LOG 109: Talkie Talkie

Dawn made her bed in the hotel room. Her eyes were fresh, her face was filth. It was still the first seventh of the day, and she, who just woke up, nearly gave in to sleep. She mustn't. There was a ship awaiting her. It was the very same one, S.S. Stravinsky.

"This sleepy feeling must be how Earth feels when the summer has passed, when she needs all those months to regenerate and come back in the spring."

Her phone rang by sudden, flowing her energy and pulling away the urge to sleep. She was excited at first, expecting it was Logan who'd call but was however met with her mother's profile and phone number.

It was as though she was in a game of Chess. Bubble clouds moved and floated above her head as she thought deeply of what moves to play. He mother called thrice and Dawn hadn't responded. She was stung in the abdomen by violet needles.

She circled the room thrice to try to calm herself. When she could no longer handle it, she gave in and answered her mother's call.

A scold nearly made her deaf.

"Yes, mother. I'm aware of that, sorry," said the guilty Dawn.

"I've told you countless of times already!"

"Yes, mom." She rolled her pupils.

Her mother's anger was quickly washed away as enthusiasm took charge. "Now, how's my dear? Did you compete in the Nimbasa competitions?"


"I didn't see you in television though. Maybe I was too late. So, who won?"

"Elesa. As expected."

"Don't be down! You'll be a great star soon enough. Are you heading back to Sinnoh? Your time there's done, right?"

"Not yet, mother. I wish to participate in the competitions held in the Arid archipelago."

"Arid archipelago? Now that's some place I haven't heard about. Where's that?"

"South of Unova."

"K, k! Don't forg--"

"I'm aware, mother. I'm twenty-one. You don't have to remind me to bring my undies."

"Just making sure. Love you, sweetie, bye!"


Dawn continued her business. She went to the restroom immediately to wash the dirt off her face. She then fed she and her Pokemon. It was unusual of Dawn to hide secrets from her mother. When she does, it'd be because of a serious and weighty situation.

Before sending all her Pokemon back to their Pokeballs, Dawn hugged them one by one.

"For, mommy!" said she, her eyes blazing with passion and desire. Her Pokemon let out their cries with no distinctive sound. They were determined to right what was wrong in her family's history.