juniper who was excellent in the field, assisted in the investigation.

"It's been chaotic here," Skyla, one of the fighters reported.

"I can see what you mean by that. Damage of historical site? That's another thing she's got to pay for. I'll send my assistant to track down Luna Evergreen. I'll make sure she doesn't get away."

"Detective. I've also discovered a few of these tablets. You might want to look at them. Team Rocket might be after those two next."

"Meloetta and what's this other one?"

"We're uncertain," replied Professor Juniper. "The pokedex says that Pokemon could be found in the Kalos Region but there were recent sightings of the Pokemon in our neighboring archipelago."

"Decolore Islands?"


"I see. The other one?"

"Yes. That."

"We'll make sure Luna Evergreen's schemes are stopped. My assistant had encounter a few times. Being the leader of a local gang before, she's matched for that devil."