LOG 104: Domino and Hacking!

Dawn sent shimmering rays over the placid ocean, bestowing a golden path from the shore to the horizon. Tea in hand, my fingers trace the steam swirling above the warm liquid. The scent of orange spice tickles my nose as I sip in solace and wait. Suddenly, the mighty sun breaches the horizon and the sky explodes with beautiful colors. In that moment, the firmament is more vibrant than any fresh mango or tangerine could ever be. A mere glimpse of heaven that quickly fades into the blue. A gift for the wayward children still exploring the universe in those early hours. Sunlight fills the air, gently kissing the faces of all good things that are wild and free. The peace felt in those fleeting seconds becomes eternal as I draw the deepest breath and lose myself in the morning view.

"Hurry, Luna. We have to return to hq quickly," disrupted Charlotte.

"Let me have my tea in peace, please?"

"You sip them so slow!"

"I savor it."

Charlotte attached her head to the wooden table. The two of us ate breakfast in a cafe in the Castelia suburbs. It bothered me to think that I'm fond of waking up earlier. I turned twenty and suddenly I'm in love with dawn, the sun, seeing orange and carmine blissfully gliding across the sky.

My interest for orange juice had gotten far worse. I must admit, it is addiction. But good addiction! So why not drown in it? It's goody for the tummy. When it comes to my interest, I was no longer fond of painting and coloring. Rather, I'd stick to the classic ink pen and draw on a hard sketchpad. I've bought one for myself because it piqued my interest. Drawing on it for the first time was so satisfying and I couldn't understand why.

Charlotte kept forcing me to drink my tea faster. I didn't follow her until she reminded me about Madam Boss's gift. I couldn't be more excited than ever. In one slurp, my throat was overflowing with brown liquid. It was like a waterfall crashing in haste.

Me and Charlotte went to her office but I couldn't find her except for Domino. She was arranging the stacks of paper Madam Boss. She has a habit of writing letters. That might explain why her desk would so often by cluttered with papers.

"She's waiting for you in the Team Rocket indoor balcony."

"You don't look like your normal self, Domino."

"It's nothing."

"Must be Miyamoto, huh?" Charlotte guessed.

"Not that. It's quite strange that Alice is missing. I was so fond of that girl. Now that her whereabouts are worrying everyone, I too, am feeling anxious."

"She'll return when she can't find her mother," I said.

"How sure are you? What if she does find her mother? What if she becomes the next to take revenge? If there's something I'm always frightened of, that'd be fighting someone I once called fellow. Oh well, what'd you expect in a Metropolitan City? Here in our region, technology is way advance! A whole city known as Black City is a mind-blowing futuristic metropolis! Imposters are everywhere. I don't know if I'm even talking to right Luna or Charlotte. I enjoy my job as a secretary, but now I'm in charge of listening to what's in your suit. Ever since that fraud and scandal happened, many members whom Madam Boss trusts personally were given special roles to listen to conversations."

"It concerns me to figure someone listens to my conversation with people." said I as Charlotte agreed.

"Here. You both can have it."

Domino gave us a microchip.

"It's a prototype but I tested it. It works."

"What's this?"

She didn't speak. Instead, she inserted the microchips inside our hidden speakers. Mine was hidden on my upper hind. Charlotte's on her nape.

"Those are microchips that'll disconnect you from the servers. No one can listen to your conversation but they think they are. I have one too. It's not that I hate Team Rocket or what, just this system. I made these and there are only two. Especially you, Luna. You need it for your upcoming lone mission. Tell no one about it. Please?"

"Thanks a lot," the two of us said.

"Are you by chance a--"

"Neuro agent?"



"Holy! I am too. Can you teach me? Make me your apprentice! Please." Charlotte begged.

"Apprentice? Like mentor stuff?"

"Yes! Please! Please! I won't be naughty promise."

"If you say so. I guess I could teach you some of my tricks. Why, may I ask?"

"I wanna make technology like you!"

"Hehe, sure."

"Luna, you know where the auditorium is right? You go ahead!"

"Suit yourself, Charlotte."

"Wait. We begin now?"

"Please, Mrs. Domino. I'll just get my notebook and pen."

Charlotte dashed before me even if I was the one heading out first.